Inside the Nabpie Tomb...
Samucane tries to get away from this blasted tomb! Only death awaits it here! It attempts to fly out!
[Magic roll: 1+1]
It remains rooted in place! Maybe it can make a cane golem to carry it out?
[Magic roll: 5+1]
He makes a bunch of really mighty-looking magical canes that are also on magical cane-fire!
[Golem shaping roll: 3]
This golem, however, is a lot more malformed than the previous one! Well, at least it still has cane-hands!
[Golem navigation roll: 5]
The golem easily picks Samucane up and proceeds to drag itself over to the rubble-covered passage with its cane-hands!
[Encounter roll: 5]
And what's more surprising, the Nabpies don't even seem to mind! They get to the rubble without incident! Samucane proceeds to order its minion to clear the rubble!
[Rubble clearing roll: 1]
It punches the rubble with tremendous force!
[Tomb structural integrity roll: 2]
The ceiling begins to crumble once again! A lot of rubble begins to fall from the ceiling!
[Samucane magic roll: 3+1]
Samucane barely manages to magically pull itself out of the room in time!
[Golem agility roll: 6-1]
The golem propels itself out of the room as well, landing perfectly right beside Samuel! The room, however, is totally collapsed now under a mountain of dirt and rubble. Looks like Samucane will have to look for another way out!
On the roof overlooking a lot of terrible carnage...
Mike looks for other schmucks with potions!
[Search roll: 1]
He sees a guy with a great big metal jug walking around! Potions ahoy!
[Telekinesis roll: 6]
He manipulates the man into opening the bottle, the overdone motions twisting and breaking all of his limbs! The man screams very much like you'd expect a spontaneously mutilated fellow to scream, which is to say a lot! The bottle is open, and Mike makes the man smash it into his own face!
Uh oh. Something bad is happening.
Bright light spills out from the bottle accompanied with a horrible shriek!
[Man will roll: 4]
The man screams and bangs his head against the ground! A stream of light is turned away from his head! Instead, it streams to the next thing visible to it - Mike!
[Mike will roll: 1]
Mike suddenly finds himself even more shapeless and bodiless, just a vague presence in the air! He is shocked to see another Mike standing right where he used to be! Wait a minute, that is Mike! It's just that the real Mike is no longer the real Mike! The fake Mike is now the real Mike! The real Mike, on the other hand, is now just a tiny speck of light hanging around next to the new real Mike!
The New Real Mike turns to the Old Real Mike!
"Have fun in the bottle, chump!"
[Bottle pull roll: 6]
The old real Mike instantly finds himself inside an endless dark expanse! Around him are many specks of light much like himself!
"New guy, eh? Welcome to the Soul Jar. At least Dick's gone now. That's good news."
[Dickmike telekinesis roll: 4]
Mike sees something close up above him! Dammit, whoever controls his body now stopped the jug with a cork! Now how is he supposed to get out?