In the woods...
Scott, deciding not to investigate this peculiar mystery, leaves the corpse on the ground where it lies, unties the horse and rides off to Shriekpot!
[Riding roll: 5]
Fortunately, he has a wealth of experience in this sort of thing, having done rides into town on many occasions before he died. He confidently rides right into town, appreciating its delightful architecture, its fine construction and the sound of what is clearly urban magical warfare in the distance.
In the Yaleson house...
Niklas decides upon a fine plan.
"That could work, I suppose. Here, I'll get the boar."
He runs into the kitchen, lifts the boar and hurls it right in front of the Artiste!
"Ah. Well, here goes!"
The Artiste closes his eyes, moving slightly in flowing motions as if dancing to some sort of inaudible music. He then stops and opens his eyes again. Then comes the finger snap.
Nothing happens, interestingly enough.
"Well, it certainly worked. I even heard the death scream of the soul as it sailed back off into the nether realms. Hm. Maybe you shouldn't have use something that has no eyes, brain, ears or even a tongue as something that should be a viable creature for a moment."
Meanwhile, Sigmund wanders over to Mark, briefly quips at the unfortunate creature and chops off one of the mushrooms on his body, depositing it in a pot. He then shows it to the mages.
"Oh, we've seen that already. Murdercap."
"Loves heat and lots of water. Grows like crazy then. Found most often in places blood has been spilled."
Morton, meanwhile, performs the final steps of preparation for the long journey ahead. He checks to see if he has everything he needs and, upon realizing that he does, offers his last words of goodbye.
"Very well then sir, I thank you kindly for the vote of confidence, a most assuredly appreciated sort it is. I shall see what I can do to help appropriate a vessel in your name. Ah, it will feel good to be outside again."
He looks back on the house one last time, noticing that the jester, Kevin, seems to be trailing him.
"Ah, hello, grand jester, you wish to accompany me? Your presence will be greatly appreciated, I was afraid I'd have to make the trip alone. You've always been a well meaning help to me. Either way, let us be off then, yes? I'm eager to get on the road, unless you have any provisions you might need... Perhaps some paper and a writing utensil?"
Kevin nods and runs upstairs, coming back in five minutes looking dejected and empty-handed as usual. Oh, Kevin. You never change.