In the Office of Order...Yorinnsud argues that he must be in hell, judging by all the inhumanity and heresy inherent in the place. But he can't be in hell, since he has been entirely loyal to Zarakhiyis and followed her tenets through his entire life, most of which involved compulsive looting. So he can't be here at all. So he must be somewhere else!
[Logic roll: ?]
However, this premise has a great many flaws. For one, he is here
exactly for worshipping and remaining loyal Zarakhiyis, which you apparently are strictly disallowed from doing due to something called the Golden Rule, which seems to be a very important principle here. Plus, there actually is no such thing as a hell of any sort. There are merely the realms of the gods, some more painful and unpleasant than others. And even if he had actually concluded by some dreadful miscarriage of logic that he couldn't in fact be here, it is most unlikely that anyone or anything would give a rat's ass, since he is actually here and is pretty sure that this place doesn't just exist in his own mind.
Though that
would be an interesting possibility.
Inside an altar room...Vincent gets a good running start and attempts to fly into the window!
[Flight roll: 6]
He flies high up above the ground and does an amazing spiraling swoop right into all the pretty mosaics!
[Window structural integrity roll: 2-
He smashes straight through the window, shattering it entirely and finding himself on the sweet, sweet outside once again! Seriously, screw that temple. It's been nothing but a pain in his skeletal pelvic region.
[Perception roll: ?]
Huh. He can actually see the expanding heat portal in the woods from here. It's smaller than one would expect it to be by now. It seems to have started a mighty forest fire, though.
Outside a house next to a temple of Velusius...Luke, stewing with frustration, decides to take out his sorrows on the innocent building. Break-in time!
[Building security measures roll: 1]
Sadly, it seems to be entirely locked up and barred from the inside. Even the door is barred. What the hell? There doesn't seem to be a lock on it anywhere, either.
Inside a Velusian treasure room...Darren, feeling quite comfortable by now, waits for more schmucks to arrive.
[Schmuck arrival roll: 4]
Twenty minutes later, a woman peeks inside the room. She seems just as disinterested as the guy before her.
[Female Looter reaction roll: 2]
The head then also disappears back into the doorway.
[Darren perception roll: ?]
He can vaguely hear whispers in the hallway as two sets of feet seem to be leaving the area.
"... it's full of junk, let's get out of here..."