The Post-Apocalyptic era Florida, since an uprising commenced circa 2012, and a revolutionary war (The Second American Revolution) lasting for several years (as Revelations had predicted (region-independent)) has sufficiently shattered the land into a shadow of it's former self. Crocs are a more dominant animal within the depths of the swamplands due to a mass-depopulation via drone strikes and biological warfare, with initial targeting through eugenic means, and then insurgents who wouldn't cooperate (small towns were amongst the first places to disappear, since most insurgents would be assumed to live in them, rather than bigger cities like Orlando. Any military troop who questioned authority AT ALL was ordered to be killed on-site, no due process), and Disney World is now a haven for wanderers into the region. Oddly enough, all the attractions are still surprisingly in good condition, and despite being a new town center for Orlando, it still is functional as the theme park(s) they were originally designated as being, despite all the damage done to the place.
NASA is still intact, but is no longer under government control; employees that survived the initial massacre are re-employed and offering apprenticeships to keep scientific progress ongoing in all kinds of fields, serving as a science super-center for the East Coast. Since the revolution, funding has reached unprecedented levels from spoils of war. Efforts to remove a mass-RFID implant done via vaccines have been in order, and are still an ongoing effort (best way to sneak them in, via panic), infecting nearly all of the population of the southern states, against their will, since combined efforts of HAARP and West Nile (due to a cluster of numerous (roughly 3.5 (tropical storm)) unseasonal hurricanes hitting simultaneously one time, and numerous others following afterwards, and an explosion in mosquito population, infected with West Nile and smallpox as a population control/tagging method, killing half the residents of the southeastern coast in the process. Florida was among one of the states hit the hardest. The St. John's River and the Everglades being polluted with an intense concentration of cyanide devastated a huge swath of the Floridian population in one fell swoop.
Region independent, before the war finally ended near 2030, as a last-ditch effort to screw mankind over, knowing they were going to lose; remaining government and secret society forces (from Bilderberg to Freemasons) detonated every oil platform; especially the Keystone XL pipeline above every aquifer it touched, and forced massive oil leaks through all regions still under their ownership, and igniting others, rendering much of the country, as well as many others, along with water sources, oceans, and thanks to the Gulfstream, the entire East Coast of the US, uninhabitable. For added salt to the wound, they also strategically detonated chlorine tankers in major population centers across the globe, where available. Before the last member of the 'cults' committed suicide before he could be imprisoned and given due justice, he cursed everyone into eternal damnation.
30 years after The End, society started rebuilding with what little there was to recover with, cleaning up, and salvaging what oil could still be cleaned out. World Peace has a chance through a concerted effort of repairing the damage the secret societies and NWO have done, and been doing over the decades. We only hit 1% progress by now. Those who lost faith have regressed back into a more tribal mindset, and the ruins of our world resemble something close to Fallout now.
It was a pyrrhic victory for Freedom.