Outside Eckledun's Black Tower...
Scott, deciding that he has no interest in listening to this silly dog judging him, moves to phase into the building, going right through the door.
The thing that immediately happens, Scott notices, is that he finds himself in a rather dark place after a peculiar warble rings out. You try to move, but realize that you seem to be in some sort of capsule. One you don't seem to be able to phase into, exactly.
~Hello, Scott,~ a petite voice, perhaps that of a little girl, rings out in your hand. ~How are you feeling?~
So very close to the surface...
Sigmund, quite excited about freedom, in what is surely a natural reaction by someone trapped beneath it for what has felt like a very long time, succumbs to the intense urge to rush at the very last moment as the scent of freedom hits him!
[Sigmund's magic roll: 6]
He rips away the layer of stone right above him, blasting it every which way, then focuses on pushing himself out along with a stone pillar!
[Sigmund's magic roll: 6]
And so the pillar rises, pushing him up out of the earth, on a mighty tall pillar of assorted minerals dubbed 'stone' for the sake of convenience! The box is still sealed tightly, he still can't see anything or really open it in any reasonable way, and he's probably about thirty meters above ground, but those are all minor details in all likelihood.
On the precipice of the Mystery Forge...
Niklas, not ready to give up just yet, dives back into the Mystery Forge, seeking to build the helmet of his dreams!
[Mystery rolls: ?, ?]
He comes out once more, holding another chunk of metal shaped vaguely like a helmet. The rest of his items appear unchanged.
"Ah, you're getting closer, I see. Sad that you do not have the sample anymore, is it not?" the blacksmith notes.
"Erm, not to spoil the fun, but perhaps you should stop?" the maid asks. "The results seem... unpredictable."
In the clutches of a spider...
Kevin continues down the list of potentially helpful deities, though perhaps his means of appeal could use work.
"Oh great Pacitarius, grant me control over these spiders so that I may release them from their savage, spidericidal ways!"
The air becomes thicker for a moment, and Kevin becomes aware of a presence here. A divine presence. The spider seems to feel it as well. And then it begins to say something to him. The voice sounds immature physically, yet manlike in its words.
~Just dropped in to say, crappiest pitch I've heard all month. Congratulations on being this month's winner. Don't ask again, m'kay?~
The presence promptly disappears, and the spider soon begins moving out once more, depositing Kevin in what feels like a larger room of some kind. The spider retreats immediately, though another one seems to be arriving from a slight distance, if what Kevin is hearing is correct.
In a waiting room in Eckledun...
Morton continues his diplomacy unabated, words pouring from his obvious lack of a mouth while the others nod knowingly.
"Yes, it is true, good mage Susanne, good group Gub did inquire of us to go invite mages to join the soon-to-be-gem town of Mothdale. But I'm quite of the hope that it shall be a by product what I wish to truly accomplish."
"You see, good mage Susanne, I wish to inspire and encourage a peace between good group Gub and the old inhabitants of Mothdale, the poor inhabitants of the refugee camps. I want the refugees to not fear for their minds nor their lives if they live in Mothdale, nor do I wish them to harm good group Gub for he simply lacks perspective and knowledge. A peaceful accord can be struck to great benefit to both, for I've seen what good group Gub can do, and I believe that should such a accord be reached, Mothdale can flourish as a unique and peaceful place."
The whip man strokes his chin at this, eying Morton as peculiarly as ever.
"Should this be accomplished, I don't doubt mages would flock to such a strange but peaceful place for their studies or to avoid worry. But this is contingent on the accord I'm afraid, and that requires an assurance from Gub and a presentation of the idea to the refugees. I would most certainly appreciate any means of assistance, and I'd be more than happy to hear of any possible ideas of how to address the dreadful situation; I'm aware that mine is unfortunately long term."
Susanne looks rather intrigued.
"Oh, I see! I thought you'd try to enact the instructions given to the letter, myself. This is a little problematic, because we already have rather well-established plans on how to relocate all of these refugees - I had Woody write up the entire shipping manifesto not three days ago, in fact. Didn't think you'd come along and propose something like this, certainly."
She begins tapping her fingers against her cheek as she thinks.
"Hm, no, I don't think we can relocate the refugees, sadly. Plans are in motion, you see, ones we can't readily change at the moment. On the other hand, I can point you to a few villages where you can potentially find agreeable mages, if that's okay with you."