Witness, if you will, my prototype:
Made of a Light Titanium chassis with a Thulium-Plated Heavy Iron skeleton that's been reinforced with Heavy Titanium. Packs 4x Standard Ion engines in the rear, I haven't found enough uranium ore to upgrade very well. Rotational thrusters are Standard Hydrogen and it doesn't turn exceptionally well. It's mounted with 8 rotational engines for 4 axis control, as well as 8 additional Weak Hydrogen engines to allow roll. A single Large Nuclear Reactor is reinforced with 8 additional Weak Cobalt Reactors, and the roll thrusters are on independent power from a single Weak Cobalt for each two thrusters.
You will notice in the third picture that the power cables are run up the corners. This is because the corners are reinforced with Thulium Heavy Iron and Heavy Titanium, meaning that any incoming fire is lightly to be deflected by the armor and not disrupt the flow of energy. The drive engines also feature a small "skirt" that really needs to be expanded for added protection. It mounts 3x3 Anti-Personnel cannons on the one side with a camera block, with the green blocks there to provide a reference point. When looking out into space it can be disorienting, so the green blocks provide something to see and relate against.
The ship also features two control panels and one gun panel. The first control panel is for thrust and rotation. The second is for thrust, translation, and roll - finer movements as I position the ship closer to a standard holding position, usually so I can fire lasers against asteroids to strip them of useless dirt.
Obviously the ship needs to be finished, the front end is left wide open and many components are unguarded. But for now I'm going to show off my "detachable fighter" design and show how it would most likely work.