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Author Topic: Life Begins At Death - Epilogue: We Live And Live Again  (Read 546710 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 6: Enjoying the Gub Life?
« Reply #10725 on: September 03, 2015, 05:00:23 am »

Prove the monster thing wrong and ESCAPE
My Sig
Fluttershy jumps onto TCM, giving him a hug. "~Yay~"*Player TCM has left the server. Reason: HHHHNNNNNGGGG-

We Madmen are very ingenious.  Sometimes it just takes just a little less sanity to pull off something completely awesome.


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 6: Enjoying the Gub Life?
« Reply #10726 on: September 03, 2015, 01:58:37 pm »

I suspect that you may have to chant the Mantra before willing things in order to have a more reasonable chance of success.


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 6: Enjoying the Gub Life?
« Reply #10727 on: September 03, 2015, 02:13:40 pm »

no idea. i went from will rolls to magic rolls (?) and got some good results without chanting. might try that once im not in direct danger of death though.

Quote from: NW_Kohaku
they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the raving confessions of a mass murdering cannibal from a recipe to bake a pie.
Knowing Belgium, everyone will vote for themselves out of mistrust for anyone else, and some kind of weird direct democracy coalition will need to be formed from 11 million or so individuals.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 6: Enjoying the Gub Life?
« Reply #10728 on: September 08, 2015, 04:45:14 am »

In a stream of gentle pink...

Kevin, feeling himself to be on a roll after this latest catastrophe, tries to will himself to be elsewhere.

[Kevin's magic roll: 1-2]

He closes his eyes and tries to shut out the pink - this proves surprisingly easy, considering how unintrusive the pink is being. He imagines himself elsewhere, somewhere safe, and warm, and presumably not in the middle of a violent discharge of pink... a tropical island of some sort, perhaps. Yes, that's it. A place of no worries, no troubles...

Feeling a gentle peace descend upon him, Kevin takes a look around. A gentle sea of pink sloshes behind him, small waves washing onto a beach of salmon sands. Pink palm trees with nearly white leaves sway this way and that, and slightly away from the beach he can see a pink cabbage patch with a dark pink cabin set right next to it, and in the distance beyond a line of palm trees he can spot another body of pink, leading him to suspect that he may have inadvertently set himself on an atoll rather than an island.

Oh well, small mistakes, right?

In the skies above Eckledun...

Scott has a sudden terrible realization.

~FRANCIIIIIIINE!~ he screams with his mind in some fashion as he dives down at a rapid rate, hoping to catch the poor mage before she hits the ground, moving into what he suspects would approximate the sub-orbital flight trajectory she might have taken (well, as far as he remembers).

Or, well, he tries to. Truth is, he's about three or so kilometers above what he would expect the peak of her flight to be. On one hand, this would mean she's probably already hit the ground somewhere. On the other hand, he didn't really see or hear her when he flew up, which would seem like something even he could notice if she was falling down past him.

These facts taken together paint a slightly mystifying picture, one that gives Scott a moment's pause.

In a stone chamber with too many holes in it...

Sigmund takes a very prudent amount of steps away from the hole, finding himself a bit wary of opening it again. In the meantime, he continues his lifting of the phylactery up to his own level, spending a few moments bringing it up until he encounters something in the shaft. The phylactery lightly brushes up against something oddly hard and, in fact, slightly mobile, which strikes Sigmund as the start of some form of problem. He begins to consider it.

His thoughts, however, are interrupted by a great big slam on the wall he just closed, dust falling from it and some from the chamber ceiling as well. His phylactery turns a little as something moves past it. His rather hastily shaped wall, meanwhile, appears to have very noticeably cracked.

Inside a spinning void eel...

Morton, rather than forging ahead like your average adventuring sort, takes a moment to appreciate the situation.

"Good news, good mage Wilma. I believe we've found good surgeon Mark," he concludes first of all.

"You mean the giant thing? I... don't think that's her," she replies, raising an eyebrow.

His insight unappreciated, he takes a quick look both forward and backward, trying to make sense of this situation. Unfortunately, it does seem to be spinning a bit too fast and, he suspects, rather uncontrollably at that, with larger and smaller bits of debris flitting past at breakneck speeds, to appreciate much in the way of detail. And the blackness all around is certainly not helping.

Of course, it's not impossible he'd be perfectly safe if he just flew clear of this thing. There's probably a perfectly plausible physical explanation for why he'd be fine, even. He can't say he can come up with anything of the sort in his current state, however.

"I'm... getting a bit dizzy looking at all this," good mage Wilma comments. Meanwhile, the giant salamander thing grows smaller with each revolution, seemingly intently following what is in all likelihood good surgeon Mark.

In a less spinny iteration of the void...

Mark has never been one to give in to sensible objection, and just keeps on paddling awkwardly with all his might, unsure if it's actually helping. He paddles and paddles, not looking back, and the salamander just keeps on yelling after him and swimming in turn.


It goes on like this for a while, actually.


And with that, the yelling stops, and Mark sees the salamander off in the far distance, looking a bit out of breath, its chest moving rapidly. Seems like it's a bit exhausted, poor thing. And now it appears to have turned around and started to swim back toward where he was - can't even see where he was from here, actually.

Looking forward, Mark sees the red light in the unspeakable distance. No doubt he'll reach it eventually, given that it seems to have gone from a pinprick of light to something just under the size of a poppy seed of light.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 6: Enjoying the Gub Life?
« Reply #10729 on: September 08, 2015, 04:55:29 pm »

Scott will scan the sky, the clouds, everything...ALL THE THINGS!
the pink stuff changes...well every law of matter and energy, so SOMETHING must of happened.
"That which does not kill me, can only make me stranger." -Dana, Creator of Ozzy & Millie.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 6: Enjoying the Gub Life?
« Reply #10730 on: September 09, 2015, 11:12:03 am »

I think that if Kevin survives this chapter, he's going to get a perk that improves his ability to channel the Pink.
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 6: Enjoying the Gub Life?
« Reply #10731 on: September 09, 2015, 11:20:56 am »

((more like something to get rid of that strange -2 on what used to be a will roll))

Explore the atoll.

Quote from: NW_Kohaku
they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the raving confessions of a mass murdering cannibal from a recipe to bake a pie.
Knowing Belgium, everyone will vote for themselves out of mistrust for anyone else, and some kind of weird direct democracy coalition will need to be formed from 11 million or so individuals.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 6: Enjoying the Gub Life?
« Reply #10732 on: September 10, 2015, 11:44:03 pm »

"Well, nothing ventured nothing gained, no, good mage Wilma?" The desk asked rhetorically as he prepared and braced himself. He'll want a powerful leap and a bit of flying to move clear, and with a bit of luck he'll be fine! Probably.

"Hold on tight if you would."

Brace self and prepare for leap, and then go! Towards the red light but away from the large creature!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 6: Enjoying the Gub Life?
« Reply #10733 on: September 11, 2015, 11:25:32 am »

Force the phylactery upwards until it is above the thing. After that, collapes the tunnel, from the wall on the opposing side, so that all the rocks fall over it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 6: Enjoying the Gub Life?
« Reply #10734 on: September 18, 2015, 05:12:53 pm »

"Fine then. I'll just go find somewhere you can't make me kill anything."

Go search for a wasteland, or a desert.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 6: Enjoying the Gub Life?
« Reply #10735 on: September 18, 2015, 06:31:13 pm »

(to be honest I have no clue what the hell is going on and it is awesome)

Mark feeling slightly bad at the salamanders depression (and less intimidated) tries to catch and grab on to it without being noticed
My Sig
Fluttershy jumps onto TCM, giving him a hug. "~Yay~"*Player TCM has left the server. Reason: HHHHNNNNNGGGG-

We Madmen are very ingenious.  Sometimes it just takes just a little less sanity to pull off something completely awesome.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 6: Enjoying the Gub Life?
« Reply #10736 on: September 19, 2015, 03:42:34 am »

In the skies above Eckledun...

Scott decides to keep searching - Francine must have fallen or disappeared somewhere, and someone's responsible! Scanning about, he looks at the ground, then at the sky, then spins about and makes very sophisticated noises. She doesn't appear to have hit the ground, she doesn't seem to be in the sky, and...

... wait, didn't she just want a lift out of the Eckledun area anyway? As in, just a launch in a direction? It would stand to reason she had a plan for that kind of thing if she asked for it. Presumably teleportation, since her good friends at the fallen Tower seemed to explode when they tried it within the bounds of Eckledun itself. With that in mind, she's probably safe, though where she went Scott wouldn't be able to say.

On a pink atoll...

Kevin gingerly goes off to explore this new area, taking a stroll around the beach - the atoll appears to be perfectly, unnaturally round, like a torus superimposed upon a lifeless pink sea that stretches as far as the eye can see. The pink cabin and its associated cabbage farm appears to be the only structure on the island that Kevin can see, although a freestanding, jagged rock also is a feature he can observe beyond a set of unusually thick palm trees. And far away from the atoll, barely visible on the horizon, there appears to be a slowly pulsing light, visible in the exact same orientation in relation to Kevin no matter where he is on the edge of the atoll.

As he returns to the spot he started in after a leisurely circling of the area, he locates Evelyn, seemingly in very good health and very well acclimatized to the change of scenery, given that she seems to have ditched her robe for a pink grass skirt and several white garlands draped over her shoulders. Despite this she doesn't seem very pleased.

"You show unexpected proficiency in making things worse," she comments. "Should have prepared better for crushing incompetence."

In a spinning, lifeless void eel...

Morton, feeling quite optimistic for no explicable reason, prepares to leap.

"Well, nothing ventured nothing gained, no, good mage Wilma?" says he, looking out at the spinning void. "Hold on tight if you would."

"Wait, wha-" Wilma says as Morton rears up and prepares to launch himself, but takes the hint before she finishes the question and clamps down on his surface, curling up as much as possible to minimize her profile. With that, Morton leaps forth!

[Morton's fortuitous trajectory roll: 1]
[Morton's dodge roll: 5]
[Wilma's dodge roll: 3]
[Wilma's endurance roll: 2]

And right as he flies out along his current velocity vector, he manages to intersect with a prodigious piece of void eel - as it smashes into him, Morton's semi-corporeal form bends around it, sliding off it with the grace of a water droplet on a lotus flower.

Good mage Wilma, however, is less fortunate, getting clipped by the rapidly flying piece of metal - Morton hears a very pronounced thwack and a crack, and notices that Wilma appears to have let go of him entirely after a very surprised shriek, and is currently spinning off into the void, a sizable part of both her legs having simply gone missing, her body producing unnerving ribbons of blood in its wake, her screams of incredible pain cutting off after a bit as she seemingly faints from shock.

Off in the distance, the great salamander-thing seems to be coming back. It appears vaguely interested in the area once again, a low grumble creating a background of noise in the otherwise silent void.

In a monolithic entrance chamber...

Sigmund, hoping there is a way to get rid of the unfortunate obstruction in the shaft, tries to sneak his phylactery right past it.

[Sigmund vs. Shaft-Creature: 3 vs. 6]

It does, however, prove unexpectedly, incredibly chunky - the first hard, compressible layer appears to have much meatier layer beneath it, and the thing is nearly filling the entire shaft at this point. And most distressingly, just as Sigmund discovers this, the first layer suddenly reacts, shooting a tendril that wraps around the phylactery what feels like three times in different directions, keeping it secured as it is yanked higher.

Sigmund tries to desperately pull it out of the hold of the tendrils, but it seems to be no use - the phylactery is grabbed and then slammed against the wall as well, seemingly in quite an experimental fashion.

[Phylactery vs. Wall: 2 vs. 5]

Three times it is slammed, and each time the phylactery cracks further, being formed of stone far less stern than what the room is fashioned of - at the end of it the thing is barely holding together, actually, being now more a collection of loose stone-shaping shards than a proper stone jar. This seems to not be going according to plan at all, unfortunately for poor Sigmund.

On the other side of the world...

In his probably futile quest for harmlessness, Darren continues his wanderings, rising up into the sky as he surveys the landscape. Picking a direction at random, he heads off, traveling at a slow, floaty pace.

Unfortunately, as three days and three nights pass, he sees only forest and towns beneath him, and on the fourth day he observes a great city on the horizon, its magnificent golden towers and freely floating, no doubt magical platforms rising up high above the horizon even before he sees the city itself. It's one of the bigger cities he's seen in his life or unlife, actually. There's probably hundreds of thousands of people living there, he'd guess. Especially given how vertical the thing appears to be.

The surrounding area is riddled with terraced farms mingling with great castles of steel and glass, colossal, many-armed beasts trundling along the fields and raking the ground gently with very sharp-looking limbs, dwarfing crowds of oddly-dressed people wandering after them, collecting whatever they produce.

In a vast and lonely void...

Broken and possibly delirious, Mark decides to cheer up the salamander by paddling after it, perhaps catching onto it somehow.

However, some two hours of paddling later, he doesn't seem to have gotten any closer to the thing, probably because he is moving incredibly quickly away from it and shows very few signs of slowing down. Now, if he had a nifty void eel or something, this would be an entirely different matter, but he unfortunately blew the one he had right to heck. As such, he seems to still be going toward the red light, albeit at a slower pace. It has started to loom a little more in a distance nevertheless, now being a rather bright light the size of a meaty fist.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 6: Enjoying the Gub Life?
« Reply #10737 on: September 19, 2015, 05:21:52 am »

"You think I was trying to help the Gub? Not that this was according to plan, but it's more or less in the general direction."

Quote from: NW_Kohaku
they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the raving confessions of a mass murdering cannibal from a recipe to bake a pie.
Knowing Belgium, everyone will vote for themselves out of mistrust for anyone else, and some kind of weird direct democracy coalition will need to be formed from 11 million or so individuals.


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 6: Enjoying the Gub Life?
« Reply #10738 on: September 19, 2015, 10:49:14 am »

"You think I was trying to help the Gub? Not that this was according to plan, but it's more or less in the general direction."
Psst. Use the Mantra to destroy the Gub and remove the Pink from existence.
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping

Harry Baldman

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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 6: Enjoying the Gub Life?
« Reply #10739 on: September 19, 2015, 11:36:50 am »

"You think I was trying to help the Gub? Not that this was according to plan, but it's more or less in the general direction."

"I would have preferred it if your ill-conceived notions of planning, let alone your ill-planned notions of sabotage did not involve me," she replies. "Especially if you are going to use unfocused magic like a complete nonce."

She looks around contemptuously.

"Simply ridiculous. This clearly was not your first attempt at it, either. You have actually somehow become worse at magic than someone who has never even tried to will something to be. Pink does not stream so readily from merely unknowing hands," she continues, shaking her head.
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