Ideas, sprites, animations, music, anything.
At this point, we would need music, be it in MIDI or MP3.
We need a good story.
We do need some more sprites.
Which would you prefer?
... I don't know how to make the music, though I suppose I could try given some time, I have practically no experience spriting... I think I'll go with story and/or light scripting cleanup stuff.
EDIT: Is there any general plot/story info I should know?
Most of it is in the OP, or through the thread. For the most part, we're just going to make it pretty generic and have people poke fun at it throughout the game. There's a bunch of kingdoms, all under siege by the Troll Army. Among these:
There's the Darkling kingdom. Darkling Wolf is its king. It proclaims love for all.
There's our hero's kingdom. We don't have a name or idea yet.
There's the Friendship Kingdom. Filled with Bronies and ponies and pegasisters. They are locked in eternal conflict with the penguins. During your quest you will have to side with one or the other. Each will give rewards, but by helping one, you offend another. The Bronies preach love and tolerance... as long as you're one of them.
There's the Twelfth Bay Penguin Army Collective. They are locked in eternal conflict with the Friendship Kingdom. They are very mafia-life in their behaviour. They will reward you if you help them defeat the Friendship kingdom... but beware them if you side with the Bronies.
There's a map from some pages back too. I've probably missed some things.
Dermonster is going to be a boss, but is defeated and joins the party a la Magus. At some point, probably the low point where 'everyone lacks power', midgame, he will have to point out that he would be able to effortlessly defeat Big Bad by now if it weren't for the hero's Nice Job Breaking It.
Xeron also wishes to be a boss who joins, but hasn't an 8D or skills yet.
All my love. All my love to everyone who is making the music.
Soundcloud, yeah.