It'd be fun if there was a "Compare size" menu when (l)ooking at something, though.
Defaulting to comparing the creature to a dwarf. (On the left)
With -/+ zooming in/out of the scene. Though a dragon would still be absolutely enormous.
But it'd be fun, but there should probably be text on the top specifying the actual sizes of the two creatures.
So imagine a "Dwarf: 60000" around the top-left corner, and a "Dragon: 25000000" around the top-right corner.
And a normal-sized dwarf head on the left beside an absolutely enormous D on the right, which can be observed in its full, enormous-ness glory if you hold the "-" key for a couple of seconds.
That would be fun, yes it would.
As for vector graphics, if we're to speak of it in their simplest form, then they're practically just
lines instead of individual pixels/squares.
Like we see here on a Vectrex from 1982And because they're lines, we can look closer at them - and they'll scale accordingly. Because lines go from somewhere to somewhere, and thus we know how it'd look if we were closer.
With individual squares, you have to scale every square up. Because you only have information about every individual square, and squares are still squares if you take a closer look at them.
But yes, Dorf Fortress seems like a good candidate for vector graphics. Hell, maybe even tilesets, if someone has the patience/manpower.