hmm i would advise to start a "argon story" character... (think there are 2 main stories, one argon and one terran... and the custom stuff... well and later unlockable starts).
simply because you get some... "goodies" pretty quickly.ohh that was the albion prelude...
still the story is probably a good idea to start with and going to custom games when your more used to the game or so.
regarding pirateing:
not 100% sure if it changed (i did never realy bother with pirateing myself), but before i think you always end as enemy of some faction that you pirate TPs from. think it doesnt matter if the sector is owned by pirates or not.
but maybe it changed, no idea.
if its still the same then its a pretty pain if you are an enemy of a faction... i.e. if you have factories with traders and they go into enemy sectors... and you yourself get attacked all over... so ya... i mostly tried to be "friends" with the main races so i didnt have to bother fighting them too.
snatching rockets after battles is a good way to get some money as some rockets can sell for quite a bit.
for shooting pirate ships... i think with 2-4 IRE you should be able to kill M5 and M4 pirates... and M3 you can kill pretty good/quick with the ... next up laser... what was it? particle something?
well atleast you dont "require" energy plasma lasers to fight M3s. or just shower it with 6 IRE for a while...
oh and for missions...
yeah like 80% cant be done in whatever ship your in at the moment haha.
-timed courier ones usually requite a m5 with max speed.
-fighting missions atleast a good m3.
-transport missions a ts... jump drive probably to get somewhere (slow TPs)... and satelites all over to find the required items.
grabbing a quick TS is usually what i did in my games. and then a few hours buying/selling items to get money for a cheap station... then i could either go back to the fighter and leave the ts for the station or still use the ts and buy a 2nd for the station and hide the fighter in some main tradeing station.
so overall maybe start a argon (?) story game... you get something to do with the story... a few goodies from the story... and some money.
custom starts can be a bit... overwhelming: "so now i am in this m4... and have to find the 5% of missions/stuff/things to do that i actually can do with this ship"... whats a bit hard if your pretty new to the game and dont know most of the 5% already from i.e. the other X games