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Author Topic: You Are Islanders--Day Three, Monsoon!  (Read 7313 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Slowpoke: You have five men, and children probably won't work. You can make suggestions, but at least half of them will just be children. There's a reason kids are cheap...Thankfully, they eat half as much.
Oh, and having half of your adult population hunt at a -1, with neither weapons nor armor? Do you want a tribe of children?


I made a sacrifice to the RNG today.

Based on the double ones I just rolled in Endgame, it was looked upon favorably. I'll manage.


  • Bay Watcher
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Oh, and only one person needs to gather eggs. Unless maybe you're trying to find and rob wild birds' nests, which is an inefficient use of time at best.

Slowpoke: You have five men, and children probably won't work. You can make suggestions, but at least half of them will just be children. There's a reason kids are cheap...Thankfully, they eat half as much.
Oh, and having half of your adult population hunt at a -1, with neither weapons nor armor? Do you want a tribe of children?


I made a sacrifice to the RNG today.

Based on the double ones I just rolled in Endgame, it was looked upon favorably. I'll manage.

Alright, alright, crazy guy...
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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I have two men at the trees, so they can take turns cutting them down. It's tiring work. Plus, it's easier to stack logs with two people.

And for them miners as well, they can take turns mining, while the other's rest/search for loose ores/rocks/gem-stones/cool stuff.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Because She's Awesome
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Changed...... again.
At best it's a pool of ink thats here for no reason; at worst it's a puddle of hateful alien death penises that want to murder-rape you into chunks.
So how are you today?


  • Bay Watcher
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I have two men at the trees, so they can take turns cutting them down. It's tiring work. Plus, it's easier to stack logs with two people.

And for them miners as well, they can take turns mining, while the other's rest/search for loose ores/rocks/gem-stones/cool stuff.
Fair enough.

Changed...... again.
Looks good, although I'd like to ask why you need people to be good at running. Just in case?
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Because She's Awesome
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At best it's a pool of ink thats here for no reason; at worst it's a puddle of hateful alien death penises that want to murder-rape you into chunks.
So how are you today?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sane, by the local standards.
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Good idea.

Anyways, here are the actions:
Have fun keeping track! Screw the work, I want FUN! Plus I'm already keeping track of 2-3 RTD characters...

# of people = Green.
Men = Teal.
Women = Pink.
Children = Yellow.

Kamehameha will order two of his men to take the adze and fell medium-sized trees, two other men to scout in a roughly one-mile radius around the village, five men to head to the local mines and begin to gather chunks of ores/sturdy rocks, and two men will try and discuss a way to fashion a BOW. Oh, and three men to try and hunt for meat.
The final man will gather water for everybody.

Five women will also hunt for tubers, reeds and etc, while the last five women and children will go out and pick fruit.

Color-coding is fun!

Five women will take a group of 6 children each to the Hunt. One man will acquire shellfish. Ten children get grass and reeds, while the remaining ones research food preservation.
5 Men hunting,
1 Man gathering wood
1 woman Egg collecting
1 woman teach 5 children hunting.
9 men + 4 women practice running.

1 man gets water [no tools]
2 men cut trees [adze]
9 men hunt [no tools]
3 men and 5 women gather plants [no tools]
1 woman collects eggs [no tools]
3 women gather grass / reeds [no tools]
1 woman starts a fire [no tools]
5 kids muck about, or whatever it is kids do.
Once I get 10ebbor10's action and home, I'll do the first turn! Yeah!
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Yay! Now we wait for two weeks, only to learn that Ebbor went on a trip to hawaii and forgot about us.


  • Bay Watcher
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It's early morning where he is, according to his profile. Probably asleep. I'll wait until morning here, that'll be afternoon or so there.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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  • Bay Watcher
  • Sane, by the local standards.
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A quick overview: First I roll for events, then I roll to see how well everyone did, then I tally up results, deal with food consumption, and spoil some of the food. 25% of meat and fish, 10% of plants and eggs. 0% of smoked meat and fish.


Have fun keeping track! Screw the work, I want FUN! Plus I'm already keeping track of 2-3 RTD characters...

# of people = Green.
Men = Teal.
Women = Pink.
Children = Yellow.

Kamehameha will order two of his men to take the adze and fell medium-sized trees, two other men to scout in a roughly one-mile radius around the village, five men to head to the local mines and begin to gather chunks of ores/sturdy rocks, and two men will try and discuss a way to fashion a BOW. Oh, and three men to try and hunt for meat.
The final man will gather water for everybody.

Five women will also hunt for tubers, reeds and etc, while the last five women and children will go out and pick fruit.

Color-coding is fun!

Kamahameka looked up. He was on a beach within feet of a vibrant forest. A river ran nearby, and a mile or so away he could see rocky slopes. He gave orders for men to split up tool use amongst them.

The woodcutters sort of fumble with the adze. While they sort of help each other out, their clumsiness (a random event), the crudeness of the adze, and sheer poor luck prevent the harvest of any appreciable amount of wood.
The scouts scout around for a mile, finding the spring where the river flows from, and not much else.
The miners start mining. They bring in two units of basalt.
The hunters split up and look for meat. Two bring in meat--one a largish lizard about five feet long, the other two flightless pigeons about the size of a chicken. They are butchered for seven units of meat, seven of bone, two of leather, half a unit of scale, and four units of brown ground pigeon feathers. All returned unharmed.
The water-carrier doesn't do too well, but gets almost enough water to satiate everyone through the day. The rest is made up after the day's work is ended.
Only a couple children help the women gather food; the rest mostly play. Some try to help the gatherers but mostly impede them, and two of them fall out of trees, injuring them! (Health -2, -3) The gatherers overall bring in 45 units of fruit and tubers, but nothing else of note happens.
Everyone enjoys some meat, and adds some fruit and roots. Kamehameka and another thinker decide that to make a bow, they'll need wood and grasses/reeds, plus a knife and one craftsman with a day to make it. Pretty much every man knows how to make a bow, so that won't be an issue.



Five women will take a group of 6 children each to the Hunt. One man will acquire shellfish. Ten children get grass and reeds, while the remaining ones research food preservation.
Maya Panponpapou the Drunkard found himself at the mouth of a stream running east. To the west were some large, rocky hills; about half a mile in any non-seaward direction was forest. He organized five hunting parties, hoping to reduce headcount before anyone realized what he had done...

The first hunting party had only one child actually help; the others mostly played in the forest. The child and the woman were both injured, the child lethally so.
The second hunting party had four children helping. In addition to three injured children, one dead one, a wild pig, and size large lizards, the hunting party found the body of a large tortoise--easily twice the size of a pig. (Decent rolls for half the party and a 12 for the random event will do that.)
The third hunting party had two helpful children, two deaths, and a large swallow brought in by the surviving child.
The fourth hunting party had one helpful child, an injured woman, a badly injured child, and four large lizards. They also found a nest of bird eggs.
The fifth had two helpful children, one injured child, who was later crushed along with the woman by some large animal, a more normal-sized tortoise only a bit bigger than a dog, and a large lizard. The woman survived but is still unconscious.
The man gatering shellfish had an uneventful day, prying enough shellfish off the rocks to...well, mostly feed himself, but also to get a couple good tools.
Out of the ten children told to get grass and reeds, four do so and six don't. The four who do gather six units of the stuff--not much--and one gets lost.
This leaves 26 children gamboling about and being children. One tries to help the shellfish-gatherer but mostly dumps his entire day's catch into the water, another nearly dies from some sort of animal attack, and a third makes a crude shell adze from an old tortoise shell she found.
Well, then. The animals are butchered, and the survivors feast, ridiculing Maya and the others who merely sat around and didn't do anything. All they had to show for their day of "work" was figuring out that if they had a flint, they could start a fire, letting one person smoke 25 units of fish or meat per day.
If it truly was his intention to kill people, Maya had succeeded.


5 Men hunting,
1 Man gathering wood
1 woman Egg collecting
1 woman teach 5 children hunting.
9 men + 4 women practice running.

Gunagua Kanagi looked around his landing site. He was surrounded by rich, vibrant forest with the ocean to the north. He saw a stream maybe half a mile to the east, and a small, rocky island a few miles to the north.

The hunters hunted. Three were injured, one greviously so, and they brought in a fairly large finch and an eight-foot lizard. This lizard and its pack were the ones who injured the hunters; the hunters termed them igulves.
The woodcutter dropped his crude adze on his foot, injuring himself.
The woman collecting eggs messed up a little and smashed them all on accident.
Another woman taught the children everything she knew about hunting, which as implied in the OP is not much. The children mostly played.
The runners had varying levels of success. Two broke their legs, two strained themselves, but everyone feels tired.
As the hunters dragged in their kill and their wounded, everyone felt crushed. They didn't have half enough food for everyone. On the bright side, maybe they could use the bones and scales of the igulv against others of its kind.


1 man gets water [no tools]
2 men cut trees [adze]
9 men hunt [no tools]
3 men and 5 women gather plants [no tools]
1 woman collects eggs [no tools]
3 women gather grass / reeds [no tools]
1 woman starts a fire [no tools]
5 kids muck about, or whatever it is kids do.

Heiruphus and several others found themselves surrounded by forest, with the sea to the north. Nearby was a small islet gleaming black with obsidian. Thankfully, the makatea on which his canoe was ruined did not block the shallow quarter-mile strait.

The water-gatherer split most of the water from the spring, but saved five units of it.
The woodcutters, swapping between cutting wood an stacking it, accidentally brought a tree down on one! On the bright side, they have 15 wood!
The hunters are mostly fine. Two got injured, but the rest were okay. They brought in two wild pigs and a large, five-foot lizard, and were heading back when two saw a larger lizard, eight feet long, and attacked it. They escaped with rather bad injuries. Topping off the bad luck, the lizard's pack came back for revenge. Four were killed, including all but one of the injured, and another man was injured. (Multiple bad events and a couple over shots are lethal.)
The plant-gatherers had nowhere as much of an interesting day. While one man poisoned himself by eating poisonous berries, and one woman got hit in the head with an unripe breadfruit, overall little interesting happened. They gathered 24 units of fruit.
The egg-collector succeeded.
The women gathered 47 units of grass and reeds, much of which was entangled around two if them. They'll be untangling themselves and recovering tomorrow.
The fire-starter quickly gathers some kindling and gets a good fire going.
The children play.
Everyone eats and hopes tomorrow won't be so bad.


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Robert looks around. He sees a wide, good beach near his puny pile of tools. Two, to be exact. Well, he has a good beach, livestock, and plenty of help.

The woman gathering shellfish does okay, getting enough to feed two and a similar amount of shell. Then her prier breaks. On the bright side, she also located a beached shark!
Gathering eggs is important and difficult when the mother hens drive off those who would take their young, like this woman found.
The women take the pig to help them look for edible vegetation. The old sow certainly helps; they bring in 41 units of food, of which the sow eats only one.
The reed-gatherers find a bird's nest, but it is sadly empty. They also gather 31 units of grasses and reeds.
The wood-gatherers (a good idea I hadn't thought of an am making rules up for as I type) don't do as well as they could have. A branch falls, crushing one and injuring another. On the other hand, they get 10 units of wood.
The rock-gatherers survey the site. At this point, "mine" is a misnomer--the "mine" is just a spot of good, rich stone. They go grab 13 flints, though, which can be used to make fire or arrow/spear heads.
The scouts survey the whole of you or island. It is three miles by two, and has some rocky hills in the middle. The southern side is mostly covered in grass and ground birds, but the rest is forest. You see no other people, but smoke is seen coming from another island, several miles away...
While four children run around, getting water for their parents and mostly filling the pot, the last gets bored and plays with the dogs.
Between the shark and the fruit, there is plenty of food for all.


Before I update the OP, here's some tips.
1. Hunting without weapons or armor? DANGEROUS.
2. Try not to make people do things they're not good at. Especially if those things have injuries as the penalty for a 1.
3. While I was lenient this turn (because I forgot), if people have to get their own water yields will be halved.
4. If you want to know if and how to make something, ask!
5. Try not to roll so badly next time. I'm looking at YOU, woodcutters!
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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What would I need to make a knife?

EDIT: action edited a bit (only 2 women have to untangle)
« Last Edit: October 20, 2012, 03:59:51 pm by TopHat »
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are Islanders--One Day, Ten Dead
« Reply #42 on: October 20, 2012, 12:09:53 pm »

You sent a dozen kids and five women from a culture where women are mainly housekeepers, and send them into a dangerous jungle to hunt and kill its inhabitants with their bare hands. What did you think would happen?

Anyways, to make a knife you have a few options. With a stone knife, you can turn a shell or a bone into a knife, up to 1d56 per day. To get a stone knife, you could simply smack rocks against each other, turning one unit of rock into 1d6 rocks. As you can see, tools are important.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: You Are Islanders--One Day, Ten Dead
« Reply #43 on: October 20, 2012, 12:19:56 pm »

That evening, Robert called his tribe to him. Over all, everything had been nice. Except for the unlucky death of one of the men( Really standing under that giant loose log while pulling it loose was kinda stupid) everyone had survived, and nobody died. He warned his people against being Haughty, for that would anger the spirits then set about dividing tomorrows tasks.

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« Last Edit: October 20, 2012, 01:10:06 pm by 10ebbor10 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are Islanders--One Day, Ten Dead
« Reply #44 on: October 20, 2012, 12:26:24 pm »

You sent a dozen kids and five women from a culture where women are mainly housekeepers, and send them into a dangerous jungle to hunt and kill its inhabitants with their bare hands. What did you think would happen?
Who was that addressed to?
Anyways, thanks for the knife making thing and resources. Will update actions shortly.

EDIT: looked at resources and a few things:
1. I only have 14 wood, 45 grasses / reeds (some things were used up in the fire)
2. The poisoned person lived? Is he in a better / worse state than the injured?
3. Don't I only have 2 wounded men ('... Including all but 1 of the injured, and another man was injured.')
Sorry for all the questions
« Last Edit: October 20, 2012, 12:31:37 pm by TopHat »
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.
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