In the midwinter of 2048...
The download of the game that a friend of yours had recommended has finished. Dwarf Fortress. According to your friend, the title is quite the Artifact Title these days, and she prefers to refer to the game as simply DF or Definitive Fantasy.
In any case, you have the game, but now your internet usage credit is in the negatives. It'll be a bit until you build up enough credit to get back online, but you should be able to message your friend for help occasionally, and there should be a in-game help.
She has given some suggestions on what to do with the game, but let's see it first. Extracting... good. Starting it... nice music, nice if odd movies. So that's what your friend was talking about with extra-low-level graphics.
The main menu gives you three options.
>Create New World!
>About DF
Well, you won't quit yet, of course, and the About page is predictable. Let's go create a new world! That should get us to a new screen. Ah, yes, here it is...
Okay. You're really not sure what all those options do, but you'll work that out you're sure. What was it your friend suggested for world generation as a starter world, anyway... Small world, Single-pole Island, short history, medium civs, sites, and savagery, high beasts, frequent minerals, medium procedural, and either grim fairytales or epic fantasy. But is that what you want?
Oddly enough, this is not inspired by the recent occurrence or DF2050 threads, but it was encouraged by them. I'm using an optimistic view on what the game might be like. I generally won't post "full screenshots" like above - it's more likely that any images are of sizes like the following:
And yes, I know.
I won't make any promises on the longevity of this, by the way.