Inside the throne room of the Divine Slime King...Samucane tries to match the power of the slime god-king by calling upon its Cane Guardian!
[Magic roll: 2+1]
There is a slight disturbance in the air, as though somebody in a demon pub dropped his mug of demon booze because his summoner disturbed him! It quickly dissipates, however!
The slime god-king proceeds to get into a fight with Samucane's canes!
[Slime God-King vs. Canes: 2+5 vs. 5+4]
The canes quickly spread out to avoid its slime-tentacles and swoop back in to attack!
[Canes vs. Slime God-King: 5+4 vs. 2+5]
They come at it like a crashing wave, delivering a very palpable accessory-beating! The god-king reels back!
[God-King reeling roll: 1]
It crashes into the wall!
[Building structural integrity roll: 1-3]
The entire mass of slime, thirteen stories tall in total, comes crashing down on the room!
[Samucane magic roll: 6+1-
[Cane Armada escape roll: 6]
Samucane and its loyal army fly out before it has the chance to destroy them, however! Samucane is the first to come out, flying out of the window. The canes crash through the wall, even further completing the collapse! The slime god-king is far too large and unwieldy to escape, however, and gets buried in rubble!
Samucane surveys the ruins!
[Slime God-King endurance roll: 5]
Purple slime begins spilling from the rubble in large quantities! Oh crap.
On the streets of Dielnin...Mike gets up from her pile of filth and tries to climb up the house again!
[Climbing roll: 4]
This time she gets up to the window and climbs in, with only the smell of unidentified filth reminding her of her previous failure! She begins searching for loot!
[Search roll: 5]
Inside a chest hidden in a closet Mike finds a pair of chain gauntlets with spiked bucklers attached! They look pretty great!