So did anyone notice that the DF raws are Bioprinter compatible and someone wrote a algorithm to fill in the gaps? I certainly didnt but recognized the fileformat in the genetics subfolder. Well i decided to print out a fox-cub since i like pets ... yeah so i must also have added a wrong option so i got a Fox-man-cub and have a daughter now.
Yeah, it's still really wonky. It will print an animal person, giant animal, or a normal one randomly if there are variations available. I guess it's because [TRANSFORM:X:Y] tags are so simillar to [TRANSFORMED:X] from before advanced genetics was a thing, and the algorithm actually borrows a lot from the unofficial holoprojector plugin from 2036. It would take a simple tweak to fix, and it's hardly a minor bug, so we can probably expect a patch soon.
Anyaway, has anyone else had problems with automatons? I mean, I know metals corrode, but automatons seem to crumble into dust way too fast. Brass golems, on the other hand can work for ages before they start getting damaged. Is it because of the high temperature and steam? Is there a way to make non-corroding automatons with industrial era tech? I have better uses for my mages than recharging golems, and I don't like playing with complicated factory machines, conveyor belts, etc.