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Author Topic: =To Terra= [FF9] Ironhand Graphics version released! +compatibility  (Read 25073 times)


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I've brainstormed something for Protect and Reflect. Regrettably not Shell.

Make the other spell interactions unable to hit someone with a synclass assigned to the two attacks. Shell I'd say would be a lot of fiddling with material resistances, but I think it could work.


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You could just make a MATERIAL_FORCE_MULTIPLIER that halves the force from all materials.

Clover Magic

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Well, my current Protect increases toughness, I feel that's rather accurate as attacks do hit when you're under Protect, they just don't do as much damage.  The SYNCLASS for Reflect is a great idea, though, I think I'll use that.  I was already planning on using the MATERIAL_FORCE_MULTIPLIER thing for Shell, as it was th eonly way I could think of to model it, heh.

I do have a trouble-shooting issue in my newest mod additions, though, so if you guys could look this over, it would be great.

Now, I've made a Greenhouse to grow plants in all climates.  It involves using water, so I also created a Water Pump building that will let you draw a bucket of water for said plant-growing.  I made the buildings and the reactions, everything seemed fine when I genned a new world and embarked.

Except, you see, I specified the Water Pump to built out of one pipe section and one mechanism, any materials, and the Greenhouse to require ten glass blocks.  I did some preliminary building checks...and now it's claiming that my Water Pump needs glass mechanisms, while the Greenhouse apparently needs nothing at all to be built, despite the GLASS_MATERIAL being under the Greenhouse entry.  I have no idea what's going on.

Spoiler: The buildings (click to show/hide)

I don't understand what's going wrong.   :-\  I just noticed that I don't have BUILDMAT on the Greenhouse, but I do specify would think that would make sure it used blocks.  I'm so confused.

Edit: Nope, added BUILDMAT to the greenhouse annnd now the water pump says it needs glass building material mechanisms.  For some reason it's using the build items for the green house for the water pump...?  Just what the fuck, man.  I don't know what the hell it's doing that for.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 01:50:45 pm by Clover Magic »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Shipper God and Freyjapiller
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Sadly, as I'm away from my computer (on a school trip, doing this on a smartphone) I can't test out ideas. I'll do it when I get back.

Tell me if my idea worked, I need them for my Persona and Final Fantasy mods.

Also, what are the pipe section raws? I forget, I'm useless outside creature modding.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 02:43:34 pm by IamanElfCollaborator »

Clover Magic

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No prob, I'll test it out when I add Shell too.

There aren't any - pipe sections are hard-coded.  The wiki says that's the item token for them, though.  I'm just really confused as to why it's taking the tokens from the Greenhouse and why the Greenhouse is ignoring its own BUILD_ITEM - my genomes made a Greenhouse out of thin air, but can't make a water pump since you can't make glass mechanisms without a custom reaction.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Shipper God and Freyjapiller
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I don't think you can use pipe sections as build mats? Eh?

I just realized what you did. There is an extra colon in each build mat, erase it and it should work.

Clover Magic

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....I'm a moron, lawl.  Didn't catch that, thanks!  It's working fine now, water pump built.  Now we have to deal with why reaction doesn't show up, haha.   :P

Well, good a time as any I guess to start on Reflect and Shell and stuff.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Shipper God and Freyjapiller
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Reaction raws please?

Clover Magic

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Naw, it's fine, I caught it.  I accidentally didn't capitalize a letter in the PERMITTED_REACTION bit, so it's fixed.

Okay, every monster should now be appropriately weak and strong against the corresponding elemental steels and should have a good deal of their White and Black magic allocated.  This should make encounters with them interesting.  Reflect has also been implemented - it adds SYN_CLASS:REFLECT, which all other spells have been forbidden from targeting.  It also should target anything - friendlies when not actively fighting, and enemies during battle so you can stop a monster from buffing itself.  (This will probably make summoner companions even more stupid, but oh well).  CDI:VERBAL is also implemented across the board - of course, this means that non-speaking monsters won't give a crap if you cast Silence on them, unfortunately, but it will stop some monsters and either a black mage or a summoner in their tracks.  There are a lot of Fire-using monsters, the world ought to burn nicely.

Also fixed glasswear so it should show up properly as glass.  Glasswear can be made at a Gem Refinery with the Glassmaking skill - it will turn rough glass into a random item of the corresponding type you make - for example, "Make Glass Headwear" might randomly produce a glass helm, hat, or barrette or such.  (I also added a few items from FF9, such as hairpins, buckles, and anklets).

I'm also working on some background stuff, such as trying to make dream potion funny without dehydrating your genomes to death (it was a vicious cycle, we'll put it that way) and still working with some ice cream issues and such.

The Greenhouse and Water Pump work as such:
-Build a Water Pump with a mechanism and a pipe section.  You can draw a bucket of water from the pump, which gives you a bucket of water.  (There's no way to require a building to be built over water, so just use your imagination or build it over your cistern for flavor).
-A Greenhouse requires 10 glass blocks and a 9x9 space.  You can do three things at the greenhouse: Plant Seed, Tend Plant, and Mulch Plant.
-Plant Seed takes a bucket of water, a bar of potash for fertilizer, and a seed to create a "seedling".
-Once you have a seedling, "Tend Plant" will be automatically queued if you have water and a seedling available.  It has a 10% chance of producing a plant of the corresponding seed (I hope, I haven't tested it thoroughly yet).  The seedling is saved, so you theoretically only need 1 seedling of each plant.
-Mulch Plant takes a seedling and turns it into a bar of potash for further growing.

This should allow you to grow plants despite any biome you're currently on or even despite the season, critical for the tundra and tropical plants that often are very specific.

I've also added an "Extract Ore" reaction to the Gem Refinery.  You should be able to take 1 boulder of any kind and turn it into 3 Ores, which is pretty critical for the element industry, since you'll need a lot of them.  (To make a single unit of firesteel without natural topazes on your map, you'll need 100 ores!)  The boulder is a placeholder for now - I'd eventually like a more renewable resource, perhaps magma will be used.  For now we'll use rocks though.

I'm working out how to make the Aero/Aera/Aeroga line of spells - TRAILING_DUST_FLOW will be used, but I'm otherwise unsure of how to intensify them appropriately for each level aside from MATERIAL_FORCE_MULTIPLIERS for every creature weak to Wind.  Suggestions on how to implement Thunder spells are also welcome.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Shipper God and Freyjapiller
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Rising dizziness intensity for aero spells and maybe brushing on the higher levels. I did that with garu/aero spells.

As for thunder, I'd say mild paralysis and mild necrosis.

Clover Magic

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Thanks for the ideas!  I had a paralysis-Thunder in the earlier versions but took it out.  I'll reimplement it, I think, I'll give the syndrome effects a good look over and decide what exactly I want Thunder and Aero to do.

In mod news, success, the greenhouse works perfectly!  I just grew a bell lily from a seed using it.  My first version didn't work so well - I ended up remaking the seed, haha - but now it produces a grown plant.  You can get a greenhouse up and running really easily if you happen to have glass on your map, but as long as you import/bring along at least 9 bags of sand you'll be able to make one.

I also realized with this fort that I forgot to add the Roughen Gems and Divide Gems reactions to the genome entity.  Oops.  I also caught an error where churning butter made 150 units of butter from one bucket of milk (dratted liquid amounts!)  Next is fixing the chocolate cake reactions and making cheesy bread and stuff.

I'm now working on a pump similar to the water one, but for magma, where you'll be able to do Extract Ore from magma so you don't have to rely on the amount of boulders you can mine out.  At least I can make this one require magma, unlike the magical Water Pump.   :P

Clover Magic

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So the first summoner caravan after my white magic improvements has arrived.  Lots of white magic spam, but hilariously one of them casted Haste on their wagon and it worked.  That wagon is now moving at least twice as fast as the other one and is pulling ahead like some sort of crazy wagon race.  Bwahaha.  Also I've got to remove all seaosns from moogles - I'm getting a moogle caravan every season, which is ridiculous.

Once I finish up the magma-ore-rock shit, I'll post the newer version tonight.

Edit: Annnnd there was a hunted elk bird in the stockpile.  The summoners revived it.  There is now a Friendly elk bird in my refuse stockpile.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 11:53:46 am by Clover Magic »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Shipper God and Freyjapiller
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Awesome. Get more and you can use that as an easy way of getting friendly animals.

Clover Magic

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Re: =To Terra= [FF9] Grow plants anywhere and stuff
« Reply #73 on: October 18, 2012, 05:25:49 pm » might lose its friendly status if any new elk birds wander onto the map, like reclaim goblins.

Anyways, new version released!  The greenhouse, water pump, and magma pump are now included, as well as most monsters now possessing strengths and weaknesses against their corresponding elemental metals.  (Also fixed a bug where earthsteel melted at 1200 temp instead of 12000, haha.)  Some monsters now also have new attacks and magic, beware!

My next plan is to complete the magic lists and monster skills and such, as well as finally completing the bestiary.

Clover Magic

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: =To Terra= [FF9] Grow plants anywhere and stuff
« Reply #74 on: October 19, 2012, 09:13:34 pm »

With this book just created in-fort, the first step of the magic-learning system is underway!  When processing logs at the sawmill you'll get sawdust.  This can be processed further into paper.  The reactions, probabilities, and ingredients are still being worked out, right now it's just "process log, receive sawdust".  I'll probably separate the reactions later, one for guaranteed sawdust, and another just as a byproduct of processing logs occasionally.

Anyways, five "papers" and one tanned hide can be combined at the new Library building to create a book.  You can also add pages to the book using another sheet of paper, but that doesn't really do anything except for flavor and training the writing skill.  Books can be read at the Library (with a little drink for relaxation, of course!), which trains the Reading skill and has a tiny chance of granting magic powers!  Or, a genome can choose to Study Magic, which improves his chances of learning something.

I'm currently testing to see if the magic thing is working - right now it's just a small probability of producing a boulder that will evaporate into gas as soon as it's made and comes with a CAN_DO_INTERACTION syndrome, which will grant a spell interaction.  (Shit, I think I left off SYN_INHALED, better go check that before I make someone read a book).  The book is always preserved, so you only technically need one, but why wouldn't you want to create a library full of forgotten beast leather-bound books?   :P

Edit: Well everything's working okay...I just can't tell if the person who managed to create a puff of magic actually learned anything from it.  Is there a way to test that without sending him to go fight the Giant Thrips zombie to see if he learned Fire?  (He certainly didn't learn Cure, as he would be spamming it all over if he did).

In different news, the "exploding boulders" that release the syndrome are actually wearing the book down, so books will have to be replaced after three or so uses.  That's actually nice, it'll keep books in production.  They'll only wear if someone manages to produce magic, though.  I'll definitely look into extending the sawdust resources too.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 09:40:10 pm by Clover Magic »
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