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A new drunken world is imminent. Should we try a modded world?

I am small and neutral, like Switzerland

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Author Topic: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]  (Read 1194864 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! Come smell the ashes
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I don't know what to say so I will say nothing..

I have no idea of what to make of this or what is going on but it certainly is interesting. I just hope that the water draining gates that were opened have been closed. Else it is going to become even more interesting. There appears to be quite heavy selective pressure on dorfs having a high swimming skill and those without it get erased from the gene pool.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2015, 10:47:41 am by Scruffy »
The weredwarf Urist McUrist has come! A bearded drunkard twisted into minute form. It is crazed for booze and socks. Its unwashed beard is tangled. It needs alcohol to get through the working day and has gone without a drink for far too long. Now you will know why you fear the mines.

Et tu, Urist


  • Bay Watcher
  • Once you go cloaca, you never go backa.
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There appears to be quite heavy selective pressure on dorfs having a high swimming skill and those without it get erased from the gene pool.
Do you even eugenics, bro?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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same for wolves really.


  • Bay Watcher
  • There's a Prinny in Fire Emblem, dood!?
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Oh hye, neat! I havfe Ice tea. Peeach. For voda. Forgot I had his...

Spoiler: df or somethin (click to show/hide)
i dont fucking care

if it didnt work tell me and i''ll fix it when i'm hunsgover instaed of drunkd
« Last Edit: May 15, 2015, 12:02:42 pm by shoruke »
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


  • Bay Watcher
  • !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! Come smell the ashes
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That was a rather dwarven turn. (Infact so were the previous two turns too)

so Iv'e edcided that not floodign the fortress permarnetnly is impossible
beacuse sthe olny parts up top that I can cavein are ovr the walls of the water
(it maeks sencse)
and the water flows into a wlake s I can't tdrain it. sruffy. You did this. I tihnk. Be prowd of your incirrigibble failure. You did a greate job makign sure I catn't unsdo your hard work. Yuo monster.
Doesn't anyone notice the lever straight next to the cause of problem noted with something along the lines of "water flushing. nearby gates"? You know, the single lever that caused this mess and which can just be pulled again to stop all the flooding?
The weredwarf Urist McUrist has come! A bearded drunkard twisted into minute form. It is crazed for booze and socks. Its unwashed beard is tangled. It needs alcohol to get through the working day and has gone without a drink for far too long. Now you will know why you fear the mines.

Et tu, Urist


  • Bay Watcher
  • There's a Prinny in Fire Emblem, dood!?
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I'm too drunk to notice a crocodile between me and the ground floor. Bit e me.
And also a troll.
And a demon.
...I'm drunk.

Also, I'm slightly tempted to start that turn again and decontruct that lever, and replace my dffd link with a new one where the lever is deconstructed. Just because you said that.
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


  • Bay Watcher
  • !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! Come smell the ashes
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Also, I'm slightly tempted to start that turn again and decontruct that lever, and replace my dffd link with a new one where the lever is deconstructed. Just because you said that.
Not if I get there first
Might take a SHORT turn later tonight if I can get a bit of booze. Only some stout at the moment
The weredwarf Urist McUrist has come! A bearded drunkard twisted into minute form. It is crazed for booze and socks. Its unwashed beard is tangled. It needs alcohol to get through the working day and has gone without a drink for far too long. Now you will know why you fear the mines.

Et tu, Urist


  • Bay Watcher
  • !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! Come smell the ashes
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Drank a fwe peer. Beers a d should be ready for this
Buggrit! Buggrem! Millenium hand and shrimp, I'll do it damn it and save the fort from myself

Darn the reclaiming process is slow on my laptop
What will we take? Militia? Dorfinators against the demon and aquawolves?

Nah. grapes and plunpelmets. plenty of GRapes. We will brew wine. Seems suitable
Camels? One-humped ones? hmm..
nah. more booze and cats with those points
Hmm.. we will need a bookkeeper/broker/manager/generally all but useless excuse for a dorfg for sorting our decade worth of random dorf crap littering the place.
What skills does a broker need? I chose profisient liar. Seems suitable
Oh, and we are called the "Drownedlake the Disenboweled Nightmare of Demons"

The lever should be somewhere here
..under this giant pile of dorven rubbish

found it. wait, are the both drainage gates open? explains why only halfd of the water entered the fortress and we are not entirely flooded. well, both of them have controll levers STRAIGHT NEDXDT TO THEM!
pulling them

someone had pulled the fortress collapse auto-destruction lever and the whole fort should habve collapsed but isw alive onlu because it is hanging from a peach tree bracnh that wasnt there a few turns ago!
What a pleasant surprise it could be to a confused woodcutter when the fort collapses in front of him after he fells the tree...
The whole dfort was saved by a single peach tree!

Job done

Nowe we just need to seal that oxpecker. the flooding will sort itself out. hoepfully
Caverns? What caverns. I see no caverns nor breaches into them. Nope. Not there. Not my problem

WAIT! the fort wasnt about to collapse. A DAMN TOWERCAP grew inside the staircase and was supporting the fort

close enuff
It's not a breach. tis a "feature". Yep, lets call it a feature

everyone is too horrified to build

horrified? of what? theres nothing down there but dank darkness and hints of crundles.
I have already caused the fort to crumble twice or so because i entered the lower parts of hte fort nd caverns and wasn't excessively carefull about it..
well, if it happened twice it can't possibly happen a third time. nope
OOH! A downward passage. The demonhole

Should we get rid of the water in the dickroom?

aww dorf up damn it! the caverns are harmless. it is all in your imagination

Made a large glass of white russian. wait, arent white russians usally about 10% vodka and a bit of coffee liquier?
well, i suppose that 1/3 of vodka and 1/3 liquer are acceptable. might aswell skip the milk. or coffee.

the place is starting to rot..
miasma everywhere
that lier dorf  brought? truns out it ws naryar. he is now the concentrated noble dorf who nbever does anything
we appear to have trolls..
the troll interrupted bobnova. troll is experiencing mortal fear
that should teach them that they are not welcome here
you came to the wrong neighbourhood troll

removing stairway to the lowest levels. would take too long to wait for the mto drain from water and seal all the holes.
plus there are demons down there. i think

troll is unconcious and both naryar and bobnova passed ouyt from over excertion after bashing the troll for a fw days

dogsjust butchered 3 troggolytes that tried to enter the fort
nope. make that A dog. and only 2 dead troggolytes. one barely alive
more trogolytes

4 trogs dead, one half-dead troll remains. a fw dorfs too
more trogs coming in
more. we are losing
bobnova is running aroun d the caverns, hitting trogs

4 trogs inside. we are going to lose.
removed militia jobs. fly you fools!
kamin has fallen

3/4 dorfs sleeping.
bbnova, stop being a hero. atleast wehen you are unarmed.
well, he won
wait, thats not ven a bed! thats a dead quarry bush!
everyone is just sleeping while the trolls party downstairs

HURRAH! all the invider trolls and trogoltes are dead. only a fwe mostly harmess ones remaining in the cavers
a bloody wombat just walking around like it ownes the place
game runnign so slow..

poured a glass of hazelnut baileys i got as a gift. never really cared for mild tasting drinks but it is ok
atleast when you have a large glass of it

3 skeepung sleeping, one ignoring everything
if we only had migrantgs...
why is one of the dorfs revfusing to do ANYTHING?
oh.. lost the ability to stand or grasp on either hand and nobody around to help him...
erm.. shit happens?
i think htat they are ALL waiting for diagnosis or someone to carry them to a bed.. they are useless until migrants

BYUT THE FORT DID NOT FALL! WE SDTAND TALL.. well,atlest lie on our backs relatively proudly

late summer. migrants soon i hope. then we can seal the cavers
playing nethack while waiting
dorfs are starting to dehydrate due to lack of caretakesrs
the wopmbat lost interest in our courtyard and buggered off
all this flowing water is killing my laptoip. should ve managable if the lake filled up
giant cave spiders appear. kill jabberers

in other news, everyone starved in their sleep
only bobnova remains
The lake is nearly full. only 2 more z-levels
åerhaås Perhaps migrants soon. Before bobnova kicks the bucket

hmm.. i wonder whats that strange thing littering hte enterence drawbridge
<grown orange wood harp>
BLOODY ELVES! littering the place

You can't drown me, I will not sink
not now, not ever, no never...

..a diplomat left unhappy
and the the fort crumbled
Reclaim with some militia with masonry to seal the caverns. then the fort should be survivable. (though not functional.. wouldnt want to make it too easy)
Embarking with 5 hammerdorfs and 2 axedorfs with skills in masonry.
will seal the troglodytehole once and for all. (or not. Most likely not)

wait, what`´`?

murky pool in teh mioddle of the first floor filled again due to reclaim. damn it.
4/7 of the dorfs are kiond of.. drowning
amphibian man spearman?

The fort was overrun by aquamen during the 2 months it too to reclaim?!?
dorfs didnt give a shit and hyst walked past it to fetch weapons

the aqyuaman is just standing there...

what the fuck kamin? stip climbing the towercaps'
one dead olm

trying to redo stockpiles.
they are crap but they are better than nothing. too drunk
beds for hospital

Hurrah! the caravan forgot their stuff in our depot when the fort crumbled
blind cave ogres killing merchants in the caverns..
fort falling int he middle of caravan does starange things to reclaims


just 3 walls to go and we area sealed
except for flying monsers. we have those water drainage pipes that can let htem in
THE FORT IS FINALLY SURVIVABLEAGAIN! not fucntional though. only hammerdorfs with masonry

we are ..mostl drained, well, nobody wants to use those rooms anyway
scruffy drowned
noithbing much is happening, camulus is rendering fat and bobnova is sowing his seed. naryar has been in permasleep after the olm
kamin and shork are now nobles. kamin shold be able to heal camulus. what is the worst that could happen when a hammerdwarf starts doing surgery?=

urp. I think that I have drank enough fgor today
kamin swimming around
DAMN TIt When ever the water´level is low they think that htey an walk accrsops it
all bacause of the water drainage

we have trogs again

seems like a few walls unfinsihed

hammerKamin diagnosed that Camulus needs surgery on his left hand, thumb, nail and thumb, left hand, skin...

lamin decided that camulus needs more surgery

adamantine strand sewn into thumb with hands covered in tears

im sure that he wills be the hearlthiest dorgf in the fort after all thise treatement
a dorf drowned. agian

Grape harvest! We have wine!
mgirants shoudl arrive soon so will stop playing. Actually want to stop but must endure

The fort is livable! No beasts, demons or trolls. Non-flyers can't access the fort via vcaverns. Only a few rooms are flooding.
huge success
it's a happy little place full of happy little midgets butchering killing troglodytes

trying to upload save tonight
« Last Edit: May 16, 2015, 09:06:41 am by Scruffy »
The weredwarf Urist McUrist has come! A bearded drunkard twisted into minute form. It is crazed for booze and socks. Its unwashed beard is tangled. It needs alcohol to get through the working day and has gone without a drink for far too long. Now you will know why you fear the mines.

Et tu, Urist


  • Bay Watcher
  • Master of the randomly generated
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  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Reason you couldn't go to the door because it was flooded was... I too tikd the shoruke to demolish one of tge door. he didnt get to it before i gave up. so when you told him to remive the itger door... he did, which drowbed tge itger one i designated earlier.


  • Bay Watcher
  • !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! Come smell the ashes
    • View Profile
The weredwarf Urist McUrist has come! A bearded drunkard twisted into minute form. It is crazed for booze and socks. Its unwashed beard is tangled. It needs alcohol to get through the working day and has gone without a drink for far too long. Now you will know why you fear the mines.

Et tu, Urist


  • Bay Watcher
  • There's a Prinny in Fire Emblem, dood!?
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Can someone briefly transcribe the history of this fort?
When was it founded, how long it took to first fall, maybe some of the major accomplishments in that time, and how many reclaims have been done?
I actually lost count of which reclaim we're on.
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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I had something like that in mind but I just got home from work and I have to be up in like seven hours. Will try to re-read the history of the waterfort and compile the turns tomorrow, unless someone else is very eager to do work.

Darn the reclaiming process is slow on my laptop
What will we take? Militia? Dorfinators against the demon and aquawolves?

Nah. grapes and plunpelmets. plenty of GRapes. We will brew wine. Seems suitable
Camels? One-humped ones? hmm..
nah. more booze and cats with those points
Hmm.. we will need a bookkeeper/broker/manager/generally all but useless excuse for a dorfg for sorting our decade worth of random dorf crap littering the place.
What skills does a broker need? I chose profisient liar. Seems suitable
Oh, and we are called the "Drownedlake the Disenboweled Nightmare of Demons"
Also... that part about the broker. It killed me.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2015, 08:57:44 pm by Taupe »


  • Bay Watcher
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in other news, everyone starved in their sleep
only bobnova remains
OMFG I was the last one?! That's awesome!
how do I lizard Werewolf
ther seems to be a little gecko problem somehwere.
O gawd, drank all ten beers. And 3/5 of this at dinner.  I'm dronk.


  • Bay Watcher
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Double single dwarf challenge ! Holy shit ! This fort keeps getting better and better !

It must be the water. Or the corpses. Or the miasma.
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