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Author Topic: Playerlogs from 2050  (Read 111292 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #45 on: October 16, 2012, 03:36:22 pm »

So I was messing around with the Worldgen a little.

Anyway, I got a traditional new/old world set up, divided in 4 major power blocks. 2 Human empires, a dwarven empire, and a loose Union of Elves and humans. Unfortunately, after the assinations of one of it's leading nobles, the Union was engulfed in a disastrous war (Actually 2 wars, with a short period of peace due to the intervention of the human empires). This war lead to some major innovations, and sadly to the near extinction of the elves (I'd kept them alive for nearly 6000 years). With the invention of Weapons of Mass destruction (Incarnated in this game as the 200 year old Lancre cheese, and other bioweapons), a cold war started. It was quite slow, since weapon production take place over many generations.
Trade gradually slowed down, and the world became locked in a vicious circle of sabotage and covert operations.

All three nations turned in autocratic dictatures, with almost no protest of the population, which was indoctrinated and fearfull of the enemy. The last of the elves tried to put up some token resistance by civil disobedience and tying themselves to various things, but were mostly ignored. With the populace suppresed and terror reigns all over the world, it was only a matter of time for the situation to blow up, violently. Which it did, the 2 human empires destroyed themselves in a 13 hour war, but a few settlements of the Dwarven world miracously survived. Their underground fortresses managed to survive the destruction of the outer biosphere, so I expected them to stop the terror and continue with progress.

This didn't happen at all. They just continued to do what they did before. Troops are recruited, and sent outside, were they quickly die from the aftereffects of the strikes. Meanwhile,evidence of their "victories" is produced by select members of The Party, and showed to the populace to keep them meek. Any disidents are quickly reeducated, and as far as I saw it, it appears that this world had stagnated. After skipping forward 200 years, it appears that everything is still the same. Identical governement, leaders, anything. Just the civilians have changed.

Edit: Went in explored as an adventurer. The entire Party leadership is dead, so who reigns in here. The civilians know nothing, and the military is chasing me. Also shooting on sight. With plasma rifles. Not nice. Still haven't found out who rules this place.

Edit2: I found it, It'sthecats.Kill them before ....
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 03:39:12 pm by 10ebbor10 »


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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #46 on: October 16, 2012, 04:10:13 pm »

This is sprin I have downloaded the world from preveus poster to my comp
Quote from: Karnewarrior
Sprin is certifiably insane, but there is no denying his brilliance.


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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #47 on: October 16, 2012, 04:13:44 pm »

So another of my dorfs went into another posessed mood today, and I got to manually make another blue axe that menaced with spikes of elf bone.  Ive got 8 of the things, and best of all no more stupid bone spears.

or frakkin' artifact ugs.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 04:15:35 pm by pisskop »
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2012, 04:49:15 pm »

So I was messing around with the Worldgen a little.
Understatement of the day.
The Bay12 postcard club
Arguably he's already a progressive, just one in the style of an enlightened Kaiser.
I'm going to do the smart thing here and disengage. This isn't a hill I paticularly care to die on.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #49 on: October 16, 2012, 05:13:31 pm »

I finally managed to generate a world with a reasonably stable political situation.

The Goblins, being the dominant power in the world, have totally outlawed the usage of troll fur loincloths for anything more than decoration.  The Elves, being next in the line of power by the hair of a flies back, have successfully indoctrinated every sentient creature on the face of the planet with the belief that asparagus is the most intelligent lifeform in existence, elevating the stuff to near-godhood. The Dwarves, as often happens in worlds like this, have conquered the underworld and formed a partial alliance with the demons from beyond. They've begun experimentation into the science of eerie pits and their effects on athletes foot with minimal success. The Humans, as they do, completely outnumber all other races by 42 to 1. They're all pathetic, untrained, slack jawed yokels, with the exception of the occasional Dwarf trained city.

The most interesting part of this world is that Kobolds vanished without a trace some four thousand years earlier. After a quick look through legends mode, I discovered that they suffered from a sudden elevation from clubs and slingshots to extreme futuristic technology, using stuff that I've never seen before. They had a butt warmer called something about a hundred letters longer than I can pronounce that used refined dark matter as its power source.

Anyway, it turns out that after exactly 42 years, every single Kobold in existence imploded. According to legends mode, their unhindered use of dark matter in their household posterior warming products caused their cuteness to actually gain weight. It took less than an hour before it became too much for their little bodies to handle, and they imploded into a tiny ball of Cutonium.

Advance 200 years and the world is under siege from an alien race. As it happens, Cutonium is incredibly rare, and it only occurs when a create of incredibly Cuteness implodes. The aliens need the stuff to live.

I dove into the game as a squad of survivors. There was a fleet of about two thousand alien saucers flying over head, and my squad of three Dwarves, Two humans, an Elf and a homosexual Goblin with one arm and a plastic eye are tossing spears at them. Yeah, these guys are screwed beyond belief.

My question is: How do I kill the Elf using the Goblins psychic powers?
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 05:15:36 pm by Azated »
Then it happened. Then I cringed. Then I picked it up and beat him to death with it, and then his buddies, too.
You beat a man to death with his dick?

"I don't feel like myself. Maybe I should have Doc take a look at me" ~ Dreamy
 "You're gonna trust a dwarf that got his medical degree from a pickaxe?" ~ Bossy


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #50 on: October 16, 2012, 07:00:41 pm »

Got this message on 16th Malachite, 1945 shortly after embark in my world:

The world has passed into The Atomic Age.

Soon thereafter, many of my dwarves had the thought "Was very pleased to I am become death, the destroyer of worlds".  Our pitchblende deposits also became massively more valuable to traders in the ensuing months and the Mountainhome later stationed a large number of troops in our embark to guard it while enforcing annual tribute quotas. Not sure if this is a bug or WAD?

That being said, everything else went smoothly with the initial embark and we've prospered for the six years since then. 

However, starting in mid-1951 more and more of my dwarves started having recurring thoughts such as "admires turtles for their ability to duck and cover" and even more oddly several wealthy members of our fortress started hiring common dwarves to dig out additional quarters deep inside galena veins. 

Is something bad about to happen, this seems very strange to me?
Do you always look at it in ASCII?

You get used to it, I don't even see the ASCII.  All I see is blacksmith, miner, goblin.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #51 on: October 16, 2012, 09:18:19 pm »

I genned a world today and to my utter amazement, worldgen ended fairly soon.  Only a thousand years.  Turns out, every sentient being is dead.

I dug into legends--as it was the only gamemode I could start without third party tools--and discovered that after 400 years the humans (of all races) managed to develop computers.  Elves had already been driven to extinction by the dwarves by this point.  Some dispute over tanned hides.  Anyway, the humans had invented computers.  And the internet (looks like the first version was literally tin cans and string).

About 150 years after that, there was an explosion of online entertainment.  Massive Multiplayer games.

Another 150 years and they had virtual reality.  Another 50 and they had virtual reality games.  On their high-speed internet (now running over super-chilled diamond tubes; some artifact creation out of an unnamed dwarf--apparently the only notable thing he did in his life, and was summarily purged from the game's records).  By my estimation they have better net speeds than Japan does today.

Anyway, around 861 years into world gen, some...super-addictive VRMMO hit the consumer public (about 70% of the population--almost 95% human--played some form of online entertainment) and after about 10 years or so, people started to forget to log out.  Even to eat.

They started to starve to death inside two weeks.  Some were forcably disconnected by family members and suffered massive seizures (100% mortality rate).  There was a last-ditch effort to save the few who remained, but by this point society was collapsing, with 70% of the workforce unable or unwilling to stop playing this game.  Somehow the unaffected managed to eek out another 15 years before they succumbed to various deaths in the vast ruins of cities slave to the mindless rotting corpses, too spread out to form communities and reproduce.

Here's the weird part.

That only takes the world up to 885-ish.  World gen ran for another 15 years before it registered completion (and I didn't have a forced end-date).  I have no idea why.  All the megabeasts were dead (year 150 most were dead, the last Roc lasted until 413).  All civilizations were marked as destroyed by 880 and all sentients dead by 887.

It took another hour of digging before I figured out what kept the game going.

The massive server warehouses for the VRMMO were still running.  They were sealed from the outside and had backup generators for when the power grid collapsed (although they primarily ran on renewable sources of power; infinite watermills, etc. but that only supplied 68% of the power requirements).  But eventually those systems broke down or ran out of fuel.  Server hardware broke and couldn't be repaired or replaced.

The legends details for this period were remarkably well hidden, as the game logged no events during these 15 years.  Except that wasn't entirely true.  There was one entry, buried under layers of other entries, regarding this collection of server warehouses.  Inside that was THOUSANDS of minor entries.  I couldn't see what the servers were doing inside their own programming, but I could see a few details:

  • When an individual server went offline (and how it was damaged)
  • When other components of the warehouse were damaged (the power structures, transmisison lines, etc.)
  • Most importantly, how many users were connected
This is what surprised me.  In 879 there were 36,726 connected users.  In 884 there were still 27,943 users: more than the number of living sentients!  The last entry right before world gen finished read that there were still 4,194 connected users.  The last actual entry listed the last power supply (an infinite waterwheel) breaking its axel and the power supply ceasing.  There's no mention of disconnects or otherwise terminated sessions.

I gather that this VRMMO digitized the world's populous and they continued to live in the system as e-ghosts until their server crashed, failed, or lost power.  There are no death entries for the e-ghosts though.  Only that the game considered them important enough to keep running world-gen, but not important enough to track in any other way, they are simply a number.  A population size.

I wonder what they thought was going on.

I'm going to attempt to force-spawn an adventurer and fix the warehouse and see if I can log in to the system and find out.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 09:20:06 pm by Draco18s »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #52 on: October 16, 2012, 09:22:20 pm »

So, as an adventurer, I had treated "Trachea Strength" as a dump stat, like I'm sure all of you did.

Then I tried eating some filet cut smoked salmon, and guess what? It broke my trachea and slid into my lung, causing my adventurer to choke to death as his internal organs filled up with fish.
My wooden badge was delicious.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #53 on: October 16, 2012, 10:05:31 pm »

Impossible to fathom. No computer could possibly handle this game in 50 years.
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #54 on: October 17, 2012, 01:25:43 pm »

I genned a world today and to my utter amazement, worldgen ended fairly soon.  Only a thousand years.  Turns out, every sentient being is dead.

I dug into legends--as it was the only gamemode I could start without third party tools--and discovered that after 400 years the humans (of all races) managed to develop computers.  Elves had already been driven to extinction by the dwarves by this point.  Some dispute over tanned hides.  Anyway, the humans had invented computers.  And the internet (looks like the first version was literally tin cans and string).

About 150 years after that, there was an explosion of online entertainment.  Massive Multiplayer games.

Another 150 years and they had virtual reality.  Another 50 and they had virtual reality games.  On their high-speed internet (now running over super-chilled diamond tubes; some artifact creation out of an unnamed dwarf--apparently the only notable thing he did in his life, and was summarily purged from the game's records).  By my estimation they have better net speeds than Japan does today.

Anyway, around 861 years into world gen, some...super-addictive VRMMO hit the consumer public (about 70% of the population--almost 95% human--played some form of online entertainment) and after about 10 years or so, people started to forget to log out.  Even to eat.

They started to starve to death inside two weeks.  Some were forcably disconnected by family members and suffered massive seizures (100% mortality rate).  There was a last-ditch effort to save the few who remained, but by this point society was collapsing, with 70% of the workforce unable or unwilling to stop playing this game.  Somehow the unaffected managed to eek out another 15 years before they succumbed to various deaths in the vast ruins of cities slave to the mindless rotting corpses, too spread out to form communities and reproduce.

Here's the weird part.

That only takes the world up to 885-ish.  World gen ran for another 15 years before it registered completion (and I didn't have a forced end-date).  I have no idea why.  All the megabeasts were dead (year 150 most were dead, the last Roc lasted until 413).  All civilizations were marked as destroyed by 880 and all sentients dead by 887.

It took another hour of digging before I figured out what kept the game going.

The massive server warehouses for the VRMMO were still running.  They were sealed from the outside and had backup generators for when the power grid collapsed (although they primarily ran on renewable sources of power; infinite watermills, etc. but that only supplied 68% of the power requirements).  But eventually those systems broke down or ran out of fuel.  Server hardware broke and couldn't be repaired or replaced.

The legends details for this period were remarkably well hidden, as the game logged no events during these 15 years.  Except that wasn't entirely true.  There was one entry, buried under layers of other entries, regarding this collection of server warehouses.  Inside that was THOUSANDS of minor entries.  I couldn't see what the servers were doing inside their own programming, but I could see a few details:

  • When an individual server went offline (and how it was damaged)
  • When other components of the warehouse were damaged (the power structures, transmisison lines, etc.)
  • Most importantly, how many users were connected
This is what surprised me.  In 879 there were 36,726 connected users.  In 884 there were still 27,943 users: more than the number of living sentients!  The last entry right before world gen finished read that there were still 4,194 connected users.  The last actual entry listed the last power supply (an infinite waterwheel) breaking its axel and the power supply ceasing.  There's no mention of disconnects or otherwise terminated sessions.

I gather that this VRMMO digitized the world's populous and they continued to live in the system as e-ghosts until their server crashed, failed, or lost power.  There are no death entries for the e-ghosts though.  Only that the game considered them important enough to keep running world-gen, but not important enough to track in any other way, they are simply a number.  A population size.

I wonder what they thought was going on.

I'm going to attempt to force-spawn an adventurer and fix the warehouse and see if I can log in to the system and find out.

Wow. Now THAT is a story! Its things like that that keep me coming back to this thread.
But others might prefer to have the mess contained behind windows to avoid tracking blood all over the their nice, color coordinated floor patterns. Kind of the Ozzy Osborne vs. Martha Stewart debate.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #55 on: October 17, 2012, 01:47:41 pm »

My question is: How do I kill the Elf using the Goblins psychic powers?

Goblin powers can move matter around but aren't subject to the Inverse Square Law, so you can (d)esignate ==> (p)sychic powers ==> psycho(k)inesis, then select something on the other side of the globe if you want to (wherever your Elf happens to fly to) and specify his brain tissue for destruction. If you haven't revealed that region yet, use (d)==>(p)==>(c)lairvoyance to map it out for a bit (or just use DFHack, version 191.25.125 or higher). Make sure your goblin ally is the only one with the Psychic labor enabled, to prevent your humans getting nosebleeds and attracting wildlife.

Or, if you were lucky enough to find Orichalchum on embark, you can just make a spatial rift (after making the generator, obviously) underneath the Elf's feet or wherever and watch him fall in.

You're lucky your world survived. The sentient computer cyborg race that took over my last embark's civ ended up creating a time machine that tried to travel back to a year before worldgen started, and DF crashed.
Boss is throwing a tantrum!
MasterShizzle cancels Play Dwarf Fortress: interrupted by Boss

Minecraft's fine, your computer just sucks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #56 on: October 17, 2012, 05:11:24 pm »

Draco18, that. Was. AWESOME.
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #57 on: October 17, 2012, 05:21:06 pm »

Draco18, that. Was. AWESOME.


I'm not even sure where the idea came from.  I vaguely recall having some seed of an idea about game-people getting stuck inside computers.  But I sat down and started typing and I ended up with so much more (had to tweak the year a few times around, so it felt "right" as the "world gen lasted only 1000 years" was part of my original spark).  It was sort of like "they invented computers" and in the middle of typing that I said, "wait, who did?" and picked humans, then added another detail.

And it just kept going.  Internet -> tin cans -> diamond fiber optics -> artifact -> inventor purged from history -> tangent about looking him up.

I was actually surprised with how long it ended up being.

* Draco18s Bows


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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #58 on: October 18, 2012, 10:50:36 am »

I keep seeing newbies in the Planes of Sundering chat complaining that the game is stacked against them because the past few weeks have seen a lot of dwarves emigrating to veterans' fortresses. Relax guys; they're just going on holiday! This Tuesday will mark the tenth anniversary since the Sunderleaf coop worldgen, which means that the 13 surviving vets' forts are holding simultaneous Starting Seven celebrations. Most of your dwarves are the descendents of emigrants from our forts so naturally they're going to visit friends and relations and most of them should be back in a couple of days.

You really don't have cause to complain given that TIMUR (of Buttercanyon the Leaf of Spittle) and night_stalker89 (Hazebodice) have told me through PMs that they are both bracing for influxes of 10,000+ dwarves. They probably have enough temporary housing and food- provided at their own expense, I might add- but security is going to be a major issue. Since the northern and western goblin fronts have been quiet these last few weeks, they're asking that all allied players on the Able Continents send a few brigades for military police duties. Casualties are generally high at these events (e.g. the gnome incident at Candlegear last year and that thing with the elf ambassador back on the third anniversary) so you probably shouldn't send anybody who'll be missed. ;)
« Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 12:57:27 pm by Niyazov »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #59 on: October 18, 2012, 01:14:26 pm »

I keep seeing newbies in the Planes of Sundering chat complaining that the game is stacked against them because the past few weeks have seen a lot of dwarves emigrating to veterans' fortresses. Relax guys; they're just going on holiday! This Tuesday will mark the tenth anniversary since the Sunderleaf coop worldgen, which means that the 13 surviving vets' forts are holding simultaneous Starting Seven celebrations. Most of your dwarves are the descendents of emigrants from our forts so naturally they're going to visit friends and relations and most of them should be back in a couple of days.

You really don't have cause to complain given that TIMUR (of Buttercanyon the Leaf of Spittle) and night_stalker89 (Hazebodice) have told me through PMs that they are both bracing for influxes of 10,000+ dwarves. They probably have enough temporary housing and food- provided at their own expense, I might add- but security is going to be a major issue. Since the northern and western goblin fronts have been quiet these last few weeks, they're asking that all allied players on the Able Continents send a few brigades for military police duties. Casualties are generally high at these events (e.g. the gnome incident at Candlegear last year and that thing with the elf ambassador back on the third anniversary) so you probably shouldn't send anybody who'll be missed. ;)
Candlegear was nothing. You should see the crap that Brasscircuits is dealing with: two invading armies were so large that the fifty-first year of the siege saw the rise of an Elf/Kobold hybrid breeding program, which led to a new civ that rose up and killed both its parent civs. (I know, hybrid civs pop up all the time. But this was the first instance where it happened while players were observing it, right in their fort's front yard.) This also led to some very !!interesting!! fan art. To my knowledge Toady III and his board of directors still haven't un-banned those accounts.

Long story short: the new civ was smarter than either of its parent races, having the elves' longer lifespan and the kobolds' ability to use something other than wood. They made siege engines right outside the perimeter and started capturing migration waves. They almost succeeded in breaching the outer walls, using just the bodies of migrant dwarves. Luckily they were still elf-like enough that the fort's leaflet campaign was successful in inspiring them to go declare war on the goblin empire, and they had just discovered a Lesser Tesseract in the ground which let them put most of the migrants into cryo for shipment back home.
Boss is throwing a tantrum!
MasterShizzle cancels Play Dwarf Fortress: interrupted by Boss

Minecraft's fine, your computer just sucks.
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