In a smithy with an unsuspecting magic-user...Tom wordlessly curses the unoriginality in mages these days and attempts to execute a treacherous, underhanded sneak attack on the fire lady!
[Tom vs. Fire Lady: 1+2 vs. 4-
The blade flies past her head, making a cool, but somehow unsatisfying *schwing* sound! Probably because no blood was spilt. Swords love that, you know.
Luke tries to simultaneously clonk her on the head with his hammer! Have to test it, after all. He aims at the back of her head and swings!
[Luke vs. Fire Lady: 1 vs. 4-1]
He misses so woefully that his hammer flies out of his hands and into a window! A loud noise is made, attracting the fire lady's attention!
[Fire Lady's reaction roll: 5]
"Oh, hi guys. What's going on with you? Why is one of you a skeleton? And what's that horrible smell?"Far, far away from Emlocke...Vincent continues his acts of vengeance despite the fact that he already killed the one who tipped his friend! He's just a perfectionist that way, seems like.
[Torus of Murder roll: 5]
The torus swoops down and splits in half, hitting two of the villagers!
[Villager 1 endurance roll: 4-1]
[Villager 2 endurance roll: 2-1]
One is given a great big hole where his heart used to be, the other gets a kidney sliced out, it looks like. Both aren't very likely to survive. In fact, one of them expires on the spot, leaving a lot of blood and viscera on the other villagers to remember him by! Vincent sends another volley at the remaining 8 as he struggles to keep his altitude!
[Torus of Murder roll: 6]
This time, there is something unusual about the torus' flight, as it doesn't split apart at all! Instead, it just hits a escaping savage in the chest! The savage stumbles for a moment and Vincent thinks that something might have gone wrong.
He is proven to be wrong when the villager explodes suddenly, a storm of toroidal blades exploding into every direction! Vincent is disappointed to find that the blades only hit one villager, since that still leaves 6 to kill.
[Villager 1 endurance roll: 6]
Scratch that, 7. The one that was hit just tosses the blade back at Vincent, whereupon the blade proceeds to securely lock back onto his staff and reform the torus, at which point Vincent unleashes another attack!
[Torus of Murder roll: 2]
That is, he would unleash an attack if the torus hadn't locked on a bit
too securely. He spends a few moments loosening it.
((I do know Bernie's name, I'm just calling him Josh. For all of time. I rolled a five on ignoring everything he said, so I'm going to make use of my ignorance.))
Not in-character, you don't. Bernie never told you his name.