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Author Topic: Playerlogs from 2050  (Read 111303 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #75 on: October 20, 2012, 04:39:21 pm »

I assume most of these wont happen, because Toady said the games technology wouldn't go beyond medeival.
Ehh, True and untrue.

While the technology of the dwarves will be medieval, the physics of te universe will be more advanced, so players will be able to simulate more modern tech. Hell, we have calculaters. There were no calculaters in medieval times.
Not to mention, mods! Even if the 'official' DF never get past medieval-punk low fantasy, there would be features that'd be needed to mimic some functions that can be taken advantage of. That or Toady'll figure out how to have working randomly generated stuffs.

Also, could someone tell me how to turn off the lava mill, I think my dwarves are using it to shave...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #76 on: October 20, 2012, 04:42:50 pm »

I assume most of these wont happen, because Toady said the games technology wouldn't go beyond medeival.
Ehh, True and untrue.

While the technology of the dwarves will be medieval, the physics of te universe will be more advanced, so players will be able to simulate more modern tech. Hell, we have calculaters. There were no calculaters in medieval times.
That's because no one was crazy enough to build one!
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #77 on: October 20, 2012, 09:00:16 pm »

I assume most of these wont happen, because Toady said the games technology wouldn't go beyond medeival.
Ehh, True and untrue.

While the technology of the dwarves will be medieval, the physics of te universe will be more advanced, so players will be able to simulate more modern tech. Hell, we have calculaters. There were no calculaters in medieval times.
That's because no one was crazy enough to build one!
More like because manual labor (or the intellectual equivalent) was cheap enough. The Romans actually knew about the potential uses of steam, but slave labor was much cheaper - one emperor even said that greater efficiency would lead to disaster as the slaves would no longer be occupied with work 25/7.
The Bay12 postcard club
Arguably he's already a progressive, just one in the style of an enlightened Kaiser.
I'm going to do the smart thing here and disengage. This isn't a hill I paticularly care to die on.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #78 on: October 21, 2012, 02:17:34 am »

So, I decided to do an extensive carp-breeding program for my moat, and everything was going great until they developed the ability to walk somehow.

Now they're eating my dorfs alive.

Well, time to unleash the catsplosion.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #79 on: October 21, 2012, 03:33:02 am »

So, I decided to do an extensive carp-breeding program for my moat, and everything was going great until they developed the ability to walk somehow.

Now they're eating my dorfs alive.

Well, time to unleash the catsplosion.

Make sure your world hasn't experienced an Uristeva Convention prohibiting the use of thermobionuclear weaponry. You'll have every sentient being on the planet riding your fortress into the ground if you bring one out of storage for anything more than a scheduled decommissioning.
Then it happened. Then I cringed. Then I picked it up and beat him to death with it, and then his buddies, too.
You beat a man to death with his dick?

"I don't feel like myself. Maybe I should have Doc take a look at me" ~ Dreamy
 "You're gonna trust a dwarf that got his medical degree from a pickaxe?" ~ Bossy


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #80 on: October 21, 2012, 12:59:14 pm »

So, I decided to do an extensive carp-breeding program for my moat, and everything was going great until they developed the ability to walk somehow.

Now they're eating my dorfs alive.

Well, time to unleash the catsplosion.

Make sure your world hasn't experienced an Uristeva Convention prohibiting the use of thermobionuclear weaponry. You'll have every sentient being on the planet riding your fortress into the ground if you bring one out of storage for anything more than a scheduled decommissioning.

Yeah, I did get a notice from the elves complaining about how it was throwing off the cycles of their tree gardens.

But, since the Carp actually developed the ability to fly after being exposed to it, I don't think they'll have time to contact the other nations and declare war on me before everyone is dead.

I guess now I just need to keep it together long enough for them to show, then see who wins. Maybe the Carp will just murder them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #81 on: October 21, 2012, 01:50:25 pm »

Alright guys, this little bugger elf vampire has assassinated my monarch, and now my civ I worked so hard on (it DOES take time to conquer a continent on "Earthlike"-sized world, you know - especially in Adventure Mode) is basically after me.
Thankfully I dut out a cave in the mountains long ago and covered the entrance, but I have no idea where I am right now.

I'm afraid to use the explosive potions I snatched when escaping the prison, since I don't know how powerful they are...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #82 on: October 21, 2012, 03:55:40 pm »

That's it.  I was going to put off the "1,000 year fortress" megaproject until another time, but with the surface world now pretty much lost (and I haven't had any word back from my scouting parties, even the one in the NBC protection suits, while short wave signals are still pretty much just static), I'm sealing myself in properly, at both surface and subsurface entryways, and seeing if I can't get the carbon cycle, the sulphur cycle, the phosphorous cycle and the water cycle properly tuned so I don't have to micromanage or crack open the seals on the reserves.  (The rest I can probably wing, and I'll obviously get the oxygen levels right if I can keep the others satisfactory.)  I think I have enough ceramic base-materials to patch up the corridors around the more permeable strata, but I'll label them as Death Zones so that any exposure is limited (and to reinforce the psychology of isolation and "striving for better" in my colony).

Speaking of which, luckily I got that new power-source up and running.  Let's hope the Researcher team correctly assessed it as maintenance free, as I've a feeling I'll get some technoregression across the generations...  but I've reserved a whole cavern so that if I get any more Disaffected I can exile them there, and the resulting limited conflict (between whatever divergent ideologies arise) can keep both sides from stagnating into that whole Eden Spiral effect that you lot have been telling me about.  In fact, I might even get some nice parallel developments into futuretechs out of this...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #83 on: October 21, 2012, 05:29:47 pm »

A̡̪̺̮͙̳̗̤̝̣͓̥̤̦͈͔̩̼͗ͧͫ͗ͪ͊̑͋̕͡͠Ȑ͕̦̦̫̮͉͋̄̔͑̃̄̃ͯ̾͂̆̒ͧ͛ͯ͆ͧ̕͢͠͡ͅM̧͙̖͍͇̮̠̣̯̝̻͕̬͙͇͒ͮͨ̄ͧ́ͮͤ̉̓ͪ̚͢ͅO̶̔̅ͧ̍͆ͥ̓͌͗͠͏̴̸̙̫̜͚̤͓͙̙̟̻̠̩̩̫K̵̇͑̅̌̓͛́̒̐ͣ̓̓̚҉͉̦̰͔͓̥̣͎̘.̨̙̦̱͎̼̰̠͈̩̖̳̠ͯ̇̾ͭ͐̈́͡͠͠ ̷̶̶̡̞͖͎̟̙͎̣̙̼̣͓͆͗̾̊͊͂H̨̘͓̳̣̬̊̂̎ͦ̎́͡E̸͍̞̱̪͔̱̥̣̻͇̪̍̀ͪ͒͛ͣͣ̿ͧ̇ͦ͋̍̒ͨ͆ͨ̚͜͢ ̴̷̫̪̝͈̦̦̌̍ͣ̊ͪͫ̋̏̽ͤ̊̀̅̒͝͡C̸̤͉͖̹ͬ͋͑̅͒̑ͭͤ͂͌͡Ớ̶̦͈̻̲̺̼͉̮̐̆̃̄ͭͫ͋̈ͭ̏̒̄̉̽̐ͨ̎͞͠͠M̵̧̭̮̥͎̲̂͊ͫ̈́̎ͧ̂̀̕ͅE̷̥̰̤̭̤̣̘̖̣̝̪̎̅̇̏̈̊̀̕S̵̫̫͙̖͓͙̗͍͙̐ͧ̏͑ͣ́͐ͣ́̀
she/her. (Pronouns vary over time.) The artist formerly known as Objective/Cinder.

One True Polycule with flame99 <3

Avatar by makowka


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #84 on: October 21, 2012, 05:34:33 pm »

So I decided to go in the arena and put random stuff together to see what it does.  Some of the interesting things created were:

A set of clothes created out of enriched uranium.  You could have an interesting suicide bomber from it. (yeah, he could only survive a bit in it from the radiation, but it could work...)

I somehow made a molecule that has one of every stable atom in it.  It is a solid, dissolves in water, and when consumed, whoever ate it suddenly understands how the universe works (after he ate it, he suddenly became Legendary in all skills and started messing with the arena himself. he messed with some of the later things I made...).  It couldn't be created in a normal game though, as the chemical reaction required to make it uses up an enormous amount of energy.

A strange device that inside it's case (made out of a mixture of random metals and plastics) it has carbon monoxide.  I thought it was another useless "invention" until the dwarf that I had made earlier (the one who now understands the universe) grabbed it and started shoving things into it.  It seemed to have infinite space inside it.  I looked into it and some quantum effect mixed with the carbon monoxide reacting with the Dorfonium (it was one of the metals making the case) was making some strange type of hammerspace...  When I tried to look inside it myself, it just showed blackness.

A breed of cat that doesn't cause catsplosions.  That dwarf decided to take some cats that I had made earlier and bred them just right.  I couldn't believe it at first, but I then realized that it was because they were infertile...

After this, the dwarf decided to test the suicide bomber suit...  And it worked pretty well, actually.  Although it blew up the whole arena, so I guess I'm done.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #85 on: October 21, 2012, 07:47:20 pm »

So I was tired of all the futuretech the dwarves were developing (This is a FANTASY game after all), so I set the world gen for just a couple hundred years. Just enough for a bit of society to form, develop some nice civilizations and all that. Booted up dwarf mode, and built a really sweet tower out of a tall mountain. I even set up some sweet ballistas, thanks to one of my mechanics getting a strange mood and designed a freaking powerful ballista design, on the top of the tower and on some of the outcroppings. Which was handy since kobolds became super badass in this world, conquering dwarven and goblin civilizations and combining their tech (mostly dwarven gearworking with some goblin leatherworking and weaponry) and made large zeppelins. They weren't much of a threat to my awesome fort but they kept attacking by air.

Then the Kobolds made peace with me. They just sent an ambassador at me out of nowhere and the ambassador asked for a small sum of cash and permission to build near us in exchange for protection and goods. It was pretty nice. I accepted despite the fishiness of the deal because I wanted my own zeppelins. I spent a good summer building a large hangar for my zeppelins and I was sending dwarven traders around the world with my goods. Brought in lots of wealth let me tell you. I didn't trust the kobolds and still kept a very active military but they proved to be good trade partners. A while later, a kobold ambassador came and requested 5 dwarven marksmen and designs for our ballista. I was like pffft no, but then I read what they were offering. Fucking railguns. I kid you not. So obviously I accepted, low-tech desires or not.

Laterwards something odd happened. A spaceship just crash landed near my fortress, off the main map. I sent over a dwarven zeppelin to watch, and after watching a couple procedurally generated aliens with railguns mill around a bit, a Kobold zeppelin (armed with what I guess was a combination of the railgun tech and my ballista design no less) flew in, landed, and delivered a squadron of kobolds (and some dwarves, humans, and elves) all armed to the teeth with various high tech armaments. They were called the Knights of Killing. Anyways they lived up to their name, killed the aliens and flew off, with a second zeppelin arriving later to reclaim the aliens stuff. I laughed at the Kobold XCom project but realized this ruins any hopes of having a low-tech game. I guess that's what they were "protecting" me from? Anyways, a kobold ambassador showed up and demanded not to spread word of what I saw, and in exchange they gave me railballista tech so I reoutfitted my tower. Sadly, I never got a chance to use my awesome defense against UFOs flying nearby.

A few summers later and it turns out that I was the kobolds remaining ally. All the other civilizations had either been conquered or abandoned their peace treaty, no longer funding the Kobold's very XCom-esque project. Not long afterwards, a couple alien battleships showed up, completely overrun my defenses, killed most of my dwarves, and I lost the rest to a tantrum spiral.

I left generation running a bit. Turns out the Kobolds developed space travel and flew off to the stars, and The Wheel of Cheese remained conquered by the Aliens, until they dug too deep and were killed by Demons. Then the Demons developed space travel.

I regenned later and played a regular game with no future tech at all. Fuck that noise.
You are a terrible person and the sad truth is deep down you know it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #86 on: October 23, 2012, 11:11:19 am »

That new ASCII galaxy-viewer is SWEEEEEET!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #87 on: October 24, 2012, 06:39:49 pm »

Bug report- The dwarfs hacked out of the game and took over the computer. Then they moved copy's of their AI onto the internet and started taking over supercomputers to refine their code. Im scared. 
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.

Eric Blank

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #88 on: October 24, 2012, 06:47:05 pm »

Bug report; after 40 years, my dwarves STILL can't figure out how to build anything without micromanagement from me. I don't think they'll be able to refine their code properly, either.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #89 on: October 24, 2012, 08:48:43 pm »

So, I needed a challenge.  A big challenge.  I had already started with 1 dwarf and ended up with capital of the whole world, I've embarked with nothing and took over the whole galaxy.  I decided to do something that hasn't been tried for years: embark with two cats, one male and one female.  I used up the rest of my embark points on the best stuff I could get, tried to set up my fort quick enough to beat the catsplosion, but it was impossible.  The cats quickly overran my whole fort, and when they had made the whole place barren, they ate my dwarves.  By now there were several hundred of them.  I realized I couldn't do anything else in this world (I could tell the cats were going to overrun the planet), I told it to make more history in the world.

I started my fort in year 500, by 505 the only species on Earth was cats (I wonder why the world didn't stop after this).  They became sentient around 525, and by 550 (when they were almost dying of famine from how many there were) they developed space travel, and a way to make them not need nearly as much food.  They started flying into other star systems, and inhabited those worlds.  By 1000 they had taken over the whole group of galaxies they were in.

Things were relatively peaceful for a while, until they genetically engineered themselves to be able to last on their own in space.  They started using up all the space in between the planets, becoming a slowly enlarging big ball of cats in space.  They started learning how to compute with their bodies by moving in space to make different signals, logic gates, and before I knew it, they were making huge catputers.  I saw their leader making them into a huge computer, that every single one was a part of.  I couldn't see what they were running in the computer, so I had to use an external program to figure it out.  It turns out they were simulating a whole new universe, without cats.  They were wondering what it would be like.

I was thinking of watching this new universe to see what it was like, but the cats reached the edge of the universe and crashed the game, corrupting the file.
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