The premise of this is simple. This is a dungeon, you are in the dungeon. The dungeon does not exist in one time period, it exists in all of them, and spans infinite space. It never ends. There's only one goal:
Get as much loot as you can before
dying being forcefully ejected back into your home dimension.
Character creation looks complicated but it's actually pretty formulaic- you choose a job, race, and basic gear kit.
There are six stats in three categories, but I'll roll these (a choice between 3 rolls- you get two free rerolls.)
The categores are Body, Spirit, and Mind. Strength and Vitality are Body, Magic and Resistance are Spirit, and Intelligence and Instinct are Mind.
Stats are rolled by groups- each stat is individually rolled using the given dice value, so that choosing a Zodiac might get you 8 str, 5 vit, 4 mgc, 1 rst, 5 int, 3 ins. For two dice, the higher roll is taken.
Classes:Zodiac: 2d8 body, 1d8 spirit, 1d6 mind
Paladin: 2d10 body, 1d6 spirit, 1d6 mind
Gladiator: 2d8 body, 1d6 spirit, 1d8 mind
Illusionist: 1d6 body, 2d8 spirit, 1d8 mind
Wizard: 1d6 body, 2d10 spirit, 1d6 mind
Red Mage: 1d8 body, 2d8 spirit, 1d6 mind
Assassin: 1d8 body, 1d6 spirit, 2d8 mind
Thief: 1d6 body, 1d6 spirit, 2d10 mind
Informant: 1d6 body, 1d8 spirit, 2d8 mind
Races are a further modification. Any races can be suggested, but the ones on the list so far:
Human: No stat changes.
Demihuman: Random stat changes. A coin flip determines + or -, a 1d4 determines gain or loss of stat. Randomized appearance.
Kobold: -1 to Body stats, +1 to Mind stats
Octopod: -1 to Body, +1 to Spirit
Ravi: +1 to Body, -1 to Spirit
Construct: +1 to Body, -1 to Mind
Angelis: -1 to Spirit, +1 to Mind
The Sin: +1 to Spirit, -1 to Mind
Kobolds are DF-flavor kobolds.
Octopods are kinda like Zoidberg, but more like a human with an octopus for a head, complete with 8 tentacles on the base of the head.
Ravi are sheep minotaurs, just smaller than regular minotaurs.
Constructs are randomized golem-creatures. They often cannot equip anything, but make up for it with built in armor.
Angelis are small winged humanoids that believe themselves descendants of a god.
The Sin are not a race but a group, identifiable by a marking on the dominant arm. They give up religion to gain ancient knowledge of magics.
Gear kits are a little different: each kit offers a general selection of items that will be useful, but no one person can take enough to provide for an adventure. The kits are:
Survivalist: Brings the basics needed for survival such as a lighter, food, and water.
Adventurer: A little more specialized to have healing items, a torch, and rope.
Soldier: Often comes with backup weaponry and food.
Apothecary: Brings a brewing kit and potions early.
Hunter: Brings nets, traps, and rope.
You start out at the "top level" (you think that's where your at anyway...) and have access to only medieval weapons at best- in other words, your basic RPG. Things will change.
A character should be posted like this:
(character name) the (race) (profession)
(starting kit)
(flavor text such as history)
Other stats are calculated using the ones that are rolled, such as HP, MP, and inventory space.
Inventory space is (2STR + 1/2RST), meaning it's only the badly rolled thieves that have trouble
HP is VIT + (1/4(RST x INS)), a mix of the stats, with much weight to Body
MP is MGC +(1/2(INT)).