Done, changed the first post to reflect recent changes in people assigned.
Melbil 'Malimbar' Linedwire
Early Summer 127
In the last couple days I have been bombarded with people asking to see me. Apparently they saw the immediate increase in stature of MsWillsauce and wanted similar treatment. we now have Thob, Dishmab, and Morul all asking for inclusion into what they call the favorite-child state. Sure. I named them "Flamestrider", "MrWillsauce", and "Uthric", respectively, and given them jobs which I found reasonable for them to take. About time some of them decided to step up to actual work.
as for what's new - we've started construction on the wall outside now, and hopefully by the end of the year we'll have a way to seal off our fort in a time of trouble. Also, we had a marriage between a couple of the people who didn't come to me. I'm told their names are Zefon Kodoronul and Morul Zonmuban. I've heard complaints over the lack of a dining room because of this... and a lack of chairs... and a lack of tables - I guess we'll work on that at some point this year as well. Speakinf of which, I also just learned of another person that is married (though I don't know for how long): Morul, otherwise known as "Uthric", is marrid to Zefon. How interesting. These people are getting more fun and worthwhile every day!
Oh... what else is new. No idea. I'm digging more workshop areas - I've passed on all masonry duties, and I've taken up a bit more in my passion of storytelling - jewelry (I love the green glass), and I'm currently learning the clothesmaking trade, now that I might have the time. Heh.
Ber 'Amariithynar' Mightshot
Fort is going pretty good. I love my bedroom for sure, now that it's all smoothed out. It's very nice really. They're also building the wall outside, and I hear the elves are coming soon - they might have some longland beer. I look forward to working out a good deal with them - we have some more goods to trade this time around than last time I played broker.
Oh, and Vucar is enjoying the new weather.
Lokum 'MrsWillsauce Cagesmith
Well, I'm done with the whole weaving labor. Other people liked those bags I made, and I really liked the pigtail fabric that I made them with. But Malimbar says I need to go back to the weaponsmithing job I asked for. I didn't realize I asked for that. Though it would be nice to make something out of Adamantine I guess a weapon sounds good enough. Now I gotta work with steel though - and we only got one bar. hm.
Dishmab 'MrWillsauce' Emeraldmachines
I told them what was possible, and by Ottem Safetybulwark, they proved me right. We simply talk to the leader, and he started treating people better. Well, not EVERYONE, but everyone that talked to him. he's not a buy guy really - very friendly. I think he actually likes people - just waits for them to talk to him. He also has a habit of telling stories - I like that. I tell stories too sometimes. MrsWillsauce tells me not to all the time. Oh well.
Anyways, i asked to be a glassmaker, and he said "yes sir, you're our glassmaker now". Sweet!
Thob 'Flamestrider' Plannedcudgels
Yup, I got exactly the job I said I wanted - a builder. I was given full responsibility actually over the construction of the walls outside, which I believe Amariithynar first thought of. She's the head architect. We also have Uthric saying that he wants to help with teh wall - something about building his be hives or some such. Doesn't matter he's helping.
Morul 'Uthric' Helmpractice
I'm married! to Zefon Dawnmirror. She's pretty darn amazing! I had to comb my short sideburns and my mustache just for the occasion. We didn't have a decent place to have a ceremony, but oh well. Then, to top off my week, I talked to the leader and now he's letting me start my own bee farm! The catch is that I need to help build "what's necessary" - IE the hive, the walls of the fort, and so forth. I can do that.