1. How much do we want to tell the rest of the gang about our plans? I'm worried that if we told them that the other gangs were teaming up against us then they might freak out and try to run off like that Paul guy did. Should we hold off on informing the rest of the gang about our plans to lay low until we're absolutely ready?
"So they can simply be pissed off that we withheld this information? No. We'll be honest. They knew exactly what they were signing up for, and we need to get them ready."
2. Also, do we want to do anything about the Bacardi bringing in reinforcements? I feel like if we know about this ahead of time then we should do something about it. Maybe set up an ambush, or tip off a cop that's not crooked. Any thoughts?
"We can't do Jack Shit about these reinforcements. An ambush, assuming we won't take horrendous, un-affordable casualties, will result in us being investigated, probably leading the cops to those four burnt bodies again. Tipping off a cop will simply result in the mafia realizing that we have infiltrated them. Instead, we wait. We'll let them come to us on our terms."
Well they seem a bit skittish to me, but if you think they can handle it then go right ahead but I don't see what good it'll do. It's not like we weren't going to be preparing them for what's coming anyways, seems like this will just give them a new thing to be all nervous about.
And we don't have to ambush or tip off a cop about the Baca- er Cobari? But we don't have to just ignore what they're up to either. That's a valuable piece of information we got, I suggest we do something with it.
((haha I didn't realize I was calling them Bacardi till after I did my posts))