Hey there!
I've recently got back into MLP after some time and, as you can imagine, that's got me in a mood to pony up some of my favourite games. And I must say, this mod seems to be one of the most interesting and show-friendly ones out there for DF. I've had a decent amount of fun with it just by watching little horses beat each other senseless in the Arena.
Unfortunately, I have run into problems during worldgen whevener I try to install this mod. Stuff like crashes and corrupted, nameless historical figures that cause even more crashes are frequent. But the most confusing issue seems to be the fact that most sentient creatures (except zebras for some reason) have incredibly short lifespans, which results in zebras being the only widespread civs after worldgen.
It's confusing because the MAXAGE tokens seem to be defined properly, with lifespans ranging from 70 to around 120 years, but it's as if the game doesn't care. These sentient creatures die of old age long before reaching the 30 year mark.
I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong when installing the mod, but I don't know what that is. I simply merge the folders in the .rar with the ones on a fresh install of DF 42.05 but the issues persist. When I download the obsolete version from the dffd page, I don't have these same problems.
I wanted to ask if you, or anyone for that matter, could detail to me the installation process so that I can figure out what's wrong, or upload some sort of preinstall .rar that is supposed to be working correctly so that I may enjoy the mod. While I have successfully installed mods before, I've never been interested in custom creatures and entities.
Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work!