Welp, I was reading this for old times' sake, tripped, and played a year of the unreclaimed fort. We're still on 47.05 because Linux.
I made an atom smasher to try and keep the fps from dying, and also another quantum stockpile because I lost the first one. I also tried to place a prisoner cage in the memorial room. Thankfully that job failed to complete before I had the opportunity to endanger the fort.
I start. 10:40pm. I have had 4 and 1/3 standard drinks. All of them were whiskey.
I'm on a fun new volume-restricted diet, thanks to my chronic Problems disease.
So I'm doing shots instead pf fun drinks.
Anywaay opening the save that wasn't abandoned.
Oh good there's no angy people
Hehe, Tramadol Fun Finder
Oh we have candy! Why did o none say anything>
There's a bok named Killer. This conserned and alarmed me for a minute
I'm impressed byt the wring-shaped corpse stockpile. Very artistic
God the nobles screen really is bugged isn't it?
I nam;e the doctror after me again. Or rather, I make a doctor and name it after
mer agareind
We have one animal in d it is a rooster
We're bulding a wall outside? a floor? A platform? y??
Keas stieally all pls help
Seriously impressed that we have two really happery dorfs
Therea are plenty of coffins but people aren't putting bodiesx int hem. Not good
for the health of the collony
We have no manager and now way to make a manager bt2ws
Oh niuce we have a magama forge. I can't remember anyone documenting it so here
it sis
A bunch of people bacame civilian jobvs. Slightly alarmed but not really
Trying to make>>> dumb?? Dump?? No one is minding
These 3 tiles of rough shist won't be smoothed? They revuse. Horrible
Ohg. BIG stockpile
We hav e a bunch of people in cafes? Gages? Cages? Mot sures asa to way
Oh shit someone finally mined the 6 fucking tiles I wanted for the dump
Also there is a chair in the doorway. Why owould you put a jainr in the doorway?
That is a doorway
Had to suspend wafermaking because nothing was getting done
Jesus chrisgt guys we have so many prisoners. Why? Wherefore? Where4?
The amount of foodsx and plants keep increasing so I've decided not tro touch
that bit. Sorry toanyone who needs to sort that out in the fuctures
Oh hm,mm./ Sometghing bad happened here. Well I guess it's good to know that the
major hold-up of productivityt is due to fixing this shit?
All of these say they're dwarves... But I'm guessing they're the ""dowarves""
from the goblin place yeah?
(Note from sober palenerd: I was too drunk to connect the list of caged prisoner units with these cages.)
Well Ive found the corpse stockpile
Some serpent men are having A Time with some cave crocodiles
A bard is visiting! Ewe can't be that terrible,r giht?
Made a corpse stockpile. Dunno if it will help, but I think it should>
Okay yeah seems to be helping a lot
Spent a lot of time un-forbidding corpses. Hopefulyl that will help with the
whole cor[pses=everywhere problem
Spent a lot of time un-forbidding corpses. Hopefulyl that will help with the
whole cor[pses=everywhere problem
Spent a lot of time un-forbidding corpses. Hopefulyl that will help with the
whole cor[pses=everywhere problem
Spent a lot of time un-forbidding corpses. Hopefulyl that will help with the
whole cor[pses=everywhere problem
Spent a lot of time un-forbidding corpses. Hopefulyl that will help with the
whole cor[pses=everywhere problem
Spent a lot of time un-forbidding corpses. Hopefulyl that will help with the
whole cor[pses=everywhere problem
Spent a lot of time un-forbidding corpses. Hopefulyl that will help with the
whole cor[pses=everywhere problem
Spent a lot of time un-forbidding corpses. Hopefulyl that will help with the
whole cor[pses=everywhere problem
Spent a lot of time un-forbidding corpses. Hopefulyl that will help with the
whole cor[pses=everywhere problem
(I have no idea how I got vim to duplicate like that but I'm keeping it)
The giant stockpile situation is weird so I'm trying to make better stockpile
bullshit? Don't think it';s working
Theoretically there was another quantum stockpile but I couldn't find it so mI
made a new one in the STOCKPILE opkace
Okay so it torns out that I must just needed to make a floor tile over a n open
space and then I could smoothen the 3 tiles that I hate
The big tomb-adjacen t space was too many zonews so I made it a tavern taeern
but since there already owasx one IO think I've double-dipped
I think we gained a citizen?? Number go up without myh looking
(Note from sober palenerd: You'll notice the previous screenshot has a birth announcement.)
Oh I guess we had a strange mood when I was busy staring at stockpiles
(Note from sober palenerd: *facepalm*)
And now a round of Roudolf the Read Nosed Rqaindeer, fo no reawson at all. My
roomate won't put me out of my misery so I have to sing it all theway through
It is 1:02am and not much has happened. I have attempted to fix the
stockpoilingingening in lieu of exchiting bullshit.
The sour patch kids are more sobering than the literal chicken dinner I ate. I
am vaguely offended. Mopre whiskey/
TIL Dwarf Fortress has fire men
I tried smoothening out the various stockpiles but I gave up because it was
Watcing the dorfs move thigs from the giant stockpiles to the minecar t is
rather soothing realy. Therapy for drunk nerds
There was some lag twards the end of Winter. IDK why.