Keep heading for the university and try to avoid being seen by anybody else who's on the streets.
[2] On one hand, Victor head towards the university. On the other hand, someone notices him. [6v6v6v2] The three react quickly. Victor [2] misses with his sword, [1-1, 2-1] Jaime flings her swords into the air, and Gretchen [6] whallops the someone on the head really hard with the pugil stick--that's what they're called--and knocks him out while spraining her arm. One sword hits Jaime in the head, the other smacks the assailant's stomach. They didn't have a chance to interview him, but Victor has learned two valuable lessons. One, this city is swiftly becoming a dangerous, lawless place. Two,stay away from Jaime when she's swordfighting.
Jessica packs her belongings into the car and waits patiently inside it.
Jessica packs stuff in the car and waits for her mother. She comes out of the house carrying two more bags of stuff Jess didn't think was that important but her mother did. She coughed a little and started the car.
"Are you okay, Mom?" Jessica asked.
"Yes, I've just got a little cold."
They headed out towards the city limits. Soon enough, they could see the barrier of cars.
Eric curses into the air loudly, First my weapon stash got raided somehow, and now the entire city's streets are choked! I can't get locked up here, maybe the metro is still up. Hell, if it isn't running maybe running the tracks will be faster than wading through the streets
Eric Romani: Check the nearest metro station, if the lines aren't running, brave the tracks.
(This totally can't go wrong at all...)
Eric heads swiftly for a Metro station and notes that they don't seem to be running. Don't they have a motto about rain or snow or stuff not stopping the trains? Maybe that's the Postal Service. Anyways, he decides to walk out on the tracks. Yup, nothing could go wrong.
'Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! What the hell is going on! Are we infected or something why are they shooting?'
These thoughts ran through Robert's mind as he ran in the exact opposite direction of the breach, grabbing any nearby attractive girls/friends that he can pull away from the gunfire with him.(without putting himself in too much danger)
(( Wasnt sure if other players were allowed but in hes situation he's move is kinda obvious. People are shooting at him what is he gonna do? ))
Robert turns and runs full pelt down along the barricade and along the university fence looking for a spot that does not appear to be guarded.
Climb over if he locates one and quickly head away from the university.
Robert hurries perpendicular to most of the mob's movement. [6] He grabs at a group of seven beautiful girls, who drag him away. Robert tries to drag them all the other way, [4v3,2,4,2,1,1,3] and two trip long enough to cause the others to stumble long enough for Robert to take control of the posse. [2] He tries to find a weaker point in the barricade, trying to explain his plan to the girls. [4,5,2,2,6,5,5] One suggests finding a building and going out it, another suggesting
parkour (Did I spell that right?). The eight companions do so. [1] When Robert jumps, he breaks his leg, [4,1,6,2,6,1,4] as do two of the girls, while two others jump so fiercely that they hit the middle of the street and a fifth girl sprained her ankle. Oh, dear...
((Wow ok...things are moving rather quickly... In character I don't think Phillip even knows who's being shot at yet, could be zombie robot martians. So he will not interfere with anything...))
Phillip Anderson attempts to speak face to face with Captain Samson.
Info Requests: How is Phillip currently equiped?
About how many officers can he see in the area of the barricade?
Phillip goes to chat with Captain Samson. "What's this I'm hearing?"
Captain Samson sighs despondently. "We're shooting at college kids who are trying to break quarantine, to keep some sort of disease from escaping into the rest of Chicago before the quarantine over the city starts."
"I know, but most ran. We only had to shoot a couple, and we "missed." Just stand on that wall and shoot towards anyone you see coming."
There are 40 minutes left. What do the five do?