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Author Topic: Life Begins At Death - Epilogue: We Live And Live Again  (Read 557089 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter Two: Books, Baubles and Boyfriends!
« Reply #255 on: November 02, 2012, 11:23:07 am »

"I say, you people have dreadful manners!"
Chop through the wall, hacking at the people as well!
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!

Harry Baldman

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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter Two: Books, Baubles and Boyfriends!
« Reply #256 on: November 02, 2012, 11:41:29 am »

In the lair of the unbelievably thick Head Diviner...

Samuel is greatly annoyed at the Head Diviner because the Head Diviner appears to be a total idiot! But even total idiots can wield powerful magic, so he tries once more to achieve a coherent dialogue!

[Nonverbal communication roll: 3]

He gesticulates wildly, pointing at his nonexistent lungs and glaring at the Head Diviner! The Head Diviner remains puzzled.

"You want something else then? Soup, perhaps? You couldn't eat that very well either, I'm afraid. It's mostly liquid, you know. Although I don't know how you'd eat anything solid either."

[Nonverbal communication roll: 6]

Samuel breaks into a grand routine of charades! He starts with simple concepts, like "bird", "wizard" and "sky"! Then he follows up with an explanation of how sound works! It takes a while to explain the ear's structure, but the wizards seem to get it eventually. Samuel then goes into detail on how exactly a human being can produce sound, using a wizard in the room as an example. Soon enough the wizards understand how a human's vocal folds work.

"I think I've got it now, skeletal friend! Most educational! But what was the point of it all?"

Samuel points at the Diviner's throat, then back at his own.

"Oh, you can't speak because you're a bloody skeleton, is that it?"

Samuel nods.

"And what bearing does that have on today's matters?"

Samuel slaps his skeletal palm on his equally skeletal lack of a face, then waves his hands like a wizard and points toward his own throat again.

"You want me to give you a throat? I'm afraid you're in the wrong place for that. The Metamorphosis Department is what you want."

Samuel opens and closes his jaw several times, then points at his head, then the Head Diviner's!

"You want to eat my brains to make up for your lack thereof? Egads, how uncivilized!"

"Perhaps he wants to learn how to speak telepathically?"

"Speak telepathically? What a marvelous idea, Jenners! With quick thinking like that, we could have solved this entire problem half an hour ago! Hold on a second, I'll open a channel."

He waves his hands. Bridges of light appear between his, his compatriots' and Samuel's head, then disappear!

~Right, now we can communicate through the power of our minds!~

[Samuel mental communication roll: 2-1]

~Before stating my purpose here, I would like to express my great displeasure at what could only be described as the purest thick-skulled idiocy on your part that caused me to waste a whole half hour of my unlife that I will likely never get back. You are a complete idiot, Head Diviner, and I want you to know that these words of pure annoyance come from the very bottom of the heart I lost in the mining accident the day I died.~

[Rebound roll: 5]

~But I am truly glad that we can finally start our discussion, because I am here for a very good reason. I am of the opinion that magic is a force that I could potentially command as part of my arsenal. I already have a focus and am ready to cast spells, but I need to be able to exercise better control over them to be able to use magic reliably.~

~A focus, you say? Where did you get it?~

~Why, I made it myself through force of will alone. Is that unusual?~

There is a mental gasp throughout the room!

~Most unusual! You must have a great talent for magic! Or you are somehow connected to forces of a demonic nature! Either way, you must be studied and trained!~

~How long will this training take?~

~Not long, I think. Four years, maybe five if you're a slow learner. But something tells me we won't have a problem with that, now will we?~

Outside, in the midst of a swirling sea of angry people...

"I say, you people have dreadful manners! Impose on a gentleman's zone of private space, will you?"

Jordan, realizing that he needs to get some distance from the crowd, begins hacking through the wall!

[Homewrecking roll: 2]

The wall is slightly scratched by Jordan's axe blade! Oh well, guess he'll just have to kill all of these louts, then.

"What wonderful weather we're having, eh?"

"You're telling me! Almost makes me want to-"

[Jordan vs. Mob: 5+1 vs. 1+4-1-1]

Jordan begins hacking like a madman! Heads, legs, pitchforks, arms and bucketloads of blood fly everywhere! It's a veritable massacre! At least forty-three people are killed in Jordan's whirling death frenzy, with about thirty-seven more horribly injured!

[Crowd morale roll: 5]

The crowd collectively roars and charges at Jordan!

"If we die, we die as free men!"

"And women!"

[Crowd vs. Jordan: 2+3-2+1 vs. 5-1]

Jordan keeps on chopping, fatally repelling ten more people and maiming several more! The failed charge of the crowd makes it run out of revolutionary steam somewhat!

"I say, those dead people don't look like very free men at all!"

"Or women, either!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter Two: Books, Baubles and Boyfriends!
« Reply #257 on: November 02, 2012, 11:49:19 am »

Samuel will, er, think "Time I may have, but others I know do not have such blessings. Are there any more...Dangerous, or illegal experiments you can try, to potentially raise my magic potential? Since I'm already dead, it's not like I can get hurt..."

Also, good GODS Jordan, could you be ANY more psychotic?

I wonder if Sam could learn a magic that could...Boost your...Er, murdering skills somewhat.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 11:51:08 am by Caerwyn »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter Two: Books, Baubles and Boyfriends!
« Reply #258 on: November 02, 2012, 11:55:43 am »

((I am just that awesome. Plus some.))

Keep trying to break through the wall. and Killing.
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter Two: Books, Baubles and Boyfriends!
« Reply #259 on: November 02, 2012, 12:10:31 pm »

((Your bear-wrestling ventures have made you very skilled indeed))

Quote from: NW_Kohaku
they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the raving confessions of a mass murdering cannibal from a recipe to bake a pie.
Knowing Belgium, everyone will vote for themselves out of mistrust for anyone else, and some kind of weird direct democracy coalition will need to be formed from 11 million or so individuals.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter Two: Books, Baubles and Boyfriends!
« Reply #260 on: November 02, 2012, 12:33:14 pm »

Within the lair of the skeleton-whispering Head Diviner...

Samuel, not looking forward to spending four years in the company of the Head Diviner, chooses to grill the doddering old codger for some more information!

[Interrogation roll: 4]

~I may consider your proposal, for I do indeed have time. My friend, on the other hand, doesn't.~

~What friend?~

~A completely real and totally not made-up friend at all, I assure you. His name is Dirk, and a terrible witch insists on haranguing him at every opportunity! It is very much his own fault that has caused this, but he is my brother and I have to protect him! Now, do you have any faster alternatives than four years of study? I fear Dirk's livelihood may depend on your answer.~

~Oh, there was this absolutely fascinating paper I read on communication with demons. Demons! How utterly bizarre! It had all sorts of information on where demons could be found, how to contact them and how they choose to manifest! I'm afraid it was composed mostly of hearsay and wasn't very academically sound, but the hearsay it had was most exhilarating! Demons are occasionally known to use their power to grant preternatural skills to mortals very much like the Five Gods used to, I hear. Other than demons, however, I can't rightly think of anything that would give you instant, possibly permanent magical ability.~

~Not even highly dangerous and possibly illegal magical experiments?~

[Head Diviner will roll: 5]

The Head Diviner maintains a completely serious face.

~I am the Head Diviner. Does it seem like I would be the type to practice highly illegal magical experiments? Get serious, skeletal friend. You'd be better off speaking to one of those apes at the Metamorphosis Department on that.~


~Yes! Turned themselves into apes for some reason. Said it was proof of concept for some greater experiment. If they can return to being human, they say they'll be able to improve people by the same process. Or some such rot. Called it 'accelerated evolution' or something. They haven't the foggiest what that actually means! Idiots.~

~So I won't get any help from them?~

~Oh no, I've foreseen that they'll succeed. Quite dramatically, in fact. Dramatically enough to cause a major regional crisis. I'd rather not speak more on it, though. Wouldn't want to spoil too much of the results.~

Outside amidst a rapidly thinning crowd of peeved heretics...

Jordan's crowd pacification method seems to have real potential! Perhaps more testing is in order?

"I say, would you care for a spot of tea, my good man?"

"Do you have some? I heard only nobleme-"

[Jordan vs. Mob: 4+1 vs. 4+3-1-1]

Those filthy peasants seem to have foreseen Jordan's tactic by some devilish providence! They immediately retreat when he starts to swing his axe! Once he's done swinging, they charge at him once more!

[Mob vs. Jordan: 3+3-2 vs. 3-1]

They push Jordan backward by a great distance, but keeping out of his swinging range makes sure that they cannot make too much progress! Jordan decides to try deconstruction again!

[Homewrecking roll: 1]

His axe embeds itself into the wall! Jordan tries to pull it out!

[Jordan strength roll: 3+1]

It takes him a short while, but the axe comes out nicely! At least it cut in nicely this time!

The crowd, taking advantage of Jordan's distraction, advances on him!

[Mob vs. Jordan: 5+3-2 vs. 3-1]

They lift Jordan up from his feet and start slamming him into the wall! If they keep this up, Jordan might get seriously hurt for once!

[Wall structural integrity roll: 2]

Whether Jordan weakened it before or his body is just that destructive, the wall cracks somewhat! Jordan is a bit dizzy from all the thwacking he's been put through!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter Two: Books, Baubles and Boyfriends!
« Reply #261 on: November 02, 2012, 12:36:22 pm »

"Well, this really is a spot of bother."

KEEP CHOPPING! Try to get out of their grasp and get at a distance from them!
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!

Harry Baldman

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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter Two: Books, Baubles and Boyfriends!
« Reply #262 on: November 02, 2012, 12:50:50 pm »

At the very center of a popular uprising...

Jordan is a bit light-headed and his head is absolutely pounding! Literally!

"Oh dear, all that stone seems to have gone to my head! I say, you know what I always do in these situations?"


[Jordan vs. Mob: 4+1-1 vs. 3+3-1]

Jordan chops a bit at the hands of the fellows carrying him, sending them reeling back! However, they just pass him on to other people in the crowd!

[Mob vs. Jordan: 5+3-2 vs. 5-1]

The mob slams the persistently swinging Jordan against the wall a bit! He keeps swinging, but his dizziness persists!

[Wall structural integrity roll: 6]

A burst of magical energy surrounds the cracking wall! The mages inside must have magically reinforced it! The pretty lights distract the crowd somewhat! Just enough for Jordan to make an escape attempt!

[Jordan escape roll: 4-1]

Jordan rolls out of the grasp of his carriers, falling on the ground! The people in the crowd look around for Jordan in confusion!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter Two: Books, Baubles and Boyfriends!
« Reply #263 on: November 02, 2012, 12:52:42 pm »

((Looks like you're finally taking some damage.))

Quote from: NW_Kohaku
they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the raving confessions of a mass murdering cannibal from a recipe to bake a pie.
Knowing Belgium, everyone will vote for themselves out of mistrust for anyone else, and some kind of weird direct democracy coalition will need to be formed from 11 million or so individuals.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter Two: Books, Baubles and Boyfriends!
« Reply #264 on: November 02, 2012, 12:56:33 pm »


Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter Two: Books, Baubles and Boyfriends!
« Reply #265 on: November 02, 2012, 01:25:08 pm »

Head to the university and attempt to stop the fight - spout out some garbage about us all being on the same side.
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter Two: Books, Baubles and Boyfriends!
« Reply #266 on: November 02, 2012, 01:31:30 pm »

Beneath the eye level of a few hundred people...

Jordan may be down and dizzy, but he is far from out! A nearby agitator notices him!

"There you are!"

"Indeed I am! Do you know what gentlemanly conduct demands that I do?"


[Jordan vs. Mob: 3+1-1 vs. 2+3-1-1]

Jordan swipes his axe across the chest of the fellow that saw him! The fellow loses far more blood than a human being should!

Jordan attempts to leave his merry circle of friends!

[Jordan escape roll: 6-1]

He leaps upwards and begins whirling around with his axe! A few peasants get chopped to bits and the rest wise up! They retreat from the area around Jordan, which he uses to skip away like some kind of infernal ballet dancer! He quickly puts some distance between himself and the thinning crowd, disappearing around the corner of one of the buildings on the other side of the campus!

[Crowd morale roll: 6]

"We have him on the run! We've won the battle! Let's finish him off!"

They charge thoughtlessly after the escaping Jordan, rounding the corner around five at a time!

"I say, chaps, that was very kind of you!"

"What do you mean, that-"

[Jordan vs. Mob: 4+1 vs. 5+2-1-1]

The mob, however, decides to retreat back a bit after the seven front attackers get themselves horribly maimed!

[Mob morale roll: 1]

Quite a bit, in fact. They decide to retreat back all the way to the other side of the campus area!

"Wait, why are we doing this? Haven't we won the war?"

"Who said that?"

"I don't know! Bill, I guess?"

"And where is Bill now? More importantly, where is his head?"


"Around that corner and NOT ON HIS SHOULDERS, you lout, because Bill WAS A BLOODY IDIOT! Personally, I ain't endangerin' all the free women-"

"And men!"

"... and men by going after some bloody lunatic for NO GOOD REASON. Let's just take down the mages, then we can worry about gentlemanly walking corpses with axes!"

The crowd settles down and returns to banging on the walls of the campus buildings, beckoning the mages to come out and give up all the sweet loot they are undoubtedly hoarding!

On the way to the university...

James feels an urge to hurry! Perhaps if he does not make his move soon, all the sweet loot will be stolen by his more ambitious and non-cursed comrades! That he cannot allow!

[James speedy travel roll: 1-1]
[Wild animal roll: 5]

His thoughts are interrupted by a somehow speeding giant snail slamming into him from the side! Seriously, Pacitarius is starting to get ridiculous with this stuff.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter Two: Books, Baubles and Boyfriends!
« Reply #267 on: November 02, 2012, 01:35:35 pm »

Find a way into the University!
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter Two: Books, Baubles and Boyfriends!
« Reply #268 on: November 02, 2012, 01:37:22 pm »

Samuel will let out a raspy sigh, and ask if he can just browse their magical goods. He'll pay in good coin. Magic shops please? Tools, wands, trinkets and charms; - Scrolls, gems and spells galore!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter Two: Books, Baubles and Boyfriends!
« Reply #269 on: November 02, 2012, 01:37:32 pm »

Hack the vulnerable part of the snail with extreme prejudice, and get to the university in time to rally the mob.
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.
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