Not optimism but observation. Though saying that after missing the t in your name makes me feel a little foolish.
Hehe. It's a weird nickname anyway.
You see, I had this friend disappearing without a word thing for two times in the internet if I remember right. After that, I found myself not really believing in this internet friendship thing. There was a guy who I really liked as a buddy. We even talked for 7 consecutive hours once. Then out of nowhere, I had conservation with him which made me really sad for weeks. I was complaining about the people who I called popularity whores. The people who would do anything to make their name known to people. Short version is, I was like "Hey man I'm glad you are my friend. You should have seen these people in my school. They would do anything to increase their facebook friend list by a few thousands. They think stealing jokes from youtube and repeating hundred years old jokes will make them funny and cool. How cool they are, swearing at everything, playing the rebellious youth and shit. Hehe." To summerize he pretty much said this: "That's not a bad thing. Everybody is socializing. You should stop criticising the people around you for a minute and try to be like them. Stop the holier-than-thou attitude. You shouldn't just rely on me for friendship. You don't see me. You just see words. I'm not your real friend. You have to make real friends, man."
He wasn't finished, the real conservation took like half an hour. At the end I couldn't just take it anymore. I just started babbling shit like "U R MY FREND NO MOAR" and shut the computer down. Then I started crying... for about an hour. When I think about it now, it just makes me laugh about how naive I was.
A year after this, our ways crossed in the internet. The short story is, my girlfriend was friends with this sunovabeach and she wanted to be the peacemaker. I wanted her to stop doing this but she insisted anyway. I was waiting in fear about what this guy might say to my girlfriend. I was saying things like "hey you are talking to him now? what does he say? he is criticising and gossiping about me isn't he? DON'T BELIEVE HIS LIES SWEETIE!"
Ahem, so she told him my side of the situtation. He contacted me, apologized. He said he didn't know I was heartbroken. He said he took offense about what I said because he thought I was talking about guys like him. He seemed genuine but I knew there was no way I was going to be able get past this and accept his apology. I was like "yea yea dude apology accepted let's do a hypothetical high five" while actually thinking "you can take your apology and shove it where sun doesn't shine you popularity whore dumbass bitch. YOU MADE ME FEEL LIKE AN ASOCIAL SHIT WHO HAS SUPERIORITY COMPLEX FOR DAYS! EVEN DUNG BEETLES DIDN'T WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH ME!"
That's the last time I talked to him. I took an oath to never trust someone again on the internet and... [enter melodramatic music here]
Leatra was born... Just kidding. I don't wanna steal the thread so I'll just say something to make this post advice-ish. Moral of the story is, internet friendships are a good thing and it's fun. Just don't overthink it and don't rely too much on them. Internet is full of unreliable people, like real life but people can become more unreliable on the internet. Do you want someone who you can rely on? YO MAMA. (No, really. They really care, guys)
For the record, I mean it when I say I would do anything and stuff like that. So... Don't look at me like that. Hey, I'm reliable!