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Author Topic: The Galactic civil war(8/8): Conquering the stars:Turn 7  (Read 12932 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Galactic civil war(8/8): Conquering the stars. Turn 1
« Reply #90 on: October 10, 2012, 10:35:27 am »

Turn 4

Race name: Narma (sing. Narman)
Race description:
Nimble and agile : +1 to defense rolls in combat, +1 to rapid movement
Highly intelligent
: +10% Research bonus
Lack any significant strength: Soldiers have 30% less HP

Colonized planets:
Spoiler: Narmalia (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Home system (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fleet (click to show/hide)


1 Lab 6IC
1 Farm 1IC

Ecology: Artificial pollution Filter: Size 4, 4IC, removes 1 pollution  [8/9]
Advanced Scientific Theory: Large labs: 15 IC; 4 size, 6 pop required, produces 6 science points [4/9]
Enhanced Agriculture [0/9]

Population grows a bit.

Race name: Alloran
Race Description:
Heavily muscled and tough:  Soldiers have 30% extra HP
Industrious : + 10% Industry bonus
No respect for ecology: Pollution is increased by 20%

Spoiler: Home system (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  Research (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fleet (click to show/hide)

Quote from: Warriors to Wavemotion, The rise of the Allorans
Finally, after work by the greatest minds of the Alloran, they had developed space worthy craft. With great celebration, they were launched on their maiden voyage to the stars.

Build two Explorers (2IC)
4IC stockpiled

Spoiler: Explorer (click to show/hide)

Finish researching the engines [Done]

+1 pop to Industry
Scan Alloris Prime
Remember to not ask the GM whether I should be getting two points of pollution imstead of one. Doesn't really matter, does it?

Player Name: Emperor Botoro
Race name: Botoron
High resistance to non-blunt sources of trauma: +2 to defense rolls
Consume organic life: Sometimes Produces food when destroying organic units and buildings and such(Includes for example forests)
Slow movement and thought: -1 to movement in battle, -1 to initiative

Spoiler: Gungar (click to show/hide)

Local system description: Five planets in orbit about the binary stars Orin (A small bright blue star) and Niro (A star twice the size of our sun and a dull red). The Botoro are settled on the second planet closest to the sun, Gungar.
The first planet is rocky, and far too hot for the Botoro. The second planet is Gungar. The third planet is inhospitable, with no life to consume to provide fuel for the crystals, and completely lacking in minerals. The fourth planet is a large gas giant. The fifth planet is a truly massive gas giant, with a orbiting moon large enough (and getting enough light and heat) supportint indigenous life, it has medium minerals.

Spoiler: Reseach (click to show/hide)

2 IC stockpiled.
1 Lab (6 IC)
0 IC remaining after feast I'm afraid there was a counting problem somewhere, but I can't find it, so I'll let it pass.
Finish research on artificial pollution filter. Finished

1 Industry 4/4
1 Mine 2/2
1 Farm 1/2
1 Lab 2/2

The feast is a great succes, and population booms. (+2 pop)

Player Name:Lord Aldea
Race name:Imperials
      -Fast reproduction: Pop expands faster
      -Advanced ranged weapons: +2 to ship attack
      -Hampering the enviroment.: 20% extra pollution

Spoiler: Mc Theridon(Temp:6) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Home system (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Fleet (click to show/hide)

2 Farms (-2IC)

Storage: +1 IC(7IC)

Basic  KineticSpaceship weapons:See OP [9/10]
Improved Industry: See OP [1/10]

Move one from the factory to the refinery

The Jungle planet proves to be extremely interesting. It's almost entirely covered in rainforests, and features a rather intense and fast water cycle, which causes frequent storms and makes flight difficult. The constant rains and moist conditions make fire unlikely, and most of the trees seem to be adapted to survive if one does happen. The Jungle itself is rather tall, with trees on top of each, and plants growing on top of those, while all are roated in shallow water on the bottom. In total they are often more than a hundred meters tall. Your explorers were unable to get imagery of animals, but they are pretty sure no intelligent live exists. They did find one interesting spot where what appears to be a chunk of metal has pierced through the dense foliage.

Population increases.

Race Name: Retha (singular Reth)
Race Description:
Particularly efficient metabolism: 10% less food needed
reliability and durability: +20% ship/building health
reduced industrial throughput. : -10% industrial production.

Spoiler: Rethacal.(Temp,8) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Home system (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fleet (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Research (click to show/hide)

Replace the 5 farms with 3 improved farms (6-3 for the upgrade=3 IC)
Store the remaining 1 IC.

Medical infrastructure  [2/10]
Improved Fuel tanks   [2/10]
Pollution reduction [1/10]

The pioneer reports several strange and remarkable facts, apparently the aliens are living on land, rather than in the seas. Close up pictures from the aliens can't be taken, but it appears they live extremely spread out, in several small communities, each with it's own terretory. Mines and factories dot the landscape, and the cities of the aliens, which (based on heat imagery) appear to contain about a 2000 lifeforms max. More lifeforms are roaming the landscape, probably as prey or lifestock for the lifeforms. As for technolgy, they seem to have some sort of steam powered industry, and from the wars you observe some crude  but pretty lethal explosion based weaponry.

The Forgotten Ones

Researchers: +10%
Nanotechnology: +20% to nanotech research. Can attempt to use nanotech with varying results
Suck at diplomacy.: -4 to diplomacy

Spoiler: Lost Hope (click to show/hide)

Their system is relatively pristine, though all it would take is a few probes too change this.

Spoiler: Research and customs (click to show/hide)

Manpower: New guy report to farms immediately

Khanstruction: Lab please
Your attempts at recruiting a medieval mongul leader for construction efforts fail, but a lab is nevertheless constructed.

Anti nanite bomb [4/20]
Nanotech constructors: [2/20]

General: The festival is not very succesfull. There's however, a breakdown in Fabber technology, and anti nanite tech. Though the last one is is questionable, as it involves using liquid hydrogen to freeze the nanites, then moving them before they unfreeze, and somehow desposing of them. It's unlikely it will work for more than a small scale disaster, but the scientist is still asking his reward.

Race name: Kalams

Race Description:
Tough and regenerating: +30% hp, regains health faster
Researchers: +10% Science
Part of food and living space for useless and dangerous younger generations: 20% of the population can only be used as rebellious soldiers at best.

Spoiler: Galamad (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Home system (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fleet (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Army (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Research (click to show/hide)
Construction (2+0 IC aviable)
Farm - 1 IC

Research queue (4RP)
1) Lasers: Laser drills (improve effectiveness of mines). Doubles mines effectiviness, but the higher energy consumption means they will require one unit of fuel per mine.  [4/10]

Pops (11 adult, 2 youngsters, 1 army)
-7 Farms:  7/7
-1 Industry: 0/4
-2 Labs: 4/4

Explore Tirunog IV. The planet is exactly what it seemed to be.  A frozen planet, whitout live. It does however, seem to contain quite a lot of metals. Amongst whose seem to be traces of some extremely light but still strong material which could be usefull for further endavours.

Your army spents their time clearing away the environemental burdens of the past. This earns them  a lot of respect  and support from the local communities, and result in a healthier environement. (Ecology +. Please note that this is not an encouraged nor surefire way of increasing ecology.) 

Player name: Administrator-General Uffnik Schwarz
Race name: The Affnids
Race Description:
great reflexes: +1 to defense rolls, +1 to resisting ambushes
Adaptability: Colonization margins are larger
they are very easily angered: -1 to diplomacy, larger rebellion chance

Spoiler: Afnidia 4(Heat:5) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Home system (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fleet (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Army (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Research (click to show/hide)



15/15 You only got 13 pop avaible. The pop growth is only added at the end of the turn.
Farm [6/6]
Mine [0/2]
Industry [4/4]
Lab [2/2]
Fuel refinary [2/2]
Observatory [1/1]

Equip 1st battalion ('First and Finest') with new weapons. (2 IC)B
Send on another training exercise. Your soldiers gain some more valuable experience, but they are not going to improve without seeing some real action.
Draft 4 new battalions and send the best recruits to the 'First and Finest'. Likewise send worst recruits from the 1st. To the other battalions.

Scan small planet (Affnidia 2) with observatory.  Afnidia 2 seems habitable, but not really interesting. Quite a few plants could live there.
Host feast using 3 surplus food. The feast is no real succes.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 03:14:19 pm by 10ebbor10 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Galactic civil war(8/8): Conquering the stars:Turn 4; A new Update
« Reply #91 on: October 10, 2012, 11:01:24 am »

2 farms Lab (6IC)

Space ship mining equipment
(to mine asteroids, take mineral samples, etc)

Just more basic training. Give redundant weapons to another battalion.

Fuel up an Explorationator and send it to look at Affnidia 2 (small planet)

Any spare pop. into Farms lab,  then industry(in order of priority. If needed, move pop. From the farms to work the lab)

Scan Affnidia 1 (medium planet) with observatory.
Host feast (3 food)

EDIT: I'm back! Also, changed post.

QUESTION: why do the other four battalions have increased attack & defense, but have no armour / weapons?

« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 12:56:06 pm by TopHat »
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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Re: The Galactic civil war(8/8): Conquering the stars:Turn 4; A new Update
« Reply #92 on: October 10, 2012, 11:19:21 am »

Quote from: Warriors to Wavemotion, The rise of the Allorans
As the first Alloran ships blasted out of the atmosphere, the populace waited with bated breath, for what was on that mysterious planet.

Build 1 Lab (6IC)
1 IC remaining

Interstellar Theory

Fuel up both Explorers
Both Explorers go to Alloris IV. Explorer 1 scans the planet, and Explorer 2 scans the Large Moon

Create 5 Batallions (-1 Pop in Industry)
Observatory scans Alloris VI

Ukrainian Ranger

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Galactic civil war(8/8): Conquering the stars:Turn 4; A new Update
« Reply #93 on: October 10, 2012, 12:40:23 pm »

Construction (0+4 IC aviable)

Research queue (4RP)
1) Lasers: Laser drills (improve effectiveness of mines). Doubles mines effectiviness, but the higher energy consumption means they will require one unit of fuel per mine.  [4/10]
2) Ship based laser drills. Module that  allows mining asteroids and planets (if ship can land here)  in extremely eco unfriendly way. Needs energy to operate.  Probably can be used as bad weapon

Pops (11 adult, 2 youngsters, 1 army)
-7 Farms:  3/7
-1 Industry: 4/4
-2 Labs: 4/4

Explore Tirunog II.
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Galactic civil war(8/8): Conquering the stars:Turn 4; A new Update
« Reply #94 on: October 10, 2012, 02:44:59 pm »

The elder looked out the window and said, "We can make the mans idea work so pay him."




Continue Antinanite stuff, but no longer offer a bonus, figure out what the Constructers are, upgraged fabbers? Bonus stands for everything else

Also can I use a reactionless drive?


Just for now, see if I can have a feast, if not then nothing, if so hold it.

Starting marching band will not be able to post everyday.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Galactic civil war(8/8): Conquering the stars:Turn 4; A new Update
« Reply #95 on: October 10, 2012, 02:47:10 pm »

The constructers are in the Op. They are environementally friendly with a small chance of nanitic doom.

Depends on what you want to do, getting a drive that simply uses no fuel is going to be quite a long way for balance reasons.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Galactic civil war(8/8): Conquering the stars:Turn 4; A new Update
« Reply #96 on: October 10, 2012, 02:58:56 pm »

Nah it uses energy from a reactor so it uses fuel, mainly stealthy and fast.
Starting marching band will not be able to post everyday.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Galactic civil war(8/8): Conquering the stars:Turn 4; A new Update
« Reply #97 on: October 10, 2012, 03:23:24 pm »

Nah it uses energy from a reactor so it uses fuel, mainly stealthy and fast.
Yeah, fine.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Galactic civil war(8/8): Conquering the stars:Turn 4; A new Update
« Reply #98 on: October 10, 2012, 03:36:13 pm »

Build 1 Fighter MkI
Basic Fuel tank(1 point)
2xBasic chemical engine(2 points)
Sensor module(2 points)
5xBasic Kinetic weaponery(5 points)

Build 1 lab (-6IC)
Storage:3 IC

Finish Research on Basic Kinetic Spaceship weapons (1RP)
Start researching basic spaceship shield technology (1RP)
Start researching better spaceship armour (1RP)

Move the new pop to the lab
Investigate the place where metal pierced the jungle
This isn't reality.
*kicks an elf into the pit*
Roll to be a BATTLE WIZARD


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Galactic civil war(8/8): Conquering the stars:Turn 4; A new Update
« Reply #99 on: October 10, 2012, 05:31:44 pm »

Hmm. Shouldn't I be getting 4 research/turn? And I think I should have 1 fuel in storage. Anyhow:

Stockpile the 4 IC.

Direct all research efforts towards improved fuel tanks.

Have the Pioneer move to and explore the debris belt.

If there is population growth, prioritise food production and energy production in that order.

Hold a feast using 4 food. Announce that the spacetech prize has been amended so that developments in propulsion are now worth 3 IC. Also, is it possible to research genetic modification and related technologies? What about pressure resistant structures (to exploit the ocean depths and maybe gas giants later on)?
« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 08:06:02 am by RulerOfNothing »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Galactic civil war(8/8): Conquering the stars:Turn 3
« Reply #100 on: October 11, 2012, 10:22:38 am »

0 IC stockpiled.
2 farms
1 observatory
0 IC remaining
Research method to improve population growth speed

Manpower and buildings
1/1 Industry 4/4
0/1 Mine 0/2
2/2 Farm 2/2
2/2 Lab 4/4

« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 11:09:40 pm by lemon10 »
And with a mighty leap, the evil Conservative flies through the window, escaping our heroes once again!
Because the solution to not being able to control your dakka is MOAR DAKKA.

That's it. We've finally crossed over and become the nation of Da Orky Boyz.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Galactic civil war(8/8): Conquering the stars:Turn 4; A new Update
« Reply #101 on: October 15, 2012, 03:12:40 pm »

QUESTION: why do the other four battalions have increased attack & defense, but have no armour / weapons?
Fixed that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Galactic civil war(8/8): Conquering the stars:Turn 4; A new Update
« Reply #102 on: October 15, 2012, 03:42:21 pm »


Construct an exploration ships to the following specifications:
2 Basic Chemical Engines
4 Basic Fuel Tanks
1 Kinetic Weaponry
1 Sensor Module
(Stockpile 4 IC)

Once Ecology is complete continue work on Advanced Scientific Theory

Put the new citizen to work in the observatory as well as 1 citizen from the mines.
(I'm getting more IC than I know what to do with!)
So, yeah, a stack of 2000 copper coins covered in vile ash that makes you vomit blood to death is my signature weapon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Galactic civil war(8/8): Conquering the stars. Turn 1
« Reply #103 on: October 19, 2012, 04:21:19 pm »

Turn 5:

Race name: Narma (sing. Narman)
Race description:
Nimble and agile : +1 to defense rolls in combat, +1 to rapid movement
Highly intelligent
: +10% Research bonus
Lack any significant strength: Soldiers have 30% less HP

Colonized planets:
Spoiler: Narmalia (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Home system (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Research done (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Fleet (click to show/hide)

Construct an exploration ships to the following specifications:
2 Basic Chemical Engines
4 Basic Fuel Tanks
1 Kinetic Weaponry Unfortunately, it appears I made an error. Kinetic weaponry needs to be researched, but is not labeled as such in the OP. Due to this, you can add 2 sizepoints to your craft without increasing costs
1 Sensor Module
(Stockpile 4 IC)

Ecology: Artificial pollution Filter: Size 4, 4IC, removes 1 pollution  [9/9] Finished
Advanced Scientific Theory: Large labs: 15 IC; 4 size, 6 pop required, produces 6 science points [7/9]
Enhanced Agriculture [0/9]

Put the new citizen to work in the observatory as well as 1 citizen from the mines.Due to another error of mine, the pop requirement of the observatory was wrongly listed. Excuses for that.
(I'm getting more IC than I know what to do with!)
You observatory is put online, and immediatly discovers some strange traces. It appears a small fleet of ships has entered the system, and you can see that they're seriously damaged. You're not sure to hail them or not, but they are coming your way.

Race name: Alloran
Race Description:
Heavily muscled and tough:  Soldiers have 30% extra HP
Industrious : + 10% Industry bonus
No respect for ecology: Pollution is increased by 20%

Spoiler: Home system (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  Research (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fleet (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Army (click to show/hide)

Quote from: Warriors to Wavemotion, The rise of the Allorans
As the first Alloran ships blasted out of the atmosphere, the populace waited with bated breath, for what was on that mysterious planet.

Build 1 Lab (6IC)
1 IC remaining

Interstellar Theory[2/20 Unlocks jump drives]

Fuel up both Explorers
Both Explorers go to Alloris IV. Explorer 1 scans the planet, and Explorer 2 scans the Large Moon. I
While in orbit around Alloris IV, your ships do a shocking discovery. What previously looked like a small moon, is actually a giant spacestation. It seems quite descripit, but still functional. From your position you can clearly see it's structure. It appears to be a giant, flattented torus, though the inside is weird. Though there's nothing to block the way, the space on the inside of the Torus seems strangely deformed, seemingly wrapped somehow. The other parts of the station are covered with large solar pannels, and docking port.

Create 5 Batallions (-1 Pop in Industry)
Observatory scans Alloris VI

Player Name: Emperor Botoro
Race name: Botoron
High resistance to non-blunt sources of trauma: +2 to defense rolls
Consume organic life: Sometimes Produces food when destroying organic units and buildings and such(Includes for example forests)
Slow movement and thought: -1 to movement in battle, -1 to initiative

Spoiler: Gungar (click to show/hide)

Local system description: Five planets in orbit about the binary stars Orin (A small bright blue star) and Niro (A star twice the size of our sun and a dull red). The Botoro are settled on the second planet closest to the sun, Gungar.
The first planet is rocky, and far too hot for the Botoro. The second planet is Gungar. The third planet is inhospitable, with no life to consume to provide fuel for the crystals, and completely lacking in minerals. The fourth planet is a large gas giant. The fifth planet is a truly massive gas giant, with a orbiting moon large enough (and getting enough light and heat) supportint indigenous life, it has medium minerals.

Spoiler: Reseach (click to show/hide)

0 IC stockpiled.
2 farms
1 observatory
0 IC remaining

Hospital research [4/10]

Manpower and buildingsYou left one pop unassigned, so I added it to the farms.
1/1 Industry 4/4
0/1 Mine 0/2
2/2 Farm 2/2
2/2 Lab 4/4

Your people reports seeing a meteor streaking through the sky, and crashing smack into the currently abandonned mine. It's damaged beyond repair. However, the meteor which on closer observation turned out to be a spaceship, was manned. When some inquitive people try to go and take a look, they were shot at without warning. While they managed to escape, it does present a serious problem.

Player Name:Lord Aldea
Race name:Imperials
      -Fast reproduction: Pop expands faster
      -Advanced ranged weapons: +2 to ship attack
      -Hampering the enviroment.: 20% extra pollution

Spoiler: Mc Theridon(Temp:6) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Home system (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Research (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Fleet (click to show/hide)

Build 1 Fighter MkI
Basic Fuel tank(1 point)
2xBasic chemical engine(2 points)
Sensor module(2 points)
5xBasic Kinetic weaponery(5 points)

Build 1 lab (-6IC)
Storage:3 IC

Finish Research on Basic Kinetic Spaceship weapons (1RP)
Start researching basic spaceship shield technology (1RP) [1/10]
Start researching better spaceship armour (1RP) [1/10]

Move the new pop to the lab

You ship moves in to investigate, and soon find out that the metal appears to be a derelict spaceship. Unfortunately, it appears to be completely overgrown, and they can't find a way in. Of it's original crew there is no trace.

Pop grows

Race Name: Retha (singular Reth)
Race Description:
Particularly efficient metabolism: 10% less food needed
reliability and durability: +20% ship/building health
reduced industrial throughput. : -10% industrial production.

Spoiler: Rethacal.(Temp,8) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Home system (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fleet (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Research (click to show/hide)

Stockpile the 4 IC.

Medical infrastructure  [2/10]
Improved Fuel tanks   [6/10]
Pollution reduction [1/10]
Ion engine  research: [3/10]

Have the Pioneer move to and explore the debris belt.

If there is population growth, prioritise food production and energy production in that order.

Hold a feast using 4 food. Announce that the spacetech prize has been amended so that developments in propulsion are now worth 3 IC. Also, is it possible to research genetic modification and related technologies? What about pressure resistant structures (to exploit the ocean depths and maybe gas giants later on)?
All possible. The feast is not much a succes, and there's no pop growth.

The Forgotten Ones

Researchers: +10%
Nanotechnology: +20% to nanotech research. Can attempt to use nanotech with varying results
Suck at diplomacy.: -4 to diplomacy

Spoiler: Lost Hope (click to show/hide)

Their system is relatively pristine, though all it would take is a few probes too change this.

Spoiler: Research and customs (click to show/hide)



Anti nanite bomb [6/20]
Nanotech constructors: [2/20]

The feast is no succes, sadly.
You're suddenly hailed by what appears to be a small fleet of spaceships. The Person at the other side of the comm looks at you with some sort of disgust, but declares himself a merchant and says he's willing to trade, and wonders what you have to offer.

Race name: Kalams

Race Description:
Tough and regenerating: +30% hp, regains health faster
Researchers: +10% Science
Part of food and living space for useless and dangerous younger generations: 20% of the population can only be used as rebellious soldiers at best.

Spoiler: Galamad (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Home system (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fleet (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Army (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Research (click to show/hide)

Construction (0+4 IC aviable)

Research queue (4RP)
1) Lasers: Laser drills (improve effectiveness of mines). Doubles mines effectiviness, but the higher energy consumption means they will require one unit of fuel per mine.  [8/10]
2) Ship based laser drills.  [0/20]

Pops (11 adult, 3 youngsters, 1 army)
-7 Farms:  3/7 This will lead to starvation quite soon.
-1 Industry: 4/4
-2 Labs: 4/4

Explore Tirunog II.

Player name: Administrator-General Uffnik Schwarz
Race name: The Affnids
Race Description:
great reflexes: +1 to defense rolls, +1 to resisting ambushes
Adaptability: Colonization margins are larger
they are very easily angered: -1 to diplomacy, larger rebellion chance

Spoiler: Afnidia 4(Heat:5) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Home system (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fleet (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Army (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Research (click to show/hide)

2 farms Lab (6IC)

Space ship mining equipment [4/20] (See OP, if you want a more ecology friendly mining installation ,that's possible too.)
(to mine asteroids, take mineral samples, etc)

Just more basic training. Give redundant weapons to another battalion.Training has no effect.(Really ,there's a limit on how good you can make your troops without significant investement.)

Fuel up an Explorationator and send it to look at Affnidia 2 (small planet)The explorionator discovers nothing new.

Any spare pop. into Farms lab,  then industry(in order of priority. If needed, move pop. From the farms to work the lab)

Scan Affnidia 1 (medium planet) with observatory.
Host feast (3 food)The feast is succesfull.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 02:00:30 am by 10ebbor10 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Galactic civil war(8/8): Conquering the stars:Turn 5
« Reply #104 on: October 20, 2012, 04:47:07 am »


Ship based mining equipment. [4/20] [4RP]

Form battalions into a full time army [-1 pop from industry]
Have the 1st and Finest parade to improve morale ( whatever that does)
Basic training is basically my way of saying 'do nothing'. It just sounds more productive to me.

Luna 1 (Affnidia 2) examine Affnidia 1 more closely.

Any new pop. To industry.

Scan asteroids with obeservatory ( I have no idea if this will work, but still...)

I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.
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