Hello everyone! Today I finally worked up the courage to launch this. This is a suggestion game roughly inspired by several games, including castle story, dead space, lost planet and blockade runner.
The plot will unravel as you go (I hope it will be good enough...). The prologue itself is rather railroaded, but the rest of the adventure is very different. Think of this as a sort of interactive intro cinematic.
Updates will probably be short and frequent (as frequent as I can...)
Prologue: Shattered steel.
You wake up in a metal tube. Doors slide open and let you enter a very small room, in which you barely fit. It seems like you're being examined by some medical devices. After a short time, the front of the room open, and you enter a bright, white, clean room, much bigger this time. It looks like an infirmary or something.
A voice, metallic and emotionless, echoes in the room.
"Welcome, XEg-001. The genetical memory should kick in soon, and answer most of your questions." You pause, puzzled. Suddenly your mind is filled with memories. You're in the clone spawn bay (doubling as a medical bay) of a Neumatron class colony ship. These huge spaceships are crewless, they only bring the necessary supplies to start the colony on the world they're sent in, and large quantities of the clone fluid. Once arrived, this fluid is used to create clones that will start the colony. Clones like yourself.
You are, however, an XEg model. Engineer X number 001. Those are not common clones. The X models are highly talented in several fields and are almost completely autonomous. They are not suited for teamwork, and thus are rarely called in. They hinder the progression of the colony as a whole, you can say.
Unless there is a big, big problem. XEg are mostly created when the ship encounter problems on the way to their destinations. Problems that the AI can't diagnostic (in this case it'll just send basic engineers clones). In these cases, a XEg clone is cost-effective.
"As you will probably guessed now, we are not yet arrived. We encountered unexpected problems and you are tasked to investigate them. First, grab your equipement on the table. Then, go to the ship's bow. The sensor array is unavailable. Find out what happened to them and fix the connection, so I can assess the ship's situation." The table has an AdvEg space suit on it, as well as a Pistool (not a typo, it's a plasma pistol AND a multi-tool), a portable sensor and some tools and rations.
You probably have an idea of where this is going, don't you?
And by the way, this is my first forum game GMing on Bay12. But I GMed several others on other forums, so I'm not that inexperimented.
*hoping it will have lots of views and answers*