In the primordial woods...
Scott tries to decipher the origin of this scene of obvious foul sorcery, consulting his encyclopedic knowledge of Velusian and Pacitarian worship, since the others don't seem to be likely suspects. He immediately concludes that there's no real way to tell much about this scene aside from the obvious fact that whatever it was that's supposed to take place here has already happened. There's no ritual objects and scant evidence of human activity. If they went anywhere, Scott couldn't really say where, as there's no tracks. Whoever was here didn't feel the need to leave any clues for future generations to decipher their movements. Might have been ghosts. Might have been assassins. Might have just been very crafty peasants.
Outside the ruins of Eckledun...
Sigmund keeps on trying to get himself out of his little jam with the ground. First he attempts to reassert the rule that it really shouldn't be possible for two objects to occupy the exact same space. The universe, it seems, agrees heartily, and stops that noncommittal vibrating and just launches Sigmund into the air. Problem solved!
[Landing roll: 4-1]
Being a badger, Sigmund is not particularly well-suited to falling, and it does show as he lands rump-first on the ground.
[Endurance roll: 6]
It hurts like hell and it's painful to walk for a moment afterward, but Sigmund counts it as a successful landing, given that he doesn't need a new body yet.
Outside the home of a strange man...
Kevin tries to explain.
"I was supposed to go to a refugee camp. Something terrible has happened in Mothdale. But I haven't a clue of where I am now, much less how I would get there," he half-lies. Fortunately, Edgar seems to be going for it.
"Oh! We had refugees a while back! They went west," says he. "Not sure where, but west. Over the... uh, bridge, through the village and away. Does that help?"
In an alleyway in Eckledun...
Mark, getting into the spirit of desperate stupidity, makes his very first attempt at platforming.
[Mark's agility roll: 4]
Making a much nicer leap than Wilma, he lands on a lily pad, which bounces him easily over the pond. The landing, though...
[Mark's endurance roll: 3]
... is a bit painful, taking away his breath and making him need a little bit of a break before moving again. Wilma, heartened by this outcome, gives the jump another shot.
[Wilma's agility roll: 2]
She has a false start, throwing herself off rhythm in the middle of the run and stopping just shy of the jump, then retreating to catch her breath a little.
"Okay, I can do this. I need to do this," she reassures herself.
Morton, though not sure this is a good idea in any way, shape or form, floats up to the roofs of the surrounding houses and projects several appendages to grab onto architecture on the opposite side and pull himself forth. This proves unnecessary, as the float across seems to have been utterly unimpeded by the pink, as disappointing as that might be. On the other hand, Morton does notice that the alleyway leading out on the other side does appear to go on for quite a bit longer than expected - why, it seems almost a mile long, like a very tiny street of sorts.