In a conversation with a well-dressed ape...
Mike, satisfied at his success, decides to carry on conversing.
"Why hello, Mr. Jones, I am Michael Schuler, but everybody calls me Mike. I'm technically human, but demonic shenanigans trapped me in this body! But that is not why I have come here, I seek a way to return to my homeland!"
"Ah, so you're new here! How absolutely delightful. Well, Mike, may I be the first to welcome you to the fabulous City of Dreams. You'll grow to like it, I'm sure. It's a place where dreams come true, after all."
"Yes, I'm sure it's delightful, but are there any ways to leave this place?"
"No conventional ones, I'm afraid. The portals that lead here are one-way, so there is no point in trying to leave via the Ocean of Dreams. It's infinite as far as I know."
Mike looks as disappointed as a bird can at the answer he's received.
"But there is one way, however. The Lord of Dreams could probably send you wherever you wish, but only if you provide him with something he truly values. But getting to him is an ordeal in itself, as you need to bribe all five of his guardians before they'll let you in, and I hear they have very extravagant desires."
"So, bribe five guardians, then give the Lord of Dreams something he values and you can leave?"
"Well, that's one of the things you can do. He is a trader of sorts - you give him something he values and he grants you a wish. Nothing too powerful, I'm afraid. Usually the traders that come here and manage to get in ask for artifacts, impossibly exquisite goods and transportation out of here, in that order. For each wish, they have brought a good to trade."
"How many manage to get in?"
"A precious few. The rest have not done enough research and end up stuck here. Not that that's a bad thing. I find that people who are stranded here enjoy it quite a bit more than their own world."