OK, thanks.
After a while, Treason and Murder charges will bring heat on the safehouse, and my founder w/10 Law, 13, Persuade, 17 or so Heart, and 13 Charisma could only get the sentence down to 20 years. (0 actual Murders, 8 Flag Murders, 3 Treasons, I think, along with over 100 Harmful Speech and other miscellaneous charges. At some point I ought to compile a wiki page on what does/does not get charged.) Some people don't like being murderers* and think Treason should involve a little more than looking for ammo.
*The Firemen applied lethal force to unconstitutionally deny us our First Amendment right to freedom of the press**, and the CCS poses a clear and present danger to civilian lives. Repelling Fireman raids and raiding the CCS safehouses is justifiable...and doesn't draw charges.
**Without an Arch-Conservative Amendment, it still exists--even if the government is ignoring it.
Gimmicky it may be, but I like at least trying to stay true to the LCS' principles--someone had an idea about having the game call you on things like shooting people to promote Gun Control, publishing CEO material whilst advocating Privacy, things like that. ("Public Juice Counter" or something like that, IIRC?)
I liked that idea and informally implement it. I'm also doing no kidnapping/interrogation unless someone actually gets re-educated in prison. (Haven't had that happen yet, but not sure how I'd find out about it.)
As for shotguns, they seem to work well against unarmored or light-armored targets; Body Armor doesn't seem to slow them down that significantly. Army armor does, and I try not to engage the police so I don't know about SWAT or Police armor. Swords have done pretty well IME, and the martial artists can & do significant damage. (STR 19 probably helps.)
Agreed that guitars in combat is a excellent way to justify using firearms next time. "All we did is sing at them and they shot us!"