OP said...
This is a simple idea. Each person provides a euphemistic name or description for the thing posted by the previous person, before providing a subject of their own.
So, one poster gives something that
isn't a euphemism, and the response to needs to be something that
is, for the aforementioned item. Thus, assuming that one thought that "Helicopters" was a word that needed to be obliquely referenced for reasons of taste/whatever, "Whirly Birds" might well have been a way of making that particular oblique reference. But that reveals the problem with calling this the "Euphemism" game and not a mere "Abstraction" one, because very few of the 'played' words are actually ones for which an off-hand referrals would be favourable.
Of course, my 'euphemism' for Freud (the Sigmund of that name, at least, although I was highly tempted to 'obliquify' Clement Freud, instead) followed the general way the thread was going, rather than either of the stricter definitions of euphemistic or restating, and went the abstractive way. (Should someone have given the surname "Hitler" I might have replied "The Godwinated one.", as that is an
actual euphemism used to avoid Godwinating! Luckily, invoking Godwination is usually considered non-Godwinative in itself, so I have no fear that I've just Godwinised this thread!) And then I forgot to keep the word "Cigar" on the following line, as well as dragging it up into the upper as an afterthought, but there you go.