At the Second Shank...
Sigmund slinks out of cover, approaching the only known person aside from a slowly ascending Captain, Kevin, who seems to be looking down at the ship from the pier, occasionally attempting a menacing swing at the walruses in the water - he looks very disappointed that they are out of reach, to be honest.
He is rather unpleasantly surprised when he notices that some kind of giant worm appears to have moseyed over to his location and has begun wiggling its body-part hair at the sun and making displeased noises while rolling about. The ex-jester, though put off, recognizes the thing as Mark's work, and guesses he's out of the loop a little. Who might this be, anyway?
Just then, he is passed by Mark himself, hopping away on one leg, and then also by Morton. Both of them stop not too far from the ship upon seeing people and things they know.
Mark, however, is not really satisfied, and goes a-wandering again, perhaps to find some of the missing people at last. The one thing he does locate, though, are more dolphins. The same ones as previously, actually. One of them is still wielding Mark's leg in its mouth. The fortunate part is that he sees them in advance. Unfortunately, so do they, considering how little stealth Mark is capable of in his current state.
In the library of the Red Tower of Power...
Niklas suddenly remembers something - he's technically alive right now! That probably means that the lady's body he currently inhabits needs food. Fortunately, that does not seem to be the case right now - in fact, he feels quite full. Maybe he had a sizable lunch beforehand?
Oh well, he guesses he'll just find more books rather than worry about that - fortunately, all of the books he needs and then some seem to be in the library - Chanting: The New Method, volumes 1-6 of the Unified Chant Compendium, Non-Linear Linguistics: Introductory Edition and The One-Stop Guide To Supreme Enunciation. That's a lot of books, Niklas thinks. Wonder where to start.
In a place of blinding white...
Scott feels that there's only one way to make his feelings clear to this silly person next to him.
"Enough of this! In the name(s) of whatever demon, devil, god or celestial council in charge of Death and Agony, I curse you, I curse you and condemn you to BURN!"
[Scott's firestarting roll: 5]
Suddenly, a merry whoosh and crackle issues from Scott's vicinity, and he believes he may have gotten the voice, judging from the burning sounds. However, it doesn't seem all that perturbed.
"Yeesh, that sure stings! Now stop messing around, Jeremy. Go into the light! Or darkness, as the case may be!"
Outside the engineers' graveyard of the City of the Dead...
Darren is glad to finally have obstacles that are easier to deal with than all the ladies he seems to attract.
Granted, these obstacles are cottage-sized metal insects, but they don't really seem that bad. They actually look to be somewhat preoccupied with landscaping, although every last one of them makes sure to visibly and, one can't help but get the feeling, distrustfully glance at Darren every couple of moments.