In the streets of Emlocke...Yorinnsud, despite the fact that her spine is rather clearly snapped, gets up on her tentacles and proceeds toward the leather man once again!
Mark attempts to decapitate the man!
[Mark vs. Leather Man: 4+2 vs. 1+2]
Surprisingly enough, it works rather well! The leather man's head is split from his shoulders! He still seems to be moving, but what can you do.
[Yorinnsud vs. Leather Man: 5+2 vs. 5+2-
Yorinnsud stabs the man in the back several times! This fails to achieve any measurable result.
[Leather Man vs. Mark: 1+2-
1 vs. 1+3]
The leather man flops to the ground in front of Mark as the latter watches rather with amusement. And rage.
[Mark vs. Leather Man: 2+2 vs. 1+1]
He slices further into the gash made in the leather man's torso and finishes the separation! The leather man is cut in half!
[Yorinnsud vs. Leather Man: 3+2 vs. 5]
Just as Yorinnsud is about to finish the creature, the upper torso and the legs move in separate directions! Well, this is confusing.
[Leather Man vs. Yorinnsud: 4 vs. 1]
The pair of legs sweeps the tentacles from under her, sending Yorinnsud to the ground! It is about to commence some glorious smashing when Mark interrupts!
[Mark vs. Leather Man: 2+2 vs. 4]
He interrupts by charging past the leather man. The leather man's upper torso just shrugs.
[Yorinnsud vs. Leather Man: 2+2 vs. 2]
The upper torso then gets one of its arms nearly severed by Yorinnsud's short sword. Ooh, nasty.
[Leather Man vs. Yorinnsud: 1 vs. 3]
This seems to sufficiently confuse the mostly blind creature for Mark to come charging back!
[Mark vs. Leather Man: 5+2 vs. 6]
Mark once again stabs right through it! When will he learn?
[Yorinnsud vs. Leather Man: 3+2 vs. 3]
Yorinnsud, meanwhile, finishes the job on the leather man's arm and severs it completely!
[Leather Man vs. Yorinnsud: 5 vs. 5]
She even avoids the next few furious kicks of the pair of legs!
[Mark vs. Leather Man: 1+2 vs. 2]
Mark just keeps on stabbing. And it keeps on not really working, though the upper torso of the leather man is pretty messed up and torn already.
[Yorinnsud vs. Leather Man: 4+2 vs. 1]
Yorinnsud, who has had quite enough of this, stops messing around with that stupid short sword of hers. Instead, she makes use of her hooked tentacles to pull the two halves of the construct close to her and tears them to shreds with the unusually sharp hooks on them. With that done, she awkwardly stands up again.
The bits of leather start to shuffle off once more.
In a miniature cul-de-sac...Luke, lacking better things to do, goes to Building Six. The door is open, so he goes right in.
Suddenly, a voice, though calmer and more... human than before rings out in his head.
Congratulations, you have taken the Sixth Option! How nice of you to do that. Would you care for some tea? Biscuits, perhaps? Or shall we get straight to business?