In a house of some kind...
The Pink Vortex Formerly Known As Luke tries to climb through something he calls a meta-window, whatever that might mean.
[Pink magic roll: 5-1]
And, lo and behold, there seems to be a freestanding pink meta-window right in front of him! He slowly heads through it, at which point the window dissipates. The Pink Vortex Formerly Known As Luke feels like he has truly achieved something there.
In a well-secured house in Emlocke...
Darren, satisfied that there is nobody around for now, floats up to the front door and tries to unlock the innumerable multitudes of locks, bolts and other things of similar purpose that bar access to any but the most determined or intangible burglar.
[Telekinesis roll: 4]
He manages to unlock all of the bolts and he has made good progress on the locks as well. Not bad, not bad at all!
[Telekinesis roll: 5]
Luckily, he knows enough of parlor magic to be rather proficient in lock analysis! Why, he wagers there is no one more knowledgeable in the breaking of locks in the entirety of Emlocke than he! To prove this, for his next trick he will undo all of these locks in under a minute!
Several clicks, clacks and twists later, every lock on the door is undone entirely and the door is ready to be swung open at the slightest provocation. The temptation to throw it open is almost overpowering!
[Darren perception roll: ?]
Looks like he's in the clear now, eh. Guess he'll just move to the other side and... uh... what's that sound?
Darren is suddenly hit with what feels like a lightning bolt, albeit more continuous and otherworldly! He dares say it hurts most awfully!
"Not so fast! You're not going to escape me that easily!"
Though the voice seems amiable enough at first, it has a certain sinister quality to it, very much like the house itself.
In the streets of Emlocke...
Tom takes a look at himself and finds that all his limbs are accounted for, strangely enough. Well, three fourths of them are simplified metal stand-ins, but what are you going to do. He starts to examine the horrid monstrous sculpture in the closet.
It is horrid and monstrous, as one might expect. Very much so, in fact. And it is most definitely not a commonly found animal, and if it is, Tom believes he might be better off not meeting it, what with all the slavering fangs, furry tentacles and giant eyes on the thing. It looks to have several humanlike faces stitched into its surface, and the sculpture looks to be cobbled together from various animal bits, actually. Nothing too unique about the bits themselves, though their combination is certainly impressive. A plaque at the bottom reads "One Of The Infamous Terrigorns of Quentin's Deep".
Well, now Tom knows what place to avoid in the near future. He isn't sure he could handle more sculptures as awful-looking as this one.
Meanwhile, Mark, industrious fellow that he is, begins another one of his revolutionary procedures!
[Mark medicine roll: 6]
Mark briefly considers what he might need to do to let this fellow speak properly. After some deliberation, he's got it! He carefully removes the dead man's head and de-bones it, removing the skull and making several on the flesh for easy removal. Now having a vaguely head-shaped sack of flesh, he proceeds to stick it on Tom's head, finding it to be a good fit, for a certain definition of good. Good enough, anyway, if a bit sagging. The combination of Tom's general bemusement, the dead man's shocked expression and the strange patch-job performed by Mark result in a face that is somehow more horrid than the inspired piece of sculpture that presumably gave the kind face donor a fatal heart attack. If Tom wished so, he could probably explode the head of his own mother with a face like that. Oh, and the new voice of Tom is appropriately dry and strange-sounding as well, fitting the face like hand-in-glove.
All in all, another amazing job by Mark!