Once a ranger, he came to PaintCrypts with intent to become an engineer. He worked hard on making mechanisms of rought stone and became a professional in it.
His wife got posessed by some unknown force and made a bone hammer.
He discovered strange temple in the depths of caverns while hunting for supplies for his wife's bone hammer. She then was killed by undead caravan guard, who in his turn had been killed by undead ogre.
He shot a winged slug after it smashed almost whole militia.
From now on he's the first to react on any hostiles approaching our settlement or rising from inside, as undeads do.
So, we got migrants. 36 new dwarves, dumb enought to join us.
Among then there are great bone doctor, some hunters and some with fighting skills. Well, well, lets find a use for them.
15th Felsite, 104We're under siege! Goblins came, this time they brought trolls and mount beasts. Also, they have warmasters - Master Lasher and Mace Lord as leaders of two swordsmen squads.
Time to prepare the defences.
Everyone who happened to be outside, ran into the gates. All were in a hurry, except one of newcomers - the ranger who've just hunted down a wild camel. Her burden slowed him a lot, but she refused to drop it, untill she's seen one of trolls:
She turned back and defended herself, and first it was very productive:
But then other trolls came:
The gates were locked by that time, so she had no choice but sell her life at topmost price!
Then there came Tirion's squad and started to shoot the trolls out:
Meanwhile the goblin squads riding giant olms, toads, rats and elk birds came from southeast. Over the frozen sea.
And suddenly - *CRACK* - the ice shatters, and whole squad drops into ice-cold water. Goblins were drowned by their heavy armor.
But olms and toads felt good in the water, also elk birds quickly got up without their riders, and they scattered everywhere.
The rest of squad who luckily escaped the deep, seeing most of their forces were destroyed, turned back.
Our losses: Kubuk the hunter.
Their losses: 6 trolls, 22 goblins. 4 goblins and all mounts retreated.