Meanwhile, two days ago...
Sister Lea looked at Brother Smith as she arranged the runes. Well, not brother. Husband. His whole cult thing was getting on her nerves, but it seemed to actually work. She just had one concern.
"Honey, what happens if the demons try to kill us? How can we control them?"
Husband Smith looked at Lea with the sort of smile that got her into this marriage. "Well, honey, it's very easy," he said in that seductive Quebec accent. "We simply bind them into giving all their combined power into the host. That way, they can't do anything and we're perfectly safe."
"Oh, James, this is why I love you! Always thinking things through!"
"Brother Smith, not James."
"Right... Sorry." Lea smiled.
Meanwhile, in the future...
You stand as one of the demons threatens you with horrible crotch rash. Nothing happens.
You shrug and wait for further orders. You like the idea of pretending to be a snake enthusiast, and good old socializing would do the trick just fine. Hell, if you play your cards right, you'd be able to get at the eggs directly. And even if that failed, you are able to knock them out. You head into the zoo and look around for a zoo keeper, occasionally glancing at the animals backing away into their cages in fear of you. Soon, you find a teenager taking a lunch break at an unoccupied bench. You walk up to her and smile.
"Well, er, hello there. I was just wondering where you keep the snake eggs. I'm a bit of a snake hobbyist, and I heard there are some particularly interesting species around here."
Aha, interesting. Non-specific and yet specific at the same time. Everything is interesting to someone.
She looks up and nods. "Yeah, they're kept in the reptile house. There's actually a whole exhibit on them if you wanna check that out."
"Why thank you, you are a very helpful young lady!" you smile and nod, then head for the reptile house. Heading past the lazy looking snakes, you spot the collection of eggs in an exhibit. There is absolutely no zookeepers or guards around, but the glass is extremely tough. Makes sense, it's the same glass on all the windows to the snake exhibits. You look around for a staff door to the eggs. You find an unlocked one and head inside. After going through the back corridors, not meeting anyone, you head into the door marked "EGGS".
Yes. You're here.
The eggs are all organized into seperate species. There's only one seperate egg (Crocodile), the rest are snakes. You try to estimate how much you could take, and come up with about 7. You take 6 snake eggs and a crocodile egg, then rapidly shuffle out. Meeting no-one, you head into your car and drive off.
That worked out splendidly.