Inside a Velusian treasure room...
Luke politely asks the suspicious suit of clothing whether it would like to join him on many fun adventures!
[Darren telekinesis roll: 4]
He is immediately lifted from the ground, stretched out by some infernal magic and floated over to the puddles of blood with some bony and fleshy bits in them left over from Sharkhammer's eating frenzy! He is then bobbed menacingly at the unmoving bits of fine gore.
"Give me back what you took and it may spare your life!" a voice from the treasure vault yells out! The puddles seem less than impressed, however. Luke, on the other hand, is struck by a realization!
[Sharkhammer self-control roll: 3]
He looks over to the remains of two backpacks full of bent, punctured and mangled bits of metal. That was loot? Well, slap him upside the head and call him a silly monkey. That Sharkhammer really needs obedience training, though what individual would be brave enough to perform such an Almirian task remains to be ascertained.
In the streets of Emlocke...
Disappointed at the less than explosive tendencies of the absent villagers, Tom heads back to the inn and looks for a tinderbox.
[Search roll: 1]
Oh, there's one right on the counter, how wonderful! Tom heads on over to pick it up!
[Tinderbox reaction roll: 5]
It shimmers for a second when he takes it, but otherwise seems like a generally okay tinderbox.
In the halls of the Office of Order...
Yorinnsud tries to get through the massive important-looking door.
[Strength roll: 3]
He manages to push it open by the tiniest of impassable margins! Damn you, spindly stick-arms! There is enough of a crack in the door, however, to see that there seems to be a lot of blinding light on the other side. Hm.