I bet Aqizzar will be just as willing to finish this adventure in political intrigue and micromanagement.
I had no password, so anybody can go ahead and check my "empire". I have two nobles left(never captured one) and only some Imperial Fleet stragglers are left on Byzantium.
As for the intrigue, I couldn't be happier to see mainiac duking it out with Kebooo, sending encouragements and promises of help to the latter, and maybe even a couple to the former. I was hoping for the war to continue for a few years more, but a peace was reached, and I had to hurry things.
I had very cordial relations with Aq, even though the tensions inevitably arose as the game progressed. Vril-Ya ultimately proved to be my demise, as lacking full control of the final world on the route to Byzantium when shit finally hit the fan, meant I could not reliably ship all those troops I'd been building on the mainland.
Mainiac, I always saw as the most immediate threat, his economy being the strongest. Years of Eye control and his ruthless politics only reinforced my fears. Despite mainiac's agitation(or "assesment"), I never feared Aqizzar much, as he had even worse economy than me, and had less luck looting ruins(found four cruiser+2xfrigate stacks, and one dreadnought as a reward early on). I can't say this hasn't bitten me in the arse later on, as stated above, but still, I knew that I could compete with Aq economically, but not so with the rest of the players.
Margrave was the big enigma. I lost the eye transports I had sent there to some PTS fire quite early, and never managed to gather more intel but the bare basics.
The one time I tried using him to grab the regency or the fleet together with mainiac, ended up with him using us for his own ends.
Other thoughts:
The stealth raids in the final part of the game cost me a lot of shipping power, compounding the logistics problems, which only showed my poor preparation for the power grab.
I've made some mistakes that I shoudln't, but then again, one part of me doing so well was you guys making mistakes as well. Kebooo throwing away his nobles' lives, or mainiac leaving his noble and a relic barely protected in orbit over Absolution, when he knew I had fighters on Byzantium.
And man, what was I thinking when I took my fleet away from the capital?
By the way, I want to say I like that there weren't nobles on islands. I feel like there should always be an open hex next to any noble stack. Because if it wasn't open warfare on Byzantium, how would a stack of SEALs beat a stack of DNA assault legions with a noble on an island? It kills assassination attempts.
Yeah, I thought that was too exploity to use, though I can't say it hadn't crossed my mind.