Inside the halls of the Divination Department...Samuel, in an action that will definitely work out in his favor, sticks the small silver skull on his cane!
[Skull effects: 6]
Wow. Not only does the skull look pretty cool, it actually improves the cane's magical focusing ability as well as its ability to bash in skulls! Feeling pretty good about himself, Samuel knows what he must do: wage war on the written word!
These books. They must die. Die screaming.
[Samuel magic roll: 1-
He raises his cane and calls upon magical flames to set these bastardly books on fire! Magical flaming canes appear! They set the books on fire! They set the floor on fire! They set the floor below this one on fire! They also set the two books that Samuel is carrying around on fire! Finally, they set everything around except for Samuel and his belongings on fire. Including the ceiling. Samuel is forced to bolt through the window to avoid losing his robe of sufficient pimpness and hat!
[Samuel agility roll: 3+1]
He does a valiant leap out of the window and lands nicely, stopping to extinguish a tiny flame on his hat!
[Fire roll: 6-
As soon as Samuel has dived out of the window, the fire suddenly stops, almost as though his presence was required to sustain it. The inside of the building is still largely obliterated, but at least the building itself still stands securely!
Within the Magical Botany Department...James considers the snail to be his friend despite their initial differences, and decides to help his pet pick up some beautiful snail... some beautiful other snails.
[Snail mate hunt roll: 6]
He picks up the snail and runs into the garden area! There's bound to be snails there. And there are! Many giant snails on a giant willow tree, chowing down on giant leaves like there was no tomorrow!
He puts the snail on another snail and tells them to get down to business!
[Snail business roll: 4]
They're a bit shy at first, but they warm up to one another soon enough and get down and dirty with each other!
An hour later, James can consider himself educated on matters of mollusc copulation! Well, you learn something new every day. Although James feels he might have done without this particular bit of information just fine!
His snail companion looks a bit sad, though. Well, he knew the risks.
Below the surface of the earth, where darkness rules...Leon, mystified at what his purpose here might be, decides to take the time to get used to his limbs some more!
[Limb mastery roll: 5]
He flexes! He stretches! He moves his legs in all manner of directions! He manages to even flex his body a bit! He's starting to get used to this metal surrogate of a body he's in!
[? roll: ?]
He hears lots of whistling! There is one especially low whistle coming from one end of the room.
[Perception roll: 2]
He has no idea what any of this might mean. Perhaps they mean to kill him now? He decides to keep swinging with all of his limbs just in case! The whistling intensifies!