India: There are some rumours of the populace being worried about Russian advances, both militarily and economic. They are one of the obvious targets of Russian energy exports.
China: Northern China being completely dominated by Russian energy markets, with anythign south of Shanghai still relying on the old energy methods.
South-East Asia: There are reports of strange creatures in the jungles of Cambodia and Indochina, but otherwise all is quiet. They are too far from Russia to be one of the first targets.
Japan: Our first Asian energy market, they are co-operating with our trade, with them getting cheap energy, and us getting first dibs and lower prices on high-end technologies.
Russia: The target of our Cold War. With a large, but rusting (in multiple ways) army, and massive corruption on every level, they are not as dangerous as they could be. But with the influx of cash and technology from their own version of Cold fusion, they are quickly making gains. Their vodka-based diet prevents much canunawine shenanigans, and our efforts to bring Russian nationals to Canada to destabalize them has resulted in Greenland becoming predominately Russian.
United Kingdom: Not much has happened on the U.K. front, but reports indicate that since we are still considered a dominion of the U.K. and thus under theoretical control of the Queen, she's... getting ideas.
Australia: Aside from being an early target of our war machine (the Pacific fleet build-up continues!), not much has happened in the Land of Oz. However, reports indicate that there is a minor build-up of arms and ammunition, and the production and mining of venom from the Australian venom mines has ramped up considerably in the last year.
Africa: Besides being a hot-bed of warlords, technology, deserts and jungles, rampant corruption and million-dollar charities, the only new things in Africa would be a mysterious pyramid found in the jungles of the Congo, far from any civilization, either ancient or modern.
Latin America: Chavez is right-angry at us for undercutting his oil profits, but not much else has happened. Brazil seems to be making moves towards forming a more federal South American Union, and most of the other countries seem to be going along with it.
Middle East: Same deal as south America, with various oil-producing countries being angry at us, and Egypt looking to create new secular caliphate of Arabic countries.
USA: Basically, our bitch. Completely reliant on us for energy and their addicton to canunawine, when we say jump, they say how high. They are the 11th province.
Europe: Besides western Europe shaking in their boots towards Russia, and eastern Europe bending down and bending over for the Ruskies, not much has changed.
Canada: Still awesome.