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Author Topic: Arena V: continuing where Arena IV left off  (Read 8724 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Arena V: continuing where Arena IV left off
« on: October 17, 2012, 03:53:56 pm »

First off: This is an attempt to take over Tomio's arena from here. All the characters are carried over, but some features will be changed - additional spells, different creatures to fight, things like that. Since Tomio used his own system which wasn't published, I will narrate the fights using common sense and dice throws without any real cohesion. You won't have irrational fight results, that I can promise.
Also, my team will contiue participating, I guess you'll have to trust me not to cheat.

Leather Armor. +1 AGI     
Leather leggings: 90                           
Leather armor: 150                           
Leather boots: 40                       
Leather cloak: 60                             
Leggings: 300                           
Armor: 500                      
Boots: 150                 
Cloak: 200                      
Leggings: 600   
Armor: 1000   
Boots: 300   
Cloak: 400   

Equipment, armor, metal, copper. +1 ARMOR
Leggings: 75                
Armor: 120      
Boots: 40        
Helmet: 50   
Equipment, armor, metal, bronze. -1AGI, +3 ARMOR
Leggings: 100                 
Armor: 160      
Boots: 60         
Helmet: 80         
Metal, iron, armor. -2 AGI, +4 ARMOR      
Leggings: 150           
Armor: 240      
Boots: 90      
Helmet: 120         
Leggings: 250      
Armor: 400      
Boots: 150      
Helmet: 200      
Leggings: 250         
Armor: 400                
Boots: 150      
Helmet: 200         
Leggings: 800      
Armor: 1200       
Helmet: 500

Wood: 50/35                   
Bronze: 100/70               
Iron: 200/140                 
Steel: 400/280               
Adamantium: 800/560     
Shields count as heavy, bucklers as light armor. Bucklers can be worn with two-handed weapons as well..

Assign 25 stat points

Assign 20 stat points

ELVES (-1 STR, +1 AGI)
Assign 20 stat points

Assign 20 stat points, gain 75 bonus starting gold (Limited to ONCE a player) (Not one kobold, one time starting bonus.).

ORC (+3 STR, -3 AGI, default END is 6)
Assign 25 stat points, can't use ranged weapons

You can't choose to be either of them. You can get infected in a fight or during special events.

Infected characters have a slight chance of transforming during a fight. The transformation yields +5 STR, AGI and END, but -10 INT, so this is extremely bad for wizards. All weapons and armor are dropped when transformed, and werewolves anything nearby. Werewolves have enhanced healing in both their normal and transformed state, so if they get injured (and NOT killed) during a fight, they recover for the next round without the usual helath penalty.
If your werewolf curse gets revealed in the arena, you need to forfeit half your winnings, because it is considered an illegal "move".
Cure is 500 gold, but optional of course.

Infected characters get a constant +5 boost to AGI, and +2 to END and STR. They can use weapons and armor without any problems. Vampires have a low chance to lose their self control at the sight of blood, and feed from an opponent during combat. This kills the opponent immediately, and restores the vampire's health, but results in the character's ban from the arena until he/she is cured, as vampires are generally shunned in society, and not allowed to compete in any way. Healing spells have a negative effect on them, but they have a natural healing factor. If they get injured (and NOT killed) during a fight, they recover for the next round without the usual helath penalty.
Cure is 1000 gold, also optional (but obviously recommended if the vampirism is discovered)

Tiers: training (starter) -> hunting -> war -> masterwork
Start the fight with 25 normal bolts unless they are bought otherwise by player.
+1 vs ARMOR
Can be poisoned* for better effects.
Tiers: hunting (starter) -> longbow -> composite -> masterwork
Start fight with 25 normal arrows unless some are bought by the player.

Special arrows/bolts:
Enchanted arrows/bolts 100 gold for one battle (choose the element: freezing, poison, fire, lightning)
Explosive arrows/bolts 200 gold for one battle, high damage, but beware of critical fails


Mace: STARTER: Up to slade ONE HANDED
Maul: STARTER: Up to slade. TWO HANDED
¼ Pike/spear: Up to Adamantine TWO HANDED
“Claws” STARTER, Up to ADAMANTINE TWO HANDED (They're "claws", like Wolverine, but attachable to your hands using metal plates. You can wear bucklers with these, but they count as that.)
Tiers: Starter (copper) -> bronze -> iron -> steel (mithril for dwarves and kobolds) -> adamantine/slade


Canis lupus. Come on, you know it.
Reward: 25 coins
Buying: 100 coins
Majestic creature, quite deadly.
Reward: 50 Coins
Buying: 200 coins
Bigger, meaner than a lion.
Reward: 100 coins
Buying: 400 coins
Dire wolf
This got a boost, beacuse it's AWESOME. Basically a very-very big wolf.
Reward: 150 coins
Buying: 600 coins
The biggest normal animal to fight. It's quite bigger than the rest, more durable, but considerably less agile than the big cats or the wolves. Due to its size, it can shrug off most projectiles.
200 gold
Buying: 1000 coins
NOTE: you can't buy any animal under this line
Giant Eagle
Classic dwarf-eating bird of prey. Very fast, quite high damage, but not durable at all, and easily overcome when brought to the ground. Bringing it to the ground, however, can prove difficult.
200 gold
Cave crocodile
Huge, scaled underground beast with very thick skin and a strong bite. A bit on the slow side.
250 gold
Giant Cave Spider
A pretty fucking serious thing to even consider fighting, these are as big as bears, and much, much faster. They also have webbing and poison attacks, so this is only recommended for experienced teams.
400 gold
A legendary bird, known to all, and feared by most. This should definitely not be met without a really-really strong ranged team. Pure melee fighters have no chance at all.
2000 gold
The ultimate fight anybody could hope for. These beasts are gigantic, very strong, they breathe dragonfire, and have dangerous claws and jaws. Of course they can also attack with their tail. Facing a dragon is a death sentence for most.
5000 gold

Kobold (DAGGER)
Quite a wimp.
Reward: 40 coins
Kobold Shaman
Weak spellcaster, with a few tricks up his sleeve.
Reward: 80 gold

Goblin (Lightly armed)
Come on, it's a goblin.
Reward: 80 coins
Goblin Warleader
Some (but not full) iron armor, iron weapon, and the know-how to use it.
Reward: 200 coins

He is vengeance. He is the night. He... is... Batman. (sorry, I can't not try that joke every time) They are about the same size and strenght as a goblin, but they don't have armor. In exchange, they can fly and are very quick.
Reward: 100 gold
Squad of antmen
A single antman is nothing, but a whole bunch of them working together is no laughing matter. these fellows come in groups of five, each wielding a copper weapon, a shield and a helmet, but no more armor than that. You can't fight a single antman, that would not be entertaining for the crowd.
Reward: 120 gold

Human Cutpurse
Lightly armed human, without any armor or training. He is still a perfectly capable human being with a sharp object in his hand, so not exactly harmless.
Reward: 80 gold
Human Man-At-Arms
Some mediocre armor, decent weapon and training. This guy is quite stronger than an average starting gladiator.
Reward: 140 gold
Human Knight
Very well armored, strong fighter, although a bit on the slow side.
Reward: 250 gold
Human Berserker
High damage, low armor.
Reward: 150 gold
Human Gladiator Champion
Rugged-looking fellow, NOT to be underestimated under any circumstances.
Reward: 500 gold
Human Wizard
Wizards of the arena are at about the same level as a starting mage gladiator.
Reward: 100 gold
Human High Wizard
Dangerous, well-trained mages with level 3 spells.
Reward: 300 gold

Tall, hairy humanoids. They are not exactly intelligent, but they are very sturdy, and can take quite a pounding.
Reward: 400 gold
Big, strong and powerful enemies, but they are quite slow, so it may be possible to evade them. They are armed with primitve weapons (like clubs) at best, and not armored. Maybe still a little weaker than Took Took.
Reward: 500 gold
Ogre chiefthain
More or less the same as normal ogres, but they have a random iron two-handed weapon, and some minor armor, like a helmet, shinguard, tattered breastplate or something. About the same as Took Took.
Reward: 800 gold
Smaller than an ogre, but equally strong and almost as durable. They typically wield axes, sometimes they have armor, and they are way more agile than ogres and trolls.
Reward: 1200 gold
Gigantic humanoids, twice the size of ogres. They are incredibly strong, and very hard to take down. They are slower than average, but not nearly as clumsy as ogres. They don't wear armor, as nobody could make it in their size, and even though they wield crude weapons (clubs, or even simply tree trunks), thanks to their strength, a single hit could all but the toughest gladiators.
Reward: 2000 gold
Bronze colossus
Huge metallic humanoids, their bronze body is almost impossible to penetrate. They are definitely slow, but almost indestructible by conventional means. They don't have weapons, as they don't need them.
Reward: 3000 gold

Strong as a troll, but much faster, these night creatures are feral and deadly. They have a low chance to turn players into werewolves during a fight.
Reward: 1000 gold
Vampire form of a random sentient race. They have a low chance to turn players into vampires during a fight. They are similar to their original race, so they have weapons and similar characteristics, but their agility is greatly increased (+5), plus they have a considerable endurance and strength bonus (+2 each) as well.
Reward: 1000 gold
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 08:22:19 am by Ishar »
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arena V: continuing where Arena IV left off
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2012, 03:54:54 pm »

Every spell has five levels.
Level 1: 50 gold
Upgrade to level 2: 100 gold
Upgrade to level 3: 150 gold
Upgrade to level 4: 200 gold
Upgrade to level 5: 250 gold
So buying a level 5 spell from scratch would cost 750 gold.

You get the level one spells of your alignment for free. Leveling up a spell that's not within your alignment costs double.
Firebolt:  high damage single target spell.
Flamethrower: Medium damage multiple target spell.
Flaming weapon: Bonus damage.
Enflame: Can be used against flammable materials (eg. animal fur, cloth), medium damage per turn. Lasts for turns equal to spell level +1
Ice ball: High damage single target spell.
Heal: Mediocre single-target healing spell.
Freeze: Immobilizes target. Critical hit means deep-freeze, and shatter with the next attack. Higher levels mean higher success rates.
Slab Shot: Mediocre damage single target spell.
Earthern Defence: Gives some extra armor and defence to others.
Stone root: Forces enemy to stand in one place. Enemy can still attack and defend, just can't step away. Lasts for spell level+1 turns.
Gust of Wind: Multi-target spell. Heals allies a bit, damages enemies a bit. Max level is 3
Second Wind: Heal your allies, and allow them to do a little bit more damage.
Fly: Make self or an ally fly for two turns. Can lead to serious accidents, higher levels make it safer.
Lightning: Very high damage, single target. Difficult to aim, higher levels make it more accurate, damage is devastating from the start, but you have very little control at level 1.

You can buy these for 100 (if it's within your alignment) or 150 (if it isn't within your alignment)
Sparklers: Fireworks! Distracts enemies, making it easier to hit them and harder for them to hit.
Fire shield: Cast on self or ally. Any physical attacker suffers low damage from each attack. Higher levels mean higher damage. Lasts for 3 turns.
Multiheal: Heal multiple teammates, or heal one of them multiple times.
Stone Form: Makes it harder for you to dodge, but you take less damage and deal more damage at melee.
Claws of Tornara: Summons a hurricane, distracting and damaging your foes.

Warrior: Standard melee guy. Can use light and heavy armor, can equip any melee weapon and shields/bucklers.
Ranger: Standard ranged guy. Can use light armor, can equip any ranged weapon depending on their race, and bucklers.
Mage: Standard mage. Has an elemental allignement. Can use light armor.

STR: Strenght. Used for melee weapons, increases your use of armor.
END: Endurance. This is for upping your HP. This is 5 by default, you can only increase it by one at char creation, or by buying it. More on that later.
AGI: Agility. Used for dodging and ranged weapons.
INT: Intelligence. Used for casting spells and using enchanted items.

It costs 50 each, except when going over ten, then it costs 150 each. Even higher than 15 isn't allowed until I have some more powerful mobs in the arena.

This can be accomplished by paying 200x (amount of gladiators you have.)

600, unless you take a Kobold, then it's 675.

War training: cost equals the buying value of the animal (eg. 100 for a wolf). Increases combat effectiveness greatly.
Armor plating: Copper: 100, Bronze: 200, Iron: 300, Steel: 500, Adamantine: 800
Weapons: Fuck no. That would be silly.


Can we fight animals in packs, so it gives us more precious gold?
Yup. Up to five animals can be fought at once.

What combat system are you using?
My own. It's quite difficult, but I can use it. If you want it, I'll send it to you. bullshit at the moment, there's room for improvement.

Can we buy more advanced weapons?
Yup. It costs 100 more every upgrade. FOR EXAMPLE: From STARTER to IRON: 300 (100 (STARTER-->BRONZE) +200 (BRONZE-->IRON) Same works for ranged weapons, so starter bow is free, starter->longbow is 100, longbow -> composite bow is 200, etc. Exception: top tier of melee weapons (adamantine/slade) costs 1000. It's a BIG leap.

How about spells?
They cost 50 more every upgrade, and start at level one. So level 1 is 50, upgrading to level 2 is 100, etc. Advanced spells use the same system, only their initial cost is higher, leveling them up is the same as basics.

When will you update?
Intersting fact: this was carried over from Tomio, but I also live in GMT+1, so not much has changed. Updates will probably NOT be wednesday and sunday, more like, say, wednesday and friday. My weekends are mostly very busy, I tend to not be around a computer.

Can we suggest stuff?
Stupid question. Just send it to me if you think it's a good idea.

What do we do if there is something missing in your post?
Send me what the hell is missing. Seriously, I'd like to know. Seriously, do that. I carried over much of the old arena, but there's a good chance things are missing.

Is there a limited amount of places?
Currently, no. I might say that enough is enough in the future, but you will know it when we reach that point.

Gladiator Sign-Up Sheet
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« Last Edit: November 20, 2012, 05:03:24 am by Ishar »
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arena V: continuing where Arena IV left off
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2012, 03:55:50 pm »


Lemon10 has been removed for a while, until he is either back or someone else takes his place.

Spoiler: ElfCollaborator's Team (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  TopHat's Team (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tomio's gladiator team (click to show/hide)

Note, special events can remain (unless stated otherwise)

Read about them here

Spoiler: The dwarves (click to show/hide)

If you win, one of them joins you (your choice which one).
If one of the dwarves already joined a gladiator team, he/she doesn't participate (that means less enemies), and of course you can't choose that one to join you.
The maximum of TWO teams can work together for this.
Gladiators who get killed here get revived for free.
Teams who won this before can't attempt it again.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 06:19:27 am by Ishar »
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Shipper God and Freyjapiller
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Re: Arena V: continuing where Arena IV left off
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2012, 04:42:37 pm »

I'll sign up for the special! :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arena V: continuing where Arena IV left off
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2012, 05:22:33 pm »

First off, some changes:
- STR is for melee, AGI is for ranged and dodging. It makes more sense, I don't think anybody suffers a setback really.
- Additional creatures, and some bullshit ones removed. Read up.
- Additional spells. Browse at your leisure.
- Direwolves and lions switched places. First off, tigers are bigger and stronger than lions. Second, direwolves are way cooler than both. I know this seems to give my team some more edge, but for compensation, I will not fight in this first round - my winnings should be have been enough to cover the costs.
- You can't buy sentients anymore, that confuses things. Mesor, I know you have a human mage, please write a character sheet for him/her, and that mage will become a normal gladiator.
- New special event.
- Changed Elfcollaborator's fight to two lions. Forcing you to fight the new direwolves would not have been fair.

Now, for some fightin':

Spoiler: Elfcollaborator (click to show/hide)
You win 100 gold!

Spoiler: Mesor (click to show/hide)
You win 320 gold, but Celeborn is injured, and has to start the next fight wirth half HP, or skip one turn. By the way, this was interesting, a bunch of critical hits in a row.

Spoiler: Tsuchigumo (click to show/hide)
You win 160 gold, and I need to add: these guys were way beneath your level. You could definintely aim higher next time.

Nikolai special coming tomorrow.

Oh, and I want to try my hand at the special, if anybody else is up for it. If not, then the original berserker+knight idea is in effect.

Tsuchigumo: Don't choose a new opponent before the Nikolai special is up. You might want to consider its results.

Elfcollaborator: Still up for the special, even with your injured team member? Your options:
-Use all three of your guys, with my Sir as the fourth gladiator. Possible winnings are 600, and the chance of getting the alpha.
-Use the two healthy ones, teaming up with Ishar and Sir, leaving Celeborn resting. Possible winnings are 400+the possible wolf.
-Choose to do something else entirely.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2012, 05:27:41 pm by Ishar »
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arena V: continuing where Arena IV left off
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2012, 05:29:04 pm »

I'm in for the special.
Although my wounded man will have to sit it out.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Shipper God and Freyjapiller
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Re: Arena V: continuing where Arena IV left off
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2012, 05:31:54 pm »

It was mesor's guy who was wounded, not mine.
Still up for the special.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arena V: continuing where Arena IV left off
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2012, 02:57:17 am »

Whoops, sorry, you are right, my bad.

Spoiler: Nikolai's adventures (click to show/hide)
You get a bronze dagger, you can sell it, or give it to Sanya. Nikolai also got +1 STR from the ordeal.

Next update tomorrow, because this will be a long weekend for me, and I won't be able to update until next wednesday. Tsuchigumo, please choose a fight until tomorrow morning, or your turn will be skipped.
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arena V: continuing where Arena IV left off
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2012, 05:30:51 am »

Posting to watch and probably sign up in the long run.
...You're arguing with the GM? Why don't you argue with Jesus about how much Peter liked clams?
Because each player's delicious tears are fuel for the continued torture that is the Warrens of Oric the Awesome.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arena V: continuing where Arena IV left off
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2012, 01:55:20 am »

Both teams earn 400 gold, Mesor gets an alpha direwolf. Mog levels up the firebolt spell. This was a fairly even fight, although a few melee fighters would have helped you immensely.

Spoiler: My own fight (click to show/hide)
The team earns 400 gold. Sir is heavily wounded, he starts the next fight with half HP.

Tsuchigumo: You still have a few hours to choose a fight for today. Next update will be around wednesday.
Mesor: Again, please write a character sheet for your water mage.
Everybody: Since level 1 spells of the alignment are free now, every mage magically learned those immediately. Don't ask, it's magic.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 04:12:43 am by Ishar »
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arena V: continuing where Arena IV left off
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2012, 03:55:50 am »

I will use the 400 earned gold, and the 100 leftover to draft the following gladiator (basics+leveling up one spell):

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I will take on an ogre next.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 04:11:04 am by Ishar »
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arena V: continuing where Arena IV left off
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2012, 08:35:11 am »

Would this be a fitting character sheet?

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If that is a workable sheet, then I shall take on a lion.

Edit: Gave him a race=p

EditNumber2: Wait, is 5 the average for all stats? It only says that for endurance so I wasn't sure. If that is the case, then I'll use this one:
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« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 05:32:34 pm by joemoben »
Something about this game makes me wonder why God lets it exist.
Say, if you give birth on a ranch and then murder your baby will a corpse drop be guaranteed?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arena V: continuing where Arena IV left off
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2012, 11:19:08 am »

My mage.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Total cost 640.
Remaining 80.

My team currently.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

(( Sorry got distracted half way through making it and forgot is it ok? Also can bows be upgraded and how much do special arrows actually cost? ))

I'll take 2 Human Knights and Batman please it's time to test out my new four legged friend.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 11:24:09 am by mesor »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arena V: continuing where Arena IV left off
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2012, 01:23:00 pm »


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Will fight a kobold (with dagger) if character sheet is accepted.
Might as well start off killing my own kind.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 03:41:14 am by TopHat »
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Mad Artificer
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Re: Arena V: continuing where Arena IV left off
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2012, 01:28:26 pm »

Aye, Nikolai shall keep the dagger and meet up with Sanya.

Together, they Murdestroy two lions!
There are words that make the booze plant possible. Just not those words.
Alright you two. Attempt to murder each other. Last one standing gets to participate in the next test.
DIRK: Pelvic thrusts will be my exclamation points.
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