I just got a DFTerm server working, and I must say, I'm super excited about it. So here it is, let's all play together! (possibly at the same time!) I encourage you to drop on in and make your mark! It would be great if you could leave a post saying you were here, what you did, etc. Feel free to dwarf yourself as well!
Behold, Elderstockades! A Simultaneous Succession GameRules:1) Be respectful of the game. I'd like to take this semi-serious, so no griefing. If you do, your IP will be blacklisted.
2) There is only one world created, so just this one fortress to run. I'd prefer it if you didn't save fortress, go back, and gen new worlds. Just play this one!
3) If you play, it'd be nice to see a post stating you logged in, and maybe what you did!
4) Have fun!
Don't be afraid to DO things. I promise it won't hurt the game!
Artifacts:"Grievekillers," a gabbro floodgate has been made! It is encrusted with cushion gabbro cabochons and encircled with bands of rectangular gabbro cabochons. This object is made with spikes of gabbro, blue garnet and horse bone. Worth 4200*. Woo! An artifact floodgate!Here's the ip: you don't know how to log in, it's simple! First, you need a telnet client (I prefer PuTTY)
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.htmlFire this bad boy up, insert the Ip and port number, click the Tenet radio button. The only other thing you need to do is change the remote character set to UTF-8 in the Window > Translation menu.
If you want to use a graphic set (the way you view the game is all client-side. It doesn't matter what I am using on the server, just what your telnet client shows you) you can download some DF Fonts, install them, then change the font in the Window > Appearance menu. Here is a link to a zip file full of nice graphics sets turned into fonts:
http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=1922If you have any other questions about using DFTerm, check out this thread:
http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=50643.0Have fun!