In a zombie-run garden...
Vincent goes to the other end of the hall and opens the door leading further east, preparing for the indubitably exciting mysteries it might reveal.
His lack of eyes is met by the sight of a... lounge? It seems to be a room full of horribly decrepit furniture - chairs, tables, bookcases and several other things of very little interest. There are doors leading south, east and north aside from the entrance.
[Room occupant roll: 2]
One of the chairs has a skeleton in it. An immobile, rather dead-looking skeleton, not the living kind.
On the bottom floor of Bernie's inn...
Tom smiles as widely as he can (which, what with him being a skeleton, is very wide indeed), then takes off his chainmail and puts on the robe. He finds that, while it is a lot less noisy, it is a lot more cumbersome than the suit of mail, mostly due to the fact that it has about twice as much metal on it. How did that guy carry it so well? Well, no matter. He tries to pick up the sphere along with the leg talisman!
[Strength roll: 5]
Mustering untapped reserves of strength no skeleton should reasonably have, he picks up both objects and carries them up several flights of stairs, then finds the chest he unlocked! He puts the sphere and talisman in and closes the chest, then tries to lock it.
[Locking roll: 2]
He finds that, while his lockbreaking skills are not so bad, his actual locking ability leaves much to be desired. He closes the lid of the chest and hopes nobody will notice, then heads downstairs and picks up the unconscious mage, dragging him down another flight of stairs with difficulty. He presents the fellow to Josh.
He regards the unconscious fellow with suspicion.
"Hm, I suppose he'll have to do. Tie him into these restraints. Upside-down."
Josh points to four straps hanging off a wall above a mechanism of some kind.
[Perception roll: ?]
As he contemplates the best way to do what he's been ordered to, he is pretty sure he hears some hurried steps on the floor above. Very soft, but unmistakably there. Almost like... paws! The rabbit coven of insidious witches has arrived!
In an alleyway of doom...
Luke, rather than, you know, be polite and actually speak to the kind lady, tries psychic communication!
[Communication roll: 1]
He goes completely still and silent, concentrating deeply.
"Hm. Looks pretty dead to me. Certainly smells like it."
Oh crap. Prayer time! Answer, gods! Answer, damn you!
[Prayer roll: 4]
He prays to Narcillicus, God of Being Smooth With The Ladies, and receives a divine revelation! How about... talking!
"Help! I have six legs too many and they're trying to throw me off this wall and if they do this I'll fall down the street and I dunno, hit some trees and get horribly impaled and stuff and OH GODS, PLEASE HELP!"
"Oh. Oh. Why didn't you say anything? Looks like you're being pulled the wrong way. I suppose I could help with that."
[Black-Robed Lady magic roll: 2]
She gestures a bit and makes a few spooky-sounding noises, but nothing changes. Well, crap.
"You seem to be heavily enchanted. This'll be harder than I thought."