Turn 0: Where the hell did that peasant come from?
((dammit first no one and then suddenly 7. As all your applications are good, i'd say we take in 7 and up the deadliness...till 5 are left.))
OchitaAfter being lost for days in the Swamp, you stumbel upon an Old tower, the wall surrounding it is mostly destroyed although a few sections still stand, the courtyard is filled with an odd two dozen Skeletons lying about, the nature nearly has overgrown them. As you stumble inside, you find yourself in a dusty entrance hall and aside from a skeleton in strange stone armour hanging dead in a chair in the middle of the room it is empty. You examine the Skeleton a bit closer...
In front of your eyes it jumps up!
BUH! Bwahaha. Got ya!Isinath[6] Stumbling through the swamp, malnourished, tired and thirsty, you stumble into a clearing. What you find is...unsettling. A Black Horse, it's hooves on fire and eyes that glow with red with malicious intelligence.
Qrzk(Ever heard of aeiou?)
[5] You too, were lost for days in the Swamp until you saw another person, looking like a scribe of some sort, stumble through the swamp. Quietly you kept your distance. He definetly looked lost too and after a while you came upon the selfsame tower the scribe just in that moment entering it.
ThanitzLocked into the room you claimed, doing whatever you do in there, you suddenly hear a commotion downstairs. What may that be?
Max[6]Wandering through the forest mumbling about caving heads of damned nobles in, you stumble upon a Clearing, in the midst of it a Heap of rocks. Happy to have found something to vent your anger, you begin happily bashing away. Suddenly however the heap of stones rises into a vague humanoid shape. The "head" tilts slightly to the right "looking" at you. Propably whatever this is it is contemplating to kill you.
Anthony[2] You had a bad day, first you lost your provisions then you were harried by a strange mob of angry peasants and now you are lost in the swamps the mob still in pursuit...although not really a hot pursuit you can still hear their moaning.
Odahviing[2] Your day way likewise crap. First you conemplate about thongs, which leads you to get lost in the swamp and then you stumble directly in the way of a moaning mob.