Another time, me. (lol)
now I'm really under attack and I have two serious problems...
One, the dwarves don't want to wear their armor...
I went to the military window, created an uniform set, asigned it to the whole squad.
(everyone in the squad has a green icon next to the uniform name)
Went to the barracks and set them to train there.
Went to the alert window and set the unit to active/train
So you can guess they went to the armory and take their armors and weapons?...
No, I have some of the dwarves sleeping, another group drinking, another group training...
Good!, you can say, they are trai... ah no, they are training wrestling style... so all the weapons
(asigned also under the uniform window as before) as just decorations in the stockpile.
Ok, you can say, maybe I should have created a training ones so to them not to hurt each other... (?)
But... the armor?, or should I create some thing like "training armor" also? ¬¬'''
And now the good part, the squad is active (I checked about 10 times that and the fact that some
of them are training wrestling is a clue that they ARE active)
But I'm under attack, enemy at the central corridor, I moved all civilians to a burrow (which will be a trap
for everyone soon, you'll understand this part later)
And... what?.
Because with the enemy this close (and inside, damn bridge was too slow to close)
you can immagine an active military squad would engage him...
No way!, I "k" everyone and:
2 of them are drinking right next to the corridor.
1 of them is sleeping like a log
7 of them are in the barracks watching/leading training sessions...
all 10 of them are wearing no armor.
all 10 of them will be reducted to dust if the enemy gets closer (is a were-something, it already killed a dwarf that was
hunting outside at the moment of arrival and he directly cut him into pieces in just one stroke)
And the trap part, as I have everyone in one room and an useless active squad wearing no armor no weapons at all (despite the **** military window saying otherwise) all 51 dwarves will be killed as easy as click.
Anyone knows just what did I do wrong this time?. =/