I was thinking about a way to do the "Self-Sustaining" in a way that makes it more interesting. But I just want to verify somethings first, like do you get Starterset Seeds (Bean/Hops/Grapes) from the Mixed Seeds. And if there is a way to remove items from sale in shops and add some. This is what I have so far...
Desired edits to the World/Code
- Remove all the Seedpackets from both Perrie's and Joja's sales listings.
- Add IN some Overpriced Crop at Joja's, if possible I would love to add a Quality Level for Joja Products, basically making it so that if you sell them they are considered 'trash' worth. you know, like they are nonorganicsprayedmecanicallyfarmed produce. But are expensive due to transportation costs or something. Maybe 1.5x the price of a normal quality crop to buy from Joja but if sold they only give 1/5 of a normal crop.
- Edit the way that Crops give seeds to account for Quality level, 0star equals 1-2 with a 1:3:2 chance on Mixed/Single/Double Seedgains and so forth with Gold giving a higher chance at getting 3 seeds or Ancient. This would mean using fertilizer to get higher quality crops to maintain crop count more important.
- Ancient Fruit gives NO seeds. This makes getting Multiple from one seedling impossible.
- Sweetgems give NO seeds. They too exotic for the Valley they are always to be purchased through the Gypsy only.
- Instead of Seeds being sold during festival, the crop is sold instead at a Joja markup price or something. To maintain the "Seedpackets are not purchased" idea, same with maybe the Oasis.
1: Seeds can never be bought in the first year, EVERYTHING has to come from the Seedmaker
Here's how you do it.
Step 1: Download Notepad++. Essential for any save editing.
Optional Step 2: Install the XML Tools plugin for Notepad++. This can be done via the plugin manager. It's not strictly necessary, but it makes save editing much friendlier.
Step 3: Backup your saves. Seriously. Always do this. Your saves are located under <user>\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Saves\<name_####>\
Step 4: Open the save file in Notepad++. It should be the file with the same name as the directory.
Optional Step 5: Go to Plugins -> XML Tools -> Pretty Print (XML Only - with line breaks). See? Much more readable now.
The last step can take a few minutes. If the notepad++ window appears to not be showing anything after completing, drag all the way back to the left using the bottom scrollbar.
Do a search for <Item xsi:nil="true" />
This is the code for an empty inventory space, you should see several of these. Prior to the first of these you should see the code for the last item you have in your toolbar. Remove one of these and replace with the following code.
Item code for seedmaker in inventory
<Item xsi:type="Object">
<Name>Seed Maker</Name>
<name>Seed Maker</name>
Save the file and when you load the game you should now have a seed maker in your inventory.
2: Produce must be sold in the Shops. ie- Crops to Perries, Ores/Minerals to Cliff, Fish to Willy. If its not possible to sell in these shops, it can't be sold.
3: Shipping ONE of every item is needed, they get sent to Mum and she sends you pocketmoney for being such a great farmer.
4: Wild Seed packets can be used but can not be a soul product, it has a limit of 1 5x5 style'd plot, ie Irrdium Sprinkler zoning. The Packets may not be sold but the produce can be.
5: Each Crop should be accounted for in your Farm, must be in Equal standings in focused areas which can contain no more then 4 5x5 plots for each crop. This means you CAN have a ton of Blueberries/Cranberries but they can't be the only thing you grow. Ancient/SweetGem are removed from this limit, if the coding changes above are possible.
6: Vine Crops can not be a soul accountable cashcrop either, a limit of 50 Tiles
7: Animal Buildings must be enclosed with a Pond, Small for the Birds/Rabbits and Large for the Cattle/Sheep/Pigs/Goats. They need to drink water as well.
8: Fruit Trees are limited to equal standings, If you want 8 Apple Trees, better have 8 of everything else.
9: Artisan Goods can be produced at any amount, BUT they can only be Seasonal. In otherwords, no stockpiling Hops over winter to make Booze, it needs to be processed before Season End.
10: Fish must be Sold FRESH if you do not have a fridge yet. Meaning sell before he closes.
11: Greenhouse can not be Single Typed. No mass growing one kind of crop in here, Equal sized/mixed type plots must be maintained.