Month 2 Week 3
Your phlogistonist can't think of any usefull things to do with the crater. While it might be possible to set up a harvesting system hanging over the crater, he would have to wait for the materials and some people to get to work. (Note that these actions don't do anything usefull, at all)
The peasants disturbed a nest of bees in the woods. Thankfully the overseer wasn't hurt, but the vicious insect denied acces to the woods for several days.
The peasants get it right this time, and under carefull observation of our engineer a magnificent Zeppelin docking station is constructed, with the capability of docking at least 3 Zeppelins at the same time. It did cost a bit more resources though.
The naturalist manage to find only a small bit more information about the rabbits. They are really, really shy and dig rather deep holes, with multiple exists.
The phologistonist and the geologist prepare to examine the gasses from the crack, but no usefull work is done as no labratory has yet been build.
The mine's production remains steady, producing 4 units of copper ore and 4 units of iron ore. However, a problem has been detected. The mine downward has reached a hard part of fractured granite. It's nearly worthless, but it'll have to be taken out of the way before you can deep digger.
48 units of fish are caught
21 units of plants are harvested
-Small forest [59/100]
- Mine [72/75] (don't worry about the numbers) [5/5 Miners]
-Surface copper vein*2 [10/10 workers]
-Good source of basalt [0/5 workers]
-Pile of stone [0/5 workers]
-Crack [Mallodorous gas]
-Rich Iron ore vein [5/5 workers]
-Fractured granite
- 3 Fumaroles
-Sulphur [Mediocre amounts]
-Phlogiston [Barely]
-Unknown gasses
-Rough stone passage(Makes travel harder)
-Surface Mineral deposit
-Unscouted area
-Small river
-Melancholy Mangoes
Wood workshop [Small]
Magnificent Zeppelin docking station[60/40]
Fishing dock[20/20]
-Small fishing boats [10/10 citizens]
6 Houses [60/60 citizens]
Small farm:
-1 weeks [28/28]
-2 weeks [27/27]
-5 peasants
Possible buildings:
Fishing dock: 20 wood or 40 stone (Allows the construction of simple boats, as well as providing docking space)
House: 10 wood or stone (Houses 10 citizens)
Zeppelin docking pier: 40 wood or 60 stone (Allows Zeppelins to dock)
Labratory: 40 wood, 5 Units of labratory supplies
...etcColony name:
Population:75 (1)
Richness: 000
Prestige: 002
Happiness: 65%
Religion: 100 % Church of the Holy cog
179 units of food
26 unit of booze
5 crates of stahlmarkian brandy
5 lab crates
35 (5) boxes of simple tools
1 carts
11 units of copper ore
0 stone
4 trees
0 wood
0 units of firewood (Foliage, small trees and other useless stuff)
Angleworks Expert structural planner Megalomaniacal
Gentleman reseacher [Not controllable]
9 Specialists
-Naturalist [Dedicated to science, Obsessed with occult] GWG
-Engineer [Competent, Underrated] TopHat
-Geologist [Unusually talented, ...] Wer6
-Overseer [] The card
-Ploghistonist [] Criptfriend
-Voltaist ((Heinrich)) [Ingenious, frail] Helgoland
-Overseer [Meticulous, gluton] Evilcherry
-Naturalist ((Maxwell K. Lynar)) [Highly effective,Singleminded] Kopout
10 soldiers
55 Lower class citizens
Try adding numbers to the turn orders .
Industrialize for greater efficiency
You can build fishing vessels from the port, for a small cost in wood
Trader next turn