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Author Topic: Monster Hunter RTD: Turn 16:[Need for speed:treetops]{Accepting 2 new players!}  (Read 41402 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter RTD: Turn 6 [Don’t mess with Silk.]
« Reply #120 on: October 16, 2012, 04:43:17 pm »

"So I guess I must be talking to myself since both my party members just wandered off while i was trying to plot with them!"  Khan growls furiously.
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter RTD: Turn 6 [Don’t mess with Silk.]
« Reply #121 on: October 16, 2012, 04:47:17 pm »

"So I guess I must be talking to myself since both my party members just wandered off while i was trying to plot with them!"  Khan growls furiously.

Smack them, PM them. Or ask me and il ask them nicely to communicate with them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter RTD: Turn 6 [Don’t mess with Silk.]
« Reply #122 on: October 19, 2012, 01:45:07 pm »

"You forget the third possibility, that they are bandits trying to lure in a greedy party with a fake treasure map or something. Even then, I do not think that us robbing adventurers would reflect well on the Monster Hunters, Khan. If we're adventuring with them, we should at least ask the locals if they know anything about them or the artifacts. As for dragging you into something you know nothing about... well..." Dharma leans closer to the orc, and in a hushed manner asks, "Do you know about sand witches? A scholar gave me a book on sand witches and asked me to translate it."

Ask artifact hunters about what they're doing, ask them if they'd like company. Find a cheap place for our adventurers to sleep for the night (assuming hunters do not offer to provide one). Ask the innkeeper (or whoever) about the artifact hunters.
"Well, it only reflects badly on us if they ever come back to tell anyone about us, but i suppose you are right.  A good reputation could be useful... especially in orcish lands where it may help us avoid a few unnessicary fights.  As for sand witches?  I've got no clue but I can ask my desert brethren about them either tonight or tomorrow.  If you want to go capturing one I suggest stocking up on ropes, gags, and a few blunt weapons.  Going toe to toe with a spellcaster isn't my idea of an intelligent fight, that's why I like you on my side *khan winks and gives him a playful punch on the shoulder*"
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter RTD: Turn 6 [Don’t mess with Silk.]
« Reply #123 on: October 21, 2012, 08:43:57 am »

Turn will be delayed for a few days. Had a busy week with work, birthdays and sickness...

Though you can expect it to pop up anytime, cause who knows when i suddenly get some free time?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter RTD: Turn 6 [Don’t mess with Silk.]
« Reply #124 on: October 21, 2012, 11:07:34 am »

Good, good. I shall await Monster Hunter RTD...Patiently.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter RTD: Turn 6 [Don’t mess with Silk.]
« Reply #125 on: October 27, 2012, 03:19:13 pm »

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Turn 7:  Rise of the Gaint sand worm

Before you continue.

1. Sorry for this late turn, but i was generally busy,sick and tired in the vacation and this week i had schoolwork, work and projects.
2. Discussion thread will have MORE CONTENT SOON. WOOOO!!!!
3. If you spot any data mistakes, like didn't add skill to skill tab or no item descriptions. Then please inform me so i can fix it.
4. If you feel like it, please comment on my writing style ,story or imagination and what I could improve. As I'm trying to improve my English writing skills, but as a non-native English speaker I’m having some troubles.

Nothing this time!

Turima Desert
Nothing this time!
1. Player Actions

Kilakan (Khan)
(To just the rest of my party, quietly) "Now I can't help but think, a group searching for artifacts could be one of two things; They could be simple profit hunters unaccustomed to fighting monsters and instead just sneaking through old crypts and robbing the dead.  Or they could be something similar to us, somewhat skilled professionals wanting money whether or not it's entirely legal.  I think we should offer to be their body guards and well, if they refuse we trail them and take what they find when they eventually run into trouble or if they accept we could make some good cash or even better, make some good cash and recover some artifacts.  No one says we need to make sure they get back as long as we get them there.  Of course if you guys would prefer the goody-two-shoes route we can risk our lives trying to save some merchant ass and then get paid sub-par wages by people already far to wealthy for their own good.  Either way I'm with you guys and I just wanna fight something at some point in the near future, this heat is starting to piss me off.

Oh and I wanna let you two know, I need some Cactus extract at some point, if you guys hear of anything lemme know.  By the same merit I would be happy to provide help, just don't go draggin me into something that I know nothing about."

Find the local merchants and ask about Cactus Extracts as well as any items that can be found in the desert that are relatively valuable.  Also ask if there are any monsters about that either have bounties on them or some valuable body-part or extract that they'd be willing to pay for.
(6) While the group disperses into different ways, you remember your good old friend and his request.  You look around and see lots of stalls, selling all kind of things which you’ve never seen before. Eventually you arrive at a stall where the trader, which looks like an old goblin, is selling desert plant life and extracts.
The goblin notices your presence, to your surprise this one doesn’t seem to be trying to sell you all kinds of stuff. He just calmly walks up to you and asks.

“Hello greenskin, what brings you from so far away to here?”

You actually don’t feel offended, because you’ve noticed that the orcs which are here have more of a brownish skin color instead of greenish.

“I was looking through your wares, and I was wondering if you’re selling cactus extract.”

The goblin walks up to a small cabinet and grabs a small bottle. The bottle is no bigger than your index finger, hell you could slurp this thing in one go.

“Here it is, I’m guessing you will use it for brewing. Since that’s the most common use for it. Don’t add too much or it will ruin the beverage. Also, don’t drink this directly. It’s very bitter, causes hallucinations and gives a very dry feeling in your throat. That will be 3 goldlings.”

You look slightly worried, because you have no money…. And the goblin notices this.

“They say that goblins can smell if someone has money or not and from the looks of it you don’t have. Luckily I’m not that greedy compared to other goblins, you could fetch something for me. It’s not that hard but I cannot leave my shop and I’m too old for adventures.

What I need are some sweet desert beats, they are a delicacy amongst my people. But we’re often out of it, since the goblins here couldn’t care less about it. Cause ya’know. Time is money!

If you get like 7-8 of them, I could trade it for this bottle. But eh… I don’t expect you to know how they look like, but you can spot them looking for one large yellow leaf which is sticking out of the ground. You then basically pull them out and you’re done.”

The offer seems fair, and nothing too hard. Hell, this reminds you of gathering fruits in your childhood. You however still have on question, and because of the looks of this gnome you are pretty sure he knows it.

“I will be venturing out soon into the desert, something which you’ve most probably have guessed, aside from your sweet beats.. for what kind of valuable things or monsters should I look?”

The goblin scratches his head , feels his beard and responds.
 “Aside from ancient wall scriptures and artifacts you should look for sand gems, Palm wood, any meat, lost weapons/armor and books.

Oh, before I forgot. If you manage to get the head of the desert punk, the people here will pay a nice reward for it.  Though don’t expect to take him down that easy, he has 67 kills titled to his name. Though, he kills only those who want to kill him.”

This certainly is helpful and you appreciate what he said, the offer isn’t also that hard to do. But what now?

You gained nothing!

Peglegpengeuin (Dharma)
EDIT: For clarity to anyone reading through this game, the following post refers to my first version of this turn where Dharma completely disregarded Khan and got drunk at a pub (again).

"You forget the third possibility, that they are bandits trying to lure in a greedy party with a fake treasure map or something. Even then, I do not think that us robbing adventurers would reflect well on the Monster Hunters, Khan. If we're adventuring with them, we should at least ask the locals if they know anything about them or the artifacts. As for dragging you into something you know nothing about... well..." Dharma leans closer to the orc, and in a hushed manner asks, "Do you know about sand witches? A scholar gave me a book on sand witches and asked me to translate it."

Ask artifact hunters about what they're doing, ask them if they'd like company. Find a cheap place for our adventurers to sleep for the night (assuming hunters do not offer to provide one). Ask the innkeeper (or whoever) about the artifact hunters.

Note: Hunter don’t have to necessarily sleep (Are we playing Sims or something?), unless something forces them to do so. Or, there could be moments where you might want to sleep cause of reason X, sleeping also gives the well-rested bonus! or just to let the time flow.

You’ve heard the rumors about the artifact hunters and you are interested in them. So you go to the tent which is just outside the encampment. Upon arrival you see the tent, it’s rather large and differs by color from the tents in the city.  You go inside and see some people standing there with all kinds of armors and weapons, however there are 2 distinct figures. One instead of being armored looks like a sheep herder with a hood which cover his face while holding a wand, the other one is a male elf dressed in a sand-like color garment which is holding a cane. The elf is quite young, has long brown hair, obviously pointy ears and looks like a rather wealthy man.

The elf sees you and walks up to you.  (His voice sounds like this. )

Oh, interesting. I haven’t seen your kind this far out yet, lizard folk generally prefer areas with water. But what’s your name?”

You feel at ease near him, maybe because you got accepted in an elven society. Who knows?

“I’m Dharma, and who might you be?”
“Ah Dharma, I’m Kael. I’m an elven scribe-mage, do you know the purpose of this expedition?”

You haven’t really heard why this expedition is happening, you did hear that they are artifact hunters and so you assume that they are searching for artifacts.

“To find artifacts?”

The elf shows a small grin on his face and shakes his head slightly.

“Yes and no. Yes, I and my accomplice are indeed searching for artifacts. But not for artifacts which these scoundrel think.  We search for ancient scriptures, books anything that describes the ancient times before the 1st Era.

Now you might be wondering why we need people, that is because the desert is a dangerous place. Me and my accomplice won’t last long here even though that we know the way around. That’s why we are recruiting hunters, soldiers any man/woman which wants to help us with this search.

We ourselves won’t pay anything to anyone, however when we find lost temples or cities, the followers can take anything they want expect ancient scriptures, books anything that describes the ancient times before the 1st Era.

This is a feisty offer, as we know the way around the desert, and little people know that.

You can join our expedition if you wish to, you can even bring your friends. If any are with you. ”

This is actually quite informative and different from what you have thought it to be. You leave the tent, now that you know this you can tell your friends. Before you do this, you think it might be smart to find a place to sleep. (5) You know that you cannot look for any beds in inns, as this costs money. So you search around the encampment and find piled hay, it’s also quite far from the crowd and hidden behind quite a lot of tents.  This looks like a good place to sleep in the future.

What the elf said may be true, but you still would like an opinion of someone else. Who know the things that happen around the encampment? The innkeepers of course! You head to the first crowded inn you see and make your way through the crowds of drunks and other people.

You find the bartender and engage in a short conversation. He actually tells you way less than the elf. He said that all he knows that they are just going into the desert in search of artifacts. It’s the first time he’s around here, so he knows little about him.

 You gained nothing!

Greenstarfanatic (Arnok Baralkin)
Use my cloak to pick up the book and avoid being shocked, and put it away.

"Have fun, I'm going to go the the Shop."

Do just that.
You wrap your now possessed book, in your red cloak. Occasionally you hear, some feint laughter emitting from your book. Since the only shop that you’ve seen is the smithy, so you go to the smithy.

At the door you can hear some loud clanking, which means he must be probably at work. You enter anyway though. The first thing you notice is how the inside here resembles a sweat house, cause damn. It’s hot in here, you can smell the blacksmith’s sweat and the odor of fresh steel and silver.

You can hardly see the smith, though everytime he strikes sparks come of the steel he is hitting, revealing his silhouette slightly for a second. You can clearly make out that he is very muscled and big, and that he has a beard. You both don’t say any words, while you hear the clanking of steel.  Suddenly he stops hitting the steel and submerges the sword in water. The steam rises and makes you unable to see him, but then you hear him ask.

“What brings a wimp like you here?”

You are not sure how to respond to this.

“Ehhhhh…. I’ve come here to hunt for monsters.”

You can hear a deep laughter.

“That’s good boy, but I don’t see any weapons on you. Are you going to hit them with your flimsy book? ”

At this point you are very sure that he is mocking you, though he’s right. He comes out of the shadow and reveals himself.  Like you’ve already guessed, he’s very muscled and got a well-kept beard. He wears only a pair of leather pants and boots. His chest is slightly hairy, but what you notice the most is how he’s glistering because of the sweat. He shows his hands towards the nearby weapon that are stored in weapon racks.

You feel uneasy with him nearby, and feel that you actually shouldn’t say this.
“Ehhh, I’m not interested in weapons at this moment, just wanted to look...”

The blacksmith gives you a push, it’s more of an push of disappointment. But he grabs a piece of steel and starts creating yet another weapon.

You leave the blacksmith and from the back of the shop you hear.

“If you meet one of those monstrosities in the woods, you’d wished you had one of my weapons.”

He may be right, but I don’t really have the funds for it though. So you go to the village center hoping to practice some electric magic. You happen to find a bench and sit on it, while grabbing your wrapped book and laying it on the bench. Hmmm, you don’t think that you will be able to use this book to help you with your training, because it’s just a tool which enhances my abilities. (4) You start focusing on charging electricity in your right hand, and it works! You can see how sparks emerge from your hand and make crackling sounds.

You stand up and stick your hand forward, you try to fire an electrical bolt…. But that doesn’t happen, instead the bolt moves forward by a few cm. well. That’s something at least.

It’s probably possible to make it extend further or even fire it, but not with your current understanding and experience with this.

Spoiler:  Shop list (click to show/hide)

You gained a spell!
Name: Spark ( Of course changeable name!)
Description skill:  Zaps the enemy with an intensive amount of electricity, can make severe burns and possibly kill.
Level: Novice (1/4)
Note: At the moment the spell is an direct touch spell.

Caerwyn (Gunmirius)
 (6) . Gunmirius wanted to feel the thrill of battle before he would embark somewhere into these treacherous deserts. You walk around the encampment for hours and don't find any living creature, just as you are about to return a giant sand worm attacks you! ( Fight). Like Khan, the fight ends with a boom. You grab some stuff of the worm and returns back to the camp, along the way you meet a goblin sitting on a sand dune.

"You got lucky gnome, usually sand worms attack in pairs of even triples."

You choose to ignore him, as he most probably was waiting for your death and loot.

You gained 10/11 Marksman
You gained one sand worm tooth
You gained one silver ring with an encrusted topaz
You lost 3 steel bolts
You lost one explosive bolt
You recovered one steel bolt.

Ironyowl (Silk)
Drag Tetsuo to the local inn/pub/place for idle farmers to mill about when not at home and ask for information on anything they know about. with Tetsuo's ears on the way. :3

Like usual you start dragging him towards the Inn, but on the way there you get the idea of teasing his ears.  (3) unfortunately he notices your malicious intents and manages to escape.  You chase him around, a few times you nearly trip over as Tatsuo uses his acrobatic skills to avoid the grasp of your small hands.

Quickly enough you arrive at the entrance of the Inn, it’s a big wooden door. You see some bloodstains on it and scratches, as if some monstrosity tried to bust trough the door. You open the door with some cracking sound and take a peek inside.

Inside there are a few lit candles and oil lamps, but still it’s a very sinister looking Inn. You go inside towards the owner of the Inn; you see a few shady figures sitting in the inn. All of them have a covered face and dark clothing, as if they don’t want to be seen.

You try to find the innkeeper but he isn’t here.

“You want to know about these ghosts don’t you?”
Said the shady figure at the counter (He has a voice similar to Morgan’s Freeman’s). He seemed different from the rest as he was generally bigger and held a massive totem in one of his hands. The totem was engraved with gold, jewelry and other precious metals.

“I’m not from around here but I’m not planning to stick around. Recently a group of grave diggers passed through, but we didn’t see them ever again.. ”

He stand up and you can hear the loud thuds of his footsteps, he must probably have heavy armor or something like that. He walks toward the exit with the totem on his back.

“If you’re really curious.. you can go west from the chapel of light. It ends in a graveyard, probably the place they headed to..

But curiosity kills you here.”

He exits the inn, obviously you are interested in more information so you storm outside. But he is nowhere to be found..


You gained nothing!

Tatsuo was a bit strange. He didn't have a reason to be so, and as far as he was concerned, his ears were not so sensitive as to get teased by anything, but the ghosts had somehow messed with them. Ghost magic? He had absolutely no idea.

Tatsuo just follows Silk.
You get dragged by Silk towards the Inn. You however sense the malicious intent in Silk. You take a quick peek at her and she has a rather strange smile. Uh oh, she’s going for the ears! (3+1=4!) You wring yourself from her grasp make a swift forward roll, but that isn’t enough to stop her. She keeps trying to reach you and every time you narrowly avoid being grabbed until you reach the inn. You carefully walk into the Inn, you decide to let Silk do the talking.

See silks action for rest, you hear and see the same but from your POV.
You gained 5/7 competent acrobat


2. Player Data

Quote from: kilakan (Khan)
Spoiler:  Player Information (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Stats (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  Player Condition (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Abilities (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Killboard (click to show/hide)

Quote from:  peglegpengeuin (Dharma)
Spoiler:  Player Information (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Stats (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  Player Condition (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Abilities (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Killboard (click to show/hide)

Quote from: Greenstarfanatic (Arnok Baralkin)
Spoiler:  Player Information (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Stats (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  Player Condition (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Abilities (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Killboard (click to show/hide)

Quote from: Caerwyn (Gunmirius)
Spoiler:  Player Information (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Stats (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  Player Condition (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Abilities (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Killboard (click to show/hide)

Quote from:  Ironyowl (Silk)
Spoiler:  Player Information (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Stats (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  Player Condition (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Abilities (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Killboard (click to show/hide)

Quote from:   Caellath (Akabarashi Tatsuo)
Spoiler:  Player Information (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Stats (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  Player Condition (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Abilities (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Killboard (click to show/hide)


Take your time. Turns should be on weekly base, earlier if possible. Absentees will be warned and kicked after one week of non-responding. If you will not be able to post turns for a prolonged amount of time please say so i can freeze your character or lock the thread
« Last Edit: October 27, 2012, 07:27:36 pm by Mr.Zero »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter RTD: Turn 7: [Rise of the Gaint sand worm!]
« Reply #126 on: October 27, 2012, 04:20:18 pm »

What the hell is Greenstar going to do with potions of horniness?

Gunmirius will wander off to wherever the hell the Orc is, and explore the shops. He'll try and get a quest too, he needs money!

Also, that worm fight went AMAZING.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter RTD: Turn 7: [Rise of the Gaint sand worm!]
« Reply #127 on: October 27, 2012, 04:44:12 pm »

Dharma asks the artifact hunters when they're leaving, and promises to tell his allies about their offer. Then Dharma tells his allies about their offer. Finally Dharma heads to the piled hay to improve his magic. He could try practicing his confusion spell, but that would require someone to practice it on. Last time he checked, people don't respond favorably to being confused. He decided it might be worth capturing a rodent or other small animal, if he could find and catch one, but that it wouldn't be a big deal if he couldn't. If he could catch something, he would spend some time practicing his confusion spell on it before finally releasing it. If he could not, he'd just make his time productive by studying and practicing another spell - an illusion-creating spell.

((Will it be easier for Dharma to learn an illusion spell because of his previous understanding of confusion spells? Also, do some spells have prerequisite spells?))
Awesome website for people who like suggestion games: Choice of Games


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter RTD: Turn 7: [Rise of the Gaint sand worm!]
« Reply #128 on: October 27, 2012, 05:01:26 pm »

((Will it be easier for Dharma to learn an illusion spell because of his previous understanding of confusion spells? Also, do some spells have prerequisite spells?))

I cannot find in your lore any previous understanding of confusion or any illusion/mind altering based magic.

Yes and no. Some spells do have one or more prerequisite(s), but not that you need to learn a spell before being able to learn another spell . Sometimes if it's a very difficult or advanced spell/move, you might need to read more about it to understand it, the theories around it or find a trainer/teacher who will explain you and show it to you.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter RTD: Turn 7: [Rise of the Gaint sand worm!]
« Reply #129 on: October 27, 2012, 05:10:56 pm »

((I learned a confusion spell from the "Mind Trickery" spellbook. I guess my understanding of it isn't fantastic anyway. I thought I could learn an illusion spell from the same book.))
Awesome website for people who like suggestion games: Choice of Games


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter RTD: Turn 7: [Rise of the Gaint sand worm!]
« Reply #130 on: October 27, 2012, 05:30:14 pm »

((I learned a confusion spell from the "Mind Trickery" spellbook. I guess my understanding of it isn't fantastic anyway. I thought I could learn an illusion spell from the same book.))

Illusion = mind trickery. More or less same thing, different name.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter RTD: Turn 7: [Rise of the Gaint sand worm!]
« Reply #131 on: October 27, 2012, 06:53:27 pm »

What the hell is Greenstar going to do with potions of horniness?
:-X I'm not telling.

First of all, Zero, do you think you could include whatever skill I got in my character thingy? Then my turns could be less vague when I'm posting and trying to perform it.

Second of all, Open up my Comedy Kit and take a look at what's inside. Prank a few villagers while waiting for the others to get back. Maybe search for a bit of coin while I'm at it.
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter RTD: Turn 7: [Rise of the Gaint sand worm!]
« Reply #132 on: October 27, 2012, 07:27:41 pm »

First of all, Zero, do you think you could include whatever skill I got in my character thingy? Then my turns could be less vague when I'm posting and trying to perform it.

Second of all, Open up my Comedy Kit and take a look at what's inside. Prank a few villagers while waiting for the others to get back. Maybe search for a bit of coin while I'm at it.

Ah, it seems i've put it in Dharma's skill tab. It's fixed now.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2012, 07:42:24 pm by Mr.Zero »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter RTD: Turn 7: [Rise of the Gaint sand worm!]
« Reply #133 on: October 28, 2012, 01:19:09 pm »

Guys, have you forgotten?  :'(


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter RTD: Turn 7: [Rise of the Gaint sand worm!]
« Reply #134 on: October 28, 2012, 01:22:09 pm »

((Naw, most of them are busy/in a different timezone than you. :P

Besides, this updates weekly. I'm just playing with my tail in the background.))
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